June 17, 2008

114th - Kampf um das Bett [Updated]

Before we go on, I'd like to take this moment to thank Sarah and Nadia for violating my bed by leaving their nasty and used nail polish stuff on my bed. Cotton pads with smudged nail polish and what have you. Also, for spilling tea on my bed sheets and doing a horrible job of cleaning it up. You're lucky I don't actually sleep there. Otherwise, I'd be pissed.

Every couple of months, The Battle for the Bed takes place and it is due to this event that every couple of months, I end up sleeping on my floor in my room for about a week. This is that week. Here's a photo of where I've been sleeping lately. It's actually kind of comfortable.

photo [above] - Yup, this is where I've been sleeping. Fun story, see the green Quran on the second shelf. Yea, A copy of Lust by Simon Blackburn was sitting on top of it. Not sure how appropriate that was. It's all been taken care of since then.

Fun News - Some of you may remember me bitching up a storm about how I couldn't for the love of all things cheesy, figure out how to get music on to my iPhone. Friggin thing drove me up the wall. Wanted to smash it on the floor, put it in a blender, shoot it into outer space, set it free down stream in a canoe, perform the opposite of an exorcism on it, gift it to the Dali Llama to see how quickly he loses his temper, and other such horrific things that would result me coughing up another ridiculous amount of money for a new phone. So yes, I finally got it to work. Not the way intended by those assholes at Apple sufficiently so that I can get what I want on there. Good start to the day

[Updated] I'm adding this paragraph in because Shiv msged and commented on how useless and uninteresting this blog was. So here's the reasons why this blog is useless. Nothing interesting has been happening here. Momin, Asmar, Sacha, Haider and Shivs are all missing. Amaan is gay and MIA as are his peoples. Con's on a clubbing/drinking/drugs sort of binge lately and that's not my scene. Judy's cool. Ani's parents are being a little weird and I don't know where Andrew has fucked off to lately. So yea, this blog is as interesting as my life has been. I go to work, I eat, I go home, I paint, I watch a movie, I sleep on my floor. That pretty much sums it up. Oh, and I've been sit for like three weeks now. In conclusion: Eat me, Shiv.

Night shifts at work begin tomorrow. Looking forward to that. Throws your entire week into disarray. You still wake up at all the normal times but because of the time you've been falling asleep, you kind of zombie around the house until you go back to work and then repeat. That'll be going on for the next month or so. Look forward to me being weirder than ever before.

By the way, I need an easel. Really badly. I've been working on a painting for Bigby's room [I'll post pictures once it's done. It's so adorable you could vomit] and it's on the floor and it keeps picking up things like dust and hairs and it's really hard to hover over areas while working areas in the middle. Hadia, HINT HINT.

Ending off with this photo I stumbled upon while rummaging my computer. Contest. Guess what Caboose is looking at. I guessed her parents doing something non-parental like.

Be good.


June 9, 2008

113th - Like all other musicals, but Evil!

Let's get the cuteness out of the way. Here's sleeping Bigs. This photo by baby standards is old. He looks different now. Today's photos are brought to you by my iPhone. Photographing random shit since 2008.

Evil Dead, the musical - Went to go see it on Friday night with Judy and her friends from I don't know where. Show was wickedly hilarious. Her friends were kind of awkward but nice enough. The show was wicked, definitely worth seeing [especially since tickets aren't all that expensive] and it's not conventional theater/musical fare. It's more chill and relaxed. I wanna go check it out again and get splatter seats next time.
I am currently enjoying my favorite afternoon at work snack. A vanilla parfait. Go ahead, I'll wait a few seconds while Momin chuckles to himself. Jerk...

Photo [above] - Look at the size of the can of Red Bull in my hand!

Lately, I've discovered Mountain Amp - The Red One. Which is pretty awesome. It tastes like liquefied candy with the most bitter aftertaste ever. The only downside is, if you do happen to throw up about twenty minutes after drinking it, everything is redish. The people who see you vomit will be more concerned than needed.
photo [above] - this is one of them accidental photos. My cell phone camera switched on for some reason and my cheek against the touchscreen took this photo. If you're not noticing it, you suck.

Faraz is married - Well he was married last week but now he's done done. So congratulations to Faraz and new wife, Shazia. None of who's relations and well-wishers read this blog. I was invited to Walima [The last day] and I must say, I was so impressed with the way it was organized and planned out. I'm guessing more of the kudos goes to Planet Arubia. Side note - Faraz would be Planet Arubia's older brother.

photo [above] - This butt belongs to...photo [above] - This guy. True story.

You would think with Mome and Shiv, both out of the country I'd be elated and free to gallivant in my own crapulence and do and buy whatever I want. Tis not the case. I miss them! As much as I can have entire conversations with them without them needing to be present, it's just better when they actually are. No, this is not some sort of snub to my mates here. You're all good too. So, Shiv and Mome...

photo [above] - That's for you two for leaving me here all alone and lonesome.

Wow. Spoke about feelingd and everything. Upon review, this blog sucked. I think I'm losing my touch. Ending off with more cuteness.
photo [above] - I lied. Ending off with the gayest couple known to man.

I was at Kelsey's with Caboose [That chick giving Shiv and Mome the finger] and I see these guys to the right of me. They were like this for like 20 minutes.

Be good or you know, fail epically.


June 2, 2008

112th - Not to Blog

In what scientists are calling, "Pretty Gay", it's been discovered that blogging makes me sad. DISCLAIMER. We're about to talk about feelings. Yes, my blog is light hearted and entertaining and on a whole different level of awesome than lesser blogs. However, behind the scenes, there are a ton of blogs I write that I don't post because they tend to get more serious or personal or you know, about various bodily functions and fluids. This is why I sometimes don't blog for weeks at a time because all the stuff I deleted out of the post is now stuck in my head.

I've recently been accused of speaking with a tone of 'know-it-all'-ism. Apparently, I have a tone when I speak. Is there any truth to this? This saddens me. I'd like to think I give off a vague humble and shy sort of projection...what? No takers?

Two [Three now] days ago, I had a Total Perspective Moment. It was kind of strange and made me feel at the brink of anxiety attack and then i threw up [food poisoning, not anxiety] and then it was over and I felt awesome. It wasn't so much the world telling me I'm awesome it put things into, you guess it, total perspective. It was a good think. I feel motivated and my mind feels clearer than it has in months and I'm feeling happier than I have in a whiles now. I don't think that's the point of perspective moments.

This is a rather picture-less and uneventful blog - I know. I apologize. This was just to let you know, I'm alive and relatively well. More well than I have been in a while now. I shall be blogging properly later this week, possibly after watching the Evil Dead musical this Friday.

Bye, for now.
