October 24, 2008

127th - Yellow & Red Dots

QUICK NOTE - I are making changes to the blog. Notice them.

Today's photograms are brought to you by the day Friday, the Letter G [uY oksr creGFof] and your Dad. Well said. Sameera may have already posted these photos on facebook. Stupid facebook.

photo [below] - Why wouldn't anyone bring me water?!?! Look at how dry my tongue is!! Someone drank all my friggin Green Juice!!

PGR4 is a little racist. For those of you who don't know, PGR4 or Project Gotham Racing Four is an arcade style racing video game exclusive for the X-Box 360. Now you know. When you're racing around in ghetto-pile-of-shit cars, there's always hip hop, rap, techno and some spanish shit blaring. There's always hip hop and techno blaring out your ghetto-pile-of-shit car. Quiet, brother. When you get into the more sophisticated [more expensive] cars, classical music starts. What gives? You saying a 1991 GMC Syclone [spelled that way] doesn't have class? It doesn't.

This past weekend was great. I had no serious plans. I essentially lounged around my house, in my skivvies when possible, ate a whole bunch of a junk and did NOTHING. Nothing, brother? Exactly so.

Friday consisted of one of the most embarrassing Connect-Four loses ever witnessed. Check the photos. I had dinner at Licks and once again, Caboose broke her diet. There were also video games and an obscene amount of jello. We make good Jello. I shut out Caboose and Amaan in Halo, which isn't exactly an accomplishment to write home about but it did make them both feel like little girls with pig tails and ribbons in their hair so it wasn't a complete loss. Cheese salsa. Video games. Cheese salsa is really damned good. Incidently, we suck at PGR4. Still Amaan's butt was whooped most thoroughly. He may have enjoyed that. Sameera busted out her Camera, much to Amaan's protests he was in several photos. We will not speak of BomberMan. But. No. BOMERMAN? No. Friday night went well till about 2am. What happened? It ended. Iqbal made a miraculous comeback from fourth place to third. I got The Man who Laughs from Heroes World.

photo [below] - Amaan prepares for the big match up.Incidentally, this is the only photo Iq is in.
photo [below] - The match begins. Caboose focused intently upon the match.
photo [below] - Amaan focused intently on the match. Also looking like a serial killer with the munchies. Tensions are high.
photo [below] - Results. Victory and crushing, humiliating defeat!

I woke up Saturday morning a little confused. Mostly because I couldn't remember removing my pants before getting into bed which leads me to suspect they were stolen. Later I found them in the bathroom. Confusing to say the least. I've yet to draw any conclusions. I watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I liked it except about halfway through, they started this very disgusting gag which later turns out to be a running gag and EW. Otherwise, I liked it. But HOLY HOPPING CRAP, the "pretty" girl, Tris or whatever, played by Alexis Dziena looks a hell lot like Regan from the Exorcist. Poor girl. Then we played a rousing game of speed scrabble. Scrabble is rousing? It was sarcasm. Nevertheless, I won! Both times. Congratulations, brother. Thank you. Boo-yAH!! At a very early 1230ish, I went home and to bed. That early? Yes, I was pretty beat. Speed Scarabble can really take it out of one. Shut up.

I spent pretty much all of Sunday in bed. Alone? Shut up. With the help of our trusty mouse, we caught up on my week's worth of TV, watched Transformers - Megan Fox is pretty damned hot. I concur. As do I - and started watching Heroes. Heroes? Yes. Why? Shut it. Oh, and a lot of You-Tube. I also read a whole bunch and napped in between pretty much everything. At night I ate some Jello. I played some scrabble on facebook and went to sleep. What's with all the Scrabble. I kick ass at Scrabble. Not something to brag about. At this moment, I am not particularly fond of you, brother. We love you just the same.

The End.


As a parting gift, in honor of Amaan's birthday this amusing video of Amaan trying to kill himself in my bedroom. Happy Birthday Dude!

p.s. Arubia has my headphones and Bananagrams. I'd like them back.
p.s.s. Any and all book borrowers. Return books or at least make it known. Or at least for the love of God, look for them. Vinita. Sameera. Looking in your direction.

photo [above] - Caboose, you lost to this guy!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the way you commented on those pictures, except for the fact that it was all a big LIE. the picture of me concentrating is from an earlier game..one which i either won or lost in a less embarassing sort of way. i clearly was not concentrating when i lost in that last game. also, that video of amaan is awesome.

Mr. Horse said...

I like this colour you used for the blog. Keep it for a while.

Anonymous said...

hehehehe, oh i remember that amaan and ball incident. I was there for that. And there was more than just that one try... oh it was funny...

sixth lie said...

There was more than one try but he fell on the beanbag in those, which is all safe and whatnot and therefore less fun.

Unknown said...

dont like the new colours. teal??

Anonymous said...

your blog is going through some sort of mid-life crisis... what's with the weird blue? Trying too hard to be hip n cool, is it? haha

Ok...video of Amaan...im STILLLLL laughing!! HOLY SH*T. He's SO insane... and that's SO FUNNY!!!!! MAN!!!! U need to send me that video... so that i can watch it every time life gets me down! HAHAHA!! Oh AMAAN.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, u crazy fool!! lol

I'm sleepy. So this will be all. taah

OH YEAH...happy diwali to all! :o)

Anonymous said...

you do realize that your counter-part-brother tends to recognize all the stupid comment-able things you write and leaves little for others to have input on, right?