March 7, 2008

110th - hit and miss

Today's pictures brought to you by random hanging out in my room and the letter Z: It's pronounced Zed, you hillbillies!

I woke on what I thought was Friday morning and decided to make myself breakfast. I made two eggs, which went fine. Then I decided I want some paratas [it's like a flat bread] to go with my eggs, so i made the first one, mildly burnt but it was alright. Then i made as the second one. Instead of reaching for some gee [cooking oil]], I reached for the Sunlight [dish washing liquid]. It set off the fire alarm and the house instantly smelt like burnt lemons. I couldn't help it, had to at least try it. Ew.

Then I had to rush to work because I was running later due to some issues with my car. Stupid car. I'm working nights now, by the way. That also explains why I'm home right now. So I rush to work. Have this killer headache. Don't have the greatest outlook on the rest of the night.

By the way, when you work nights, you never really get proper sleep [and I barely do anyway] so you're always tired. The only thing keeping me going is that it's the last work day of the week and after this, I go home and do the whole relaxing thing.

I find out around 10ish that it is in fact not Friday, but friggin THURSDAY!! So now i'm in a horrible foul mood. The night didn't improve after that.

photos [below] - pictures of balls.

photos [below] - menke and lucky.
Oh, so this is kind of big. A few days ago, I lost everything I had on my computers EVER. All my personal junk is gone along with school stuff and art projects and photos and so on. All backups are gone too and it's all non-recoverable. You think I'd be freaking about this a little more, but I'm really not. You would think me of all people would have the biggest hissy about something like this.

photo [below] - iqbal pissed of mome.

photos [below] - pigging out.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYs to Andy who's now older as well as blonder, Hadia who's also gotten older and rounder, and lastly Saddaf who's turned twenty-three.

photo [below] - this isn't the first time nadia's orange was stolen from [below] - mome being gross
photos [below] - the siqs

photos [below] - weirdos.

photos [below] - guess who?

photos [below] - more loungin.This past weekend I got a bunch of the you're-too-hard-to-shop-for-so-say-what-you-want-or-get-nothing phone calls/emails. So here I am posting a few things off the top of my head. I think this kinda ruins some of the fun. By the way, I found out about one of my birthday gifts and it is friggin awesome! You have no idea how excited I am about it. I should mention, none of you actually have to get me anything. By the by, celebrations will possibly be in April, if any.

The list: Futureshop Giftcards [for purchase of new camera] - ROM membership - books/comics [Preacher, Ultimate Spiderman, Flight, Gods behaving Badly, Spiderwick, etc] - Mario Galaxy - weird dictionaries - a minilop [must respond to anthony hopkins] - a 65-year-old turtle - a onezie or jammers if you will - r4 chip for my DS - that pig thing that you smash on the ground and it turns intop good and then reforms itself like the terminator - clothes. That's pretty much everything I can think of. If you're buying me a gift, you should know me well enough to come up with other stuff, so this is a good reference for people with no idea.

photos [below] - BUTTs below.
I should point out, this is now Monday morning that I'm continuing this. So, weekend. Horrible storm just in time to ruin the weekend. Summary. Had a very mind-bogglingly offensive dinner [I'm going to blog about it], Andy came back for a visit from the Australias, Wings. I think that about covers it.




Unknown said...

how did you confuse Sunlight with oil??

Anonymous said...

way to put up pics of my stuffed animals, u geek!! And that stitch IS mine!! Dont steal him, now!
How bored were u guys with the random lounging pics!!

Also... u look haggard and like uve lost too much weight. Why??

Ure not buying a new camera! This is what i mean when i say "u waste money on stuff u dont reallly need". U have a camera. use that! It's awesome. Just like mine :-)

Shiplass said...

I laughed. Out loud. Nice pictures!
AHAHAHA! And in reply to your comment, most people join for patriotic reasons, yes. They are allowed to protest - its freedom of speech. You can do whateverthefrick you want in this country and call it freedom of speech - be it bad or good.

sixth lie said...

it should be pointed out, as mome did, that at the time of the hanging out in my room, the house was empty and yet, we were still all hanging out in my tiny room.

also, shiv - i am collecting for my camera. COLLECTING.

Anonymous said...

ok, why is sarah bajo so very excited in ALL these pictures?! lol its adorable no question, but at the same time, very questionable indeed (as my one eyebrow raises... in question form) =P

oh! and the murderous shots? iqu bhai... oranges should be afraid... very very afraid...

Unknown said...

yes oranges should be afraid!! apples better not test me either

Anonymous said...

WHY are u collecting for a camera u WILL NOT be getting? huh huhhhh???

sixth lie said...

I'll be getting it later. I'd like to have the funds to do so. I see is as added motivation.

Mr. Horse said...

The teeth pics were gross.

What happened to all the stuff on your computer and your backups?

Anonymous said...

You're so gross for still eating those eggs anyway. Ewwwwww. Seriously, how bout next time looking at what you're putting in your food? At least you didn't burn the house down though. Bravo!
ps - I want to hear more about the offensive dinner. And the wings with Andy.

Anonymous said...

hey Sarah, Iqbal bhai...... if ure so set on murder so r u gonna spend the rest of ur life hehe. at least iqbal bhais venting his murderous tendencies on an inanimate orange...poor guy hehe... iqbal bhai..RUN!!!!!! sarahs dangerous!!!!ehehhe

Sarah Q. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Q. said...

Dangerous is right! Be afraid! and no im not talking to fruits and vegetables like Iqbal... i mean real people... like iqbal! and now Mona! since she dissed me just now. lol!

And you know what... i honestly seriously do not remember being so excited. I was actually pretty normal. Why i look all pink and excited is quite a question mark. lol. But i look damn good guy! Even in my grungy grossness! I look wicked!!! lol.

And that makes comment # 12!
Not sure why that was exciting either. it just is.

Anonymous said...

Me punching Iqbal in the face = BEST PICTURE EVER!!!

I'm sorry my teeth gross people out so much, but I felt I needed to share whats going in there.

"Why is sarah bujo so excited in those pics" Have'nt you been around Sarah your whole life? If she's not laughing her ass off all the time then run like hell b/c shits about to go down.

Those pics are classic us just having too much time on our hands and a digital camera that lets us take pics we would never have taken with an old school one.


asmi said...

awwww i'm not there!!!


Mr. Horse said...

Update already!

Anonymous said...

hehe .... im scared!!!!!! lol