August 20, 2008

120th - Andy, read this Blog!

Nadia enters her room.
Momin: *singing* "you're so gay, and you don't even like boys..."*
Nadia: Is that Andy's song?
Me: Wow, Nadia. That was cold. Andy just got burnt from thousands of kilometers away.

This happened a few weeks ago while me and Mome were trying to install a new door knob and discovering how there are way to many "That's what she said!" jokes to be had in such an event, and it was way too funny to not write about. Andy got punked and he wasn't even here for it. At least you know we still think about you.

I was bored and rifling through facebook photos. You'll note that when I get really really REALLY bored and have eliminated all other options of entertainment/time pass, I go through facebook albums and comment on people's photos. I feel compelled to share this with you. Coloured contacts look awful! I mean, you could be a very pretty girl with nice everything and then we get your eyes and see these blue, zombie dead eyes staring at you and you're suddenly wishing that The great of Sauron would appear because it's less frightening [and lively looking] and it ruins everything. Who do you think is falling for it? Also, why is there such an opposition to brown eyes? Because they're a common eye colour? That makes looking like the undead more desirable? I think it's far more impressive to have someone think you have pretty brown eyes than say, "Oh my GOD! You have little squinty eyes! [Ellen Pompeo] That's so pretty! They've blue!" If you have nice blue/green/gray/non-brown eyes, that's awesome but it sucks for you because however pretty your eyes may be, most of the credit will go to them being a non-brown colour and nothing else. Also, just because you have pretty eyes, doesn't mean you're attractive. It means you have an attractive feature.

This is for everyone who gets annoyed with Bikers on the road. - The other day, I was downtown and was walking to Mr. Sub to get me some foodstuffs. The light turns green and walk signal chimes up and I, along with all my fellow pedestrians start walking. The dude on the bike [who once on the road is to subject to vehicle laws since it's considered a vehicle], decides that normal vehicle road laws don't apply to him and decides to make his right turn [which cars normally have to wait to make if there are people crossing the road] and sees a 2 foot gap between me and the person in front of me and goes for it. In doing so, he clips with his handle bar and then with his pedal. Then he looks back and decides to keep pedaling. Before I went out, I managed to grab the back of him and pull him the hell off his bike. So he fell and his shit fell all over the floor, including his new iPhone. He gets up all pissed off and shit and looks at me, yelling and swearing. "Do you have eye balls? You hit me, dick." People are watching. He continues being pissed that I pull him off his bike. And then it hit me - the reason Bikers shouldn't be allowed on the street or be considered/treated as vehicles. As someone who drives a hell lot and someone who pays way too much for insurance and someone who has two friends being sued for ridiculous amounts of money for run-ins with bikers on the road, the reasons Bikers should not be allowed on roads or treated/considered as vehicles is because they don't have insurance [or licenses]. Everything else on the road has insurance. When we make a mistake or do something stupid, we're liable and we have insurance to pay for anything we're responsible for. Bikers however, don't have insurance or are licensed. Initially I thought I was just a little bruised up, but yesterday I found out [which is kind of sad that I didn't notice this sooner] that one of my teeth is busted and will be needing Dental attention. Since I don't have dental insurance through work/school/etc, it's going to cost me a few hundred bucks out of my pocket. Now, if this was the case where I was in my car and I hit him and he needed dental care, I would have to pay for it, or my insurance company would.

Dental plans are fucking expensive. I was looking at plans because I think I should get one and they're like 100 bucks a month. I don't get 1200 dollars worth of dental work done in a year. And they don't even cover all of it. They only cover up to 85 percent. If anyone has any suggestions/advice, please help. So far, I'm looking at Blue Cross as the winner. Dental/Drugs/Travel/Hospital etc for 140 a month. Also, turns out everyone in my house has coverage but me. ?

People with Rogers/Fido iPhone. Beware! You're being bent over and don't even realize it. Make sure you've covered your bases in regards to the data plans/usage. It's happening to a lot of people and it's a huge hassle. I hate you Rogers. Although, I'm cool with Ted.

Yesterday, along with finding out my tooth is busted - I also found out I have an inner ear infection. Both of these things on the right side. These two things together result in the right side of my face to be in constant pain with the occasional sharp pain in my ear. I also can't do that ear popping thing because it hurts like a bitch. I should note this isn't something I do very often but now that I know I shouldn't, I can't stop doing it. Every time I do it, I end up wincing in pain.

In conclusion, be nice to me and visit!

Be good.



Anonymous said...

Wow, you're just sucking at life right now. I agree with you on the whole eye colour issue...not really a fan of those coloured contacts either. Also, don't get me started on my biker rant! Have you called your insurance company? Maybe this opportunity has been given to you so you can bring down every biker that thinks they're above the law! muahaha...

Mr. Horse said...

I used to have dental coverage from Manulife's Flexcare program. I can't remember how much it cost, but I got it back when I needed my wisdom teeth out and didn't have any other insurance. Check it out:

What ended up happening with that guy on the bike? Did he just yell and then ride off?

Anonymous said...

I'm very nice to you and you know it. I also visit you tons. Btw, your turn now. You didn't check out Great West Life and Sun Life like I suggested did you?