January 22, 2008

108th - Photos and 2 videos from PA

Greetings folks!

So, I'm late on blogging. I never really did get around to that Sunday blog. Oh well. Here's the weekend blog. Mainly just pictures. Trip was awesome! We did some dinner, some visiting Adidi [no photographs. you're welcome Adidi], some shopping, and tons of driving. Enjoy.

First Photo from Abbas's Birthday Present. He wasn't aware he had one yet and I wanted to play around with it before it's handed over and I'm not allowed to play with it anymore.

Right before we're leaving. Nad does not want to be awake or photographed right now. First photo of the trip and we're on our way! It's roughly 630am now.

It looks like someone ugly exposed themselves to me while I was in Walgreens. Not the case. I was just cold. Very cold. I look very unhappy.

This is the cleanest our car looked during this trip. I really wish I had taken a picture at the end of the trip. It was filthy. It wasn't even blue anymore.

Mome drove all the way there. This is what was happening during most of that drive. Driving, sleeping, sleeping, half-asleep, looking-mildly-homicidal. In my defense, I say cross legged the entire eight and a half hour drive because Preggy had leaned and pushed her seat back.

Mom trying to kill all of us.

We arrived and the lounging began instantly in varying degrees. Guess what Nomi is doing.

I think they missed each other.

I lost my keys in this grocery store while visiting Adidi but more importantly, why is deodorant 14.35 a pound?

Abbas opens his birthday present. Goes from looking evil, to surprised/offended, to very happy about the case.

A Titanic moment Nome didn't want any part in. I think she's talking about herself right now.

The Nomin Monster.

For those who inquired - Yes, I got plenty of sleep. Even while we had visitors. That's Mavish by the way. More on her later.

Abbas' butt.

White t-shirt. You asked for it. I delivered. This is like first thing in the morning.

Mome taught me how to tie my tie, yet again. He was an ass about it this time though. He showed me, like he normally does and then opened it so I had to do it myself.

The Tie bit. Now on Video.

Mome took this picture. He likes it. Me not so much.

This is Mome losing his shit at a Telemarketer only to realize that he's yelling at the door buzzer phone thing. Telemarketers beware.

Hahaha. Bustard Guy!

I know it's cheesy but it has to be done once in a while.

The Liberty Bell Centre. Yet again.

The look like they're concentrating awfully hard.

I find this more creepy than inspiring. It's one of the displays along the path to the bell.

Me and Abbas in front of previously mentioned creepy display.

Sorry. Forgot to rotate the image. Not going back now. That is a liberty-bell Jello/candy mold I am pointing at.

I think Mome is tryign to tell us something.

Something you don't see everyday. The underside of the Liberty Bell. That's the spider thing they mention to get the crack to not spread and I'm guessing the wires and blue tape are part fo the security system. Who'd want to steal the Liberty Bell? It's broken.

Posing at the Liberty Bell. POSERS!

Outside the thing's which's name I forgot. They signed some document here. It was important at some point.


We're going to Hell. I know we are. Mome hasn't yet expected this. Abbas is going down by association.


BWAHAHAH!! I guess you had to be there.

I know she looks surprised. She's not. And Mavish. I said there would be more on her later.

The next Splenda spokesperson.

I like that sweater. I have good taste. That's the only reason this photo is here. So I can say that.

Nadia is a narcissistic. She puts my narcissism to shame. She "suggested" I post this photo.


Nome looking very serious about his girly drink.

If I came in a can - Let's try that again. If I was to be packaged in a can, that's it would say on it. Not the 8.3 fluid ounces bit. Jerks...

Mome's straw Photo.
My straw photo.

Sixth, the Red Bull Connoisseur.

Look at how happy Abbas is. Mavish looked pissed though.

Brains!! Mome made a good point. Digital Cameras gave way to people photographing stuff they would never waste real film on. Where would the internet be without it.
Abbas is suspicious of people who bring him free cake. Sadly, that's not free cake. That's the dessert I ordered that they stuck a candle in!

This is probably the best photo of the whole trip. Next to me crying, of course.

You just need to see this. You better see this. It took like ninety minuted to upload this pile of crap video!

It's Had and Nome. Preggy is starting to look very Pregnant. Oh yeah, and Mome's 'that-guy' pose.

Had and Mavish. I'm sure I'm butchering the spelling of her name. Anyway, Mavish drives a green Camry. She used to work with Had at PNC. Had no longer works there.

This place is friggin AWESOME! I will definitely visit Adidi again unless I find one of these in Toronto which I've been told there is one. TO BREAKFAST!!

To Bed, Bath & Beyond!!

At Bed, Bath & Beyond! Mome very happy about his Shower Radio. He doesn't get enough Radio in his life.

Had reading at the bookstore.

Abbas confused at the bookstore.

The drive home begins. Look at me, driving all proper. Believe me, this didn't last very long.

Nad instantly assumed the position.

A few hours later...


SAME TUNNEL! Incidentally, last photo.

In conclusion. One. Always be wary of people who use the phrase, "in conclusion". They're about to start all over again. Two. The Charger is a medium amount of fun. The exterior does not make up for the crappy interior. It doesn't do snow very well. I miss the Mazda6.

And there you have it. The end of the Trip. Well, the trip ended with me going to pick up my car from the Mechanic only to find my newly replaced tired stabbed and slashed twenty or thirty times.



Anonymous said...

funny pictures. you guys take a lot of pics in a very short amount of time. that muffin really did look like brains. that was a muffin right? by the way, you're disgusting for drinking red bull and tabasco sauce together. I'm relatively glad you survived it though.

Anonymous said...

u drank redbull and tabasco together?? it's bad enough that u drink that swill-piss red bull ...u had to mix it with chilli sauce? Retard!! I hope it burnt like hell fire while exiting!!!

Nice pics... i miss all u guys!! And Hadi is looking very preggy which is very exciting and im all happy for her! I am!!

Also that pic with mome n abbas in front of the Bible House..did u see the woman in that picture? She looks offended!! hahaha!!

BTW... ur charger isnt blue... u colour-blind bat!!

Ok... i miss the bickering... call me sometime and we shall resume the bickering!!!

PS: i stole a pic of u from this bunch... it's gonna end up somewhere..watch out for it. No..this isnt a mean stunt..i like the pic! :-)

sixth lie said...

"hope it burnt like hell fire"

you're a good friend, shiv.

Unknown said...

ive been inspired to go ape shit on the next telemarketer that calls me

you kept saying 'more on her later' but you never actually said anythin else (i dont think)

Sarah Q. said...

he only mentioned her green car. i guess that was the more... later lol. That was a horrible "more later" zaffar!