August 28, 2008

121st - The Boy Blog

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! I still have to get him something and have no idea what that could be. Also, it was Iqbal's birthday yesterday. I already got him something.

I woke up this morning and found I had a bit of time on my hands and not much to do. Well, much to do but not much I was willing to do. So I got ready and spent a little more time than normal on the morning routine. You know, did everything carefully, didn't rush anything, took my time, paid attention to detail. I'm driving to work and it hits me. In all my carefulness and detailing, I forgot to brush my teeth. DAMNIT!! Luckily, I keep a spare tooth brush, but still. All that hard work for nothing.

Alright, so I'm going to discuss something boy-related, The Guy Code. This is kind of the like The Bro Code. Well, actually, it's exactly like that. We all know the basics so here are some of the more random ones and some I just don't plain agree with.

"You must offer heartfelt condolences over the death of a girlfriends cat, even if it was you who secretly set it on fire and threw it into a ceiling fan."
This is pretty straight forward and requires no commentary on my part however, If that cat is a two headed ugly monstrosity that smokes a pack of Guerrero Blacks, then you can probably gloat and have people buy you drinks. Just don't wear it over your head.

"If your buddy is outnumbered outmanned, or too drunk to defend himself, you must jump into the fight. Exception: if during the past 24 hours your friends actions have caused you to think "what this guy needs is a good ass wuppin", in which case you may refrain from getting involved and stand back and enjoy."
Oh, Alan. You fat stupid pervert. You so had that wuppin coming.

"If your buddy is trying to hook up with a girl, you may sabotage him only in a manor that gives you no chances of getting any either."
I'm half in half about this one.

"An anniversary is recognized on a yearly basis, under no circumstances will anything be celebrated in an interval other than a year"
Seriously!! Don't celebrate every month you've managed to do what you've been doing for five years! Happy 36th Month Anniversary, BABY!! - wait. that one works.

"A man's shoes may not intentionally match any other article of clothing on his body."
I'm going to go ahead and have to disagree with this one. You'll find, a lot of the Guy/Bro code was initially developed by those guys. You know the ones I'm talking about and although, they provided a good foundation, this is the new age and changes to suit the times must be made. Good dress sense is important.

"Unless you are under the age of 11 or wearing a bathing suit,, DON’T wear whitey tightys. It still escapes all reasoning as to why they even make them in adult sizes."
AGREED!! What the hell people? If you feel you still need the support a preschooler needs, boxer briefs. However, whitey tightys under swimming trunks are acceptable for obvious reasons. Side note - Boxer briefs can achieve the desired affect as well.

"If you jiggle more than twice, your playing with it."
Hehe. It doesn't need to explained but you guys have seen it in public bathrooms where someone is jiggling just a little bit too much or just a bit too enthusiastically. Don't do it.

"Thou shalt not make make eye contact during a Devil’s Three-way"
It also goes without saying that ass-grabbing to, "feel the rhythm" is also not permitted. Also
rhythm is pretty damned impossible to spell.

Should a Bro be near to closing with a girl, his Bro shall do anything within his means to ensure the desired outcome, up to and including the seduction of said girl’s wildly unattractive cousin / friend / mother."
It's a pretty obvious one but it needs to be said, just to remind people, that if you're ever wondering why that dude is hitting on the whale, check for her best friend and who's hitting on her. Don't be so hasty to judge.

I think that's enough rules. My most masculine blog yet. Yes, I'm aware the fact that I draw attention to it being a manly blog only takes away from it. Shut up.

This was a decent filler blog, no?

Be good.



Anonymous said...

Did you generate that list yourself? Also, is it just me or was that also your blog with the most spelling errors? (Sorry, I just couldn't help noticing them.) Your commentary on the code is agreed upon tho.

Unknown said...

i didnt know what a devils three way was... and wish i hadnt googled the term.
would you ever actually be involved in one?!

Anonymous said...

This is why I think of you so much when I watch HIMYM :] ...
Anyways, awesome blog - i agree with almost everything minus the beat up one - :D