November 4, 2008

128th - Costumes.

NOTE - I didn't put photos up because I wasn't sure how people would feel about being used as examples. See, I was considerate!

Caboose made a good point. I decided to expand on it a bit. Feel free to agree or Disagree.

People who dress up as other cultures for Halloween are kinda racist. If you dress up like something specific from a culture - A Geisha or a Samurai or a Mountie or a Mujra Dancer or Saadhus or whatever - that's one thing. However, when you put on one of those big straw hats and say, "I'm Chinese!" or put on a Keffiyeh and now you're an Arab, you just look like an asshole.

Has to be said. If you're going to be a terrorist for Halloween, the Dynamite is part of the costume, the brown clothes isn't. That's you being racist. Unless you're dressing up as a known terrorist - You know, Osama Bin Laden or Ted Kazinsky [generally not seen in brown clothes] - and the clothing and props direct towards his/her identity, not just their race, then it's fine.

A few mintues ago, I was talking to Shiv about this and she mentioned something I was going to touch up on: The Whore trend.

"Well..Halloween is supposed to be [traditionally] scary and gorey so if you're dressed as a Playboy Bunny...guess what... you're just telling the world that you're a fright when trying to be sexy. So either you think you're THAT unattractive when you're a slutty nurse...that the whole world will be scared of u when u step out that night"

Don't get me wrong. We definitely appreciate the steps girls take to look like complete whores on Halloween but really, when did Halloween become whore-fest? Some of you won't even bother with a costume theme other than Whore. Again, ours hats off to you, but really, you can do that any day, Halloween is not a Get-out-of-Jail free card. If you dress all proper all year and slut-up on Halloween, yeah, you're gonna get labeled a whore. Before anyone brings up the, Just-because-I-dress-a-certain-way-doesn't-make-me-a-Whore or the, I-dress-like-this-to-feel-sexy-for-myself-not-for-you argument. Let me counter by saying this:

"Just because you dress like a slut doesn't mean you're a slut. And just because I act like a rapist doesn't mean I am a rapist."

That's actually a fairly wise thing to keep in mind all the time. Ladies especially. You have every right to dress however you please. However, when you go to a bar, dressed like a whore, don't be surprised or angry when you're treated like one. Also, if you ever hit me for no damn reason because you somehow felt it was your prerogative to do so, don't be surprised when I hit you back a hell lot harder. Harder just to prove a point. Guys. If you dress like douche-bags, we're going to think you're a douche-bag. Example. Multiple Polos with popped collars.

I worked this Halloween which sucks but that just meant my Halloween was on par with every other Halloween. However, I did get to drive home at 1am and these were the whorey highlights. 1 The Classic: Slutty Devil. 2 Left fielder: The Slutty Bee. 3 The Weird and Awkward: The Slutty Joker. Yes, out of the 25 or so Jokers [seriously, creativity people] there was a slutty one.

Costumes worth mentioning: The dude was dressed up as Naughty Twister. Asmar's Galadriel costume. That kid outside Brother Andre HS dressed like a Clone Trooper.

The four guys in red thongs and not much else. That's not a costume! Also, slutty. Props for balancing it out, really. We could have just made this about whorey girls but you had to ruin it.

Another thing worth mentioning just because it should be mentioned. Most of us are adults and can dress up in costumers whenever we chose. We don't really need to wait for Halloween. We can do whatever we please.

And lastly. The guy I wanted to run over. DO NOT DRESS LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE FOR HALLOWEEN!! You're lucky there were cops all over the road. You don't see fu*king Jack-O-Lantern Nativity displays, do you?



Anonymous said...

what are "multiple polos"??

Also...after going off on a rant abt how Halloween is NOT supposed to be a 'slut fest', i like how u gave major kudos to a chick who took the Joker costume and made it slutty. U probably didnt like the 24 other Joker costumes because they came with pants and most of the buttons were done up.

sixth lie said...

I gave her major kudos out of top 3 whorey costumes. Hater.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything in here except 2 things: 1) "Just because you dress like a slut doesn't mean you're a slut. And just because I act like a rapist doesn't mean I am a rapist."
This makes no sense. You should say just because I dress like a rapist doesn't mean I'm a rapist. You see, dressing like a whore and acting like a whore are different things.
And 2) - Shiv i was JUST about to say what you said. This whole blog ranted about how girls sluttify every costume, then we hear about how awesome the slutty joker costume was.

Anoop said...

Shiv, stop wasting time on blogs, and go hunt for ur sarcasti-gland. it's been missing for a while now...
Zaff was disapproving of the sluttification of the joker ... SURE, he was enjoying sluttiness in general, but that can be done on any given day.. doesnt have to be Halloween, which was his whole point.

(Multiple polos means many polos. A bunch of polo shirts worn one on top of the other.)

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, I did not read blog entry. I merely scan/skimmed it, bite me.

Secondly, 1 Giant Banana costume and 1 Gorilla costume. Gorilla chasing said Banana down the street in front of Laurier at night, t'was very amusingly funnies...

Anonymous said...

first off...
who the hell gave noop the link to ur blog? Ick!!

Secondly... NOOP! STOP wasting ur time on blogs and make some time to talk to me u stupid ^&%#&!!!

Lastly... zaffar was approving of the sluttiness of the Joker costume, which is a costume THIS person CHOSE to wear on halloween. General sluttiness isnt a problem for anyone, coz general sluts at least own their slut-factor and dont make excuses like "it's halloween, so doesnt really make me slutty".
He wasnt appreciate the general sluttiness of that girl... just the cool costume, which apparently won out over the OTHER Joker costumes, mainly COZ it was slutty.

Caboose agrees!!

Unknown said...

i think there is a fine line between wearing a sexier version a costume (like a sexy joker or batman/batgirl, nurse, nun, devil, etc) and wearing a completely whorish version of the said costumes.

sixth lie said...

I agree. However, would you not also agree that you see more whore-versions than sexier versions.

Anonymous said...

was that a rant against slutty girls in general or is ur "pathan rug" showing dude?????? lighten up!!! u just condemed a bunch of girls (whom i dont know, may be slutty for all i know and care, which makes zaffars rant justifiable) and then u described a slutty guy (if thats a description!!! i just prefer cheap, no offence ppl, i know no one in this rant!!!!) as perfecly fine.... dont u think its a LITTLE chauvanistic??????? lol, anyway, it made an interesting btw, what did u dress up as?????? and i agree, I LOVED Asmis costume, though it was hard to figure out at 1st!!!

Unknown said...

id agree for sure. maybe the line isnt that fine... you can usually tell

sixth lie said...

It's called SARCASM! Seriously, have any of you had a conversation me. Sarcasm is a tool I employ frequently. I wasn't actually pleased with them.

Unless you're referring to the Twister guy. Which was creative and not so slutty, just a little naughty.

Unknown said...

this blog really is in need of photos. especially super slutty and/or racist ones. i got the douchbag with 5 popped collars pic somewhere