January 14, 2008

107th - Bigby's Nursery

Photo [below] - Before I get started. I had to share this. I had decided I wanted to know how one would go about inducing a coma. As I was typing it into my Google search bar, it decided to help out and give some suggestions. Suffice to say, never found out about how to induce a coma. However, if you're unhappy in your marriage, this article: How to Drive your Husband to a Heart Attack may come in handy. It's essentially a 'nag-them-till-they-croak' guide.

I decided I should blog. It's about bloody time. I like blogging. Mainly because it vaguely feeds my narcissism but also because I think it keeps me from thinking too much. My MP3 player is dead and I use that in my car to listen to music and audiobooks and the radio sucks most of the time. This pretty much leaves me alone with my thoughts. I don't do so well about that. So far I've driven for like an hour without any noise to keep distracted and I've had fantasies about taking one of those cork bottle opener things [the little wooden thing with a roudy poke thing] and screwing it into my eye and popping out an eye ball just to have something else to focus on.

In other news, ten minutes ago, I FINALLY finished this book Caboose gave me to read. Complicity by Ian Banks. It took me ages to read. Not because it was horrifyingly boring but just because the beginning kind goes up and down and the parts I was interested in kept going away and the usual of me getting distracted with other books.

Photo [above] - These are my Yoshi slippers! MY YOSHI SLIPPERS! They're faaking awesome. I did spray some of that eucalyptus foot spray stuff in there just because they are really warm and I don't want my dinosaurs smelling like a dinosaurs. I got there as a Christmas present from Judy. They're awesome. That reminds me, I should really get on my Christmas/New Year's shopping. I think the malls have thinned out enough now for me to venture in. In addition, if I wait any longer I'll hit Valentine's Day shopping and nobody wants to deal with that.

Photo [below] - This is the cleanest my desk has ever been [most likely, ever will be]. No, there is nothing to be done about the cables at the bottom - yet. Also, look at how pretty my new monitor is. Ani was over on Saturday and she helped with the getting rid of crap off the desk and I probably wouldn't have sifted through all that junk if she wasn't around. I would have either left it or swept it all into that garbage in one graceful sweep. So, yes. Thanks Ani.

Also, I finally put up a poster in my room. It's my very cool, very beat up Batman poster. The other walls are still rather bare. I need to get started on that mural bit but it has to wait till after Bigby's room is done.

I'm going through a phase of some sort. I'm not sure what it is, but all my phases start with some level of anal-retentive cleaning and me being pissy. So, I'm going through a phase. I've been cleaning my room. That picture is an example. No need to think about the rest of the room yet. It's going fairly well so far.

I am missing a lot of stuff. Things of special note are books. Books of special note at my hardcover of Good Omens and my Sandman vol 4. If anyone knows where those are, please let me know. I'm going to cry otherwise.

Friday was Abbas's birthday. I don't have any pictures of it to post because I don't know where Nadia put them but a bunch of us hung out around the house. But yea, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBAS! I still haven't picked up his birthday present and should really get on that. It'll be late. Big surprise. There will be like a more official plan later on. Possibly mid-week. I'll keep people posted.

So, been watching a fair amount of movies lately. Here's my rundown. Juno - Friggin awesome. Absolutely hilarious and George-Michael is in it. You can't beat that. I don't know his actual name. I may have a bit of a crush on Ellen Paige. Before anyone says it, she's twenty-one. Asses. Sweeny Todd - I loved it. People seem to be hating on it. It wasn't very melodic but I don't think that would have worked very well. The 'My Friend' song is awesome! Pirates 3 [The Preggy hadn't seen it] - Such a let down. But the insanity was funny. Barbosa is insane. So it Jack. Elizabeth looked like a man. Calypso was started to look hot in comparison, black teeth and all. MORE STEAM! Eastern Promises - I liked it. Is Aragon capable of making bad movies? I don't think so. That's all I can remember.

I've decided what Bigby's nursery is going to look like. I'm going with a superhero theme. I need to look into teh effects of some colors but the plan as it stands is thus. Red Wall - Batman. Blue Wall - Superman. Yellow Wall - Wonderwoman. Purple or Green Wall - The Joker or The Incredible Hulk. I haven't decided between those two. On one hand we need some Marvel representation, on the other hand we need the boy to have some villiany in his life, even when I'm not around. Also, along the bottom 2 - 3 feet of the perimeter, I wanna do something there so when he starts crawling around, there's stuff at his height to keep him occupied. Ideas?



Mr. Horse said...

I gave you my ideas. Hulk was my idea. Don't take credit for it!

sixth lie said...

yes, the hulk thing is/was sunita's idea. i didn't mean to discredit anyone.

Anonymous said...

villians...i vote maleficent. She's my favourite!

Anonymous said...

I want those slippers. I have to go buy them now... Maleficent is a good idea, she is very cool. But neither DC nor Marvel. But who cares! Throw in some Disney!

Mystique though if you must stick to comic villains. Oooh, or Yumiko (sp.). But neither are really big villains...

Anonymous said...

hehe... show some different variations that will possibly leave him confused in kindergarten story time.
plus he needs some more nickname background.

...maybe throw some red riding hood...
now i feel bad for the little dude- this will mess with him.