February 4, 2008

109th - Mini Assignment

photo [below] - I don't know why, but this just looks a little off doesn't it? I offer the following questions: 1. Why is everyone looking in the same general direction but different elevations. 2. Why does that brown dude in the middle look so proud? 3. Why is the only white guy covered up? 4. Why does he look like a cannibal? 5. Why is 'Flexibi..' cut? 6. Does this main page inspire you to buy FoxConn products? [The make motherboards and stuff]I’ve discovered that Baklava and Cockroaches smells pretty much the same. The building I am currently doing a project in has a Cockroach infestation. It’s kind of gross. It has a sickly sweet smell in the high concentration areas. I can only assume that it’s the cockroaches. The smell is very similar to baklava. You decide if there is a possibility of shared ingredients, perhaps.

A small tiny Assignment for everyone: Over the next few days, think about this. Best/Worst/Useless/Funniest/Saddest/Inappropriate/Gross/Etc moment [Movies only. No TV, Radio, etc] moment in Cinema and send me a small email at sixth.lie@sympatico.ca. I wanna compile a list for my next blog.

Example: Inappropriately Funny Moment in Cinema – In the beginning of Meet Joe Black where Brad Pitt’s human character almost gets hit by a car and then does get hit by car and then in midair by a van. I was on the floor laughing in complete hysterics, it hurt.

In other news, I watched my first complete football game last night. Kind of sucks that New England lost. I wanted to see them whoop New York. I enjoy is when the underdog wins, but there’s a satisfaction to watching the favorite stomp out lesser teams.



Mr. Horse said...

I have a mini assignment for you - GET YOUR OSCAR PICKS IN! You're always dead last to send them in and one year I couldn't accept them because you sent them too late, this year get them in on time!

Shiplass said...

I nearly cried when New England lost. Tears were welling in the back of my eyes. I shall email you the most amazing moments in theatres of all time! WOOHOO!!
You had questions? Please, ask away.
Also just fyi, I was pretty much rolling on the floor over the comments you left with the above picture. Especialy the part about the only white guy being hidden and looking like a canabal...evil whiteys...and I can say that because I am one. Ha.

Anonymous said...

thank u for ruining baklava for me!!! U jerk!!
U're a cockroach! haha!

ok ok... all that aside. CAN U PLEASSE GIVE ME A DAMN CALL?? YET AGAIN...u've saved picking up my stuff for the VERRY last minute!

"WHYYY? WHy u do this to me, Dimi??"

Sarah Q. said...

strangly enough... iqbal has this new thing where he has started to call people on the road he is unpleased with 'cockroach' but he pronounces it ka-ka-roach ... strange but sharable lol.

Will get to that movie thing... eventually. lol

Anonymous said...

He probably says it like that as an omage to Tony Montana from Scarface, "you ka-ka-roach, say hello to mah little friend!"

Anonymous said...



(get on it!)