November 12, 2008

129th - The Television Blog

For someone who never watches television, I do watch a lot of TV shows. The last time I sat in front of the TV was at Momin's house on Sunday and we watched part of a football game and part of some fighting show. Then Momin fell asleep mid-sentence, twice, during the same sentence. So I decided it would be a good idea to go home. I think old age has finally caught up to him.

So, here's a useless breakdown of the shows that I watch. Also, you'll forgive me if I put "shoes" instead of "shows". It's become a bad sort of habit I can't seem to break. I'm going in alphabetical order.

Yes, before you comment. Today's pictures are of an Eye-Candy nature. Ladies, I didn't forget about you. In fact, we'll start with something for you people.

30 Rock. I started watching this about two months ago and ended up watching all of it. Tina Fey is really damned funny but Alec Baldwin makes the show.
[setup: Devon is gay.]
Devon: You're going down, Jack.
Jack: No, Devon. I don't do that.

Photo [below] - Here you go ladies. Frank dress like a slutty sailor.
Big Bang Theory: I really didn't think this show would make it to a second season, but it did. It's about power dorks and one hot chick. It's the chick from 8 Simple Rules. The blond one. It turns out that combination works. There's a breakup in that show over different opinions of String Theory and Quantum Gravity. Like I said, super dorky but surprisingly funny.

Photo [below] - Four Flashes!! That about wraps it up for the chicks.

Dexter: It's based on a book by Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, about a likable forensics expert who also happens to be a serial killer. It's pretty good except I feel there are way too many coincidences. People who like Smallville but feel they're a bit old for it and would prefer something more serious/dark and not Clark Kent: The Douchebag years, will like Dexter. Also, the sister is strangely attractive. Don't give me shit over this Caboose, I said, "STRANGELY".

Note - I just realized, I do horrible sales for TV shows that I supposedly like.

Entourage: Is cool because it's pretty much every boy's fantasy life. Whether they choose to admit it or not. Plus, Ari Gold, the evil agent and his assistant Llyod who is Asian and super gay. He drives a riced up Hundai Tiburon. Plus, lots of hot chicks. Plus, Alba. Plus, Emanuel Chriqui. Nothing more needs to be said past Emanuel Chriqui. I don't get the deal with her name. Nonetheless, we like.

Grey's Anatomy: I have no idea why I watch this show. Seriously, with the exception of Katherine Heigl [Izzy], the remaining good looking people on the show are all dudes. As in all the guys in the show are good looking [and not in the Sixth-is-a-Homo way. If you ever watch an episode of the show, you'll see it.] and there is one good looking chick, who is, unfortunately, crazy. In the bad way. I think somewhere down the line, I can blame Shivali for me watching this show. I can probably also blame Asmar and that Heigl Chick.

Heroes: I don't actually watch this show yet. I'm starting to try to watch it. I've made it about three episodes into the first season and I keep falling asleep. But people keep telling me it's good and not just a blatant rip-off of the X-Men. I'm trying. I am curious about the chick whose reflection is always half a second behind. I wonder where that's leading to. Also, I wonder if that's where the idea for that Mirrors movie came. Did anyone see that movie?

House: House is awesome. Mainly because of his tiny hissy fit about candy canes. It is, unfortunately pretty formulaic in the beginning. It gradually starts to pull away from that but never quite gets there. After the first season, you stop caring about the medicine aspects and just kind of want to forward through, but can't. Still a good show and Lisa Edelstein, who plays House's boss looks like Caterina Murino, which is always amusing. You know, upon looking closer at those two photos, I may have been on something when I thought that statement.

How I met your Mother: This is probably my favorite show on television right now. It's all sorts of awesome. The characters are all likable minus one, it's funny as hell, Bob Saget is that dad. What more do you want? Also, the awesomest part of the awesomest show: Slap-Bet. However, just like Scrubs, I really don't like the main character, Ted all that much. Yes, he's funny, etc but he's just not very likable to me. Barney on the other hand is Legen-wait for it-Dary! Yes, it's tacky but I had to. Did you really, brother? I did. Allison Hannigan is good too.

The Office: Dwight scares me a little. We all know why the show is good. I can't really think of any reasons. My mind has frozen on Dwight biting into a beet. I'm not sure I've ever had a beet. I'm not entirely sure what a beet is. I'm imagining turnips. Like I said, Dwight scares me a bit. Creed is my favorite character.

Scrubs: This is one of my favorite shows on television, except that it's actually not on television right now. It's coming back on January or February, which sucks. It is friggin hilarious though. Plus the janitor is insane. If you had to pick one show to watch, it should be this one. WATCH THIS ONE. I pretty much love every character on the show, minus JD. He's funny and all but he's so needy and his woman parts are bigger than his boy parts. Incidently, he's had pretty much all really hot girl friends.

I'm sure since you're so clever and everything, you may have figured out this blog is really just filler because I'm trying to blog at least once a week. It's harder than you think. Still, we did try to make it a good one.

Smallville: Why the hell do I watch this show? I have no idea. It's so bad. It has moments where it seems like it's going to get good and then Lana shows her mousey face and ruins it all. Why can't she just die. Originally, I started watching this because my family and friends were all watching it. Last time they all bang-wagoned like this, was for Dawson's. Seriously, things were scheduled around Dawson's Creek. So, in a sad attempt to not be excluded I started watching Smallville. It started off all formulaic, which is fine but it always gave hope of something bigger abut to happen. By the time I realized it wasn't going to happen, I was already five seasons in and now I'm just riding it out till the end. Luckily, the WB will not be doing the Graysons after Smallville is over this year. They'll find some other DC license to ruin.

So you think you can Dance: I know I'm not a very rhythmically talented person but still, it's a good show. Plus hot dancer [synonymous with bendy] chicks. You can't really go wrong with that. Also, Kat Deely hosts.

Not to fear. While typing this out, I came up with an idea for an actual blog and will be posting that shortly. So, no need to be overly pissed about this filler one.

Ugly Betty: I can't remember why I started watching this show but I do watch it now and I like it. I blame Nadia. Although I haven't seen most of season 2. I should get on that. Anyway, evil fashion people. The characters Amanda and Mark make the show.


Mr. Horse said...

You watch a lot of tv shows! Of those I only watch 30 Rock, Smallville and Scrubs. I watched most of Entourage, but can't seem to find it online now, so can you please tell me where you watch it? BTW, Katherine Heigel is hideous.

A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would like to file a complaint on behalf of all women for what you've classified as "eye candy" in this blog. Seriously??? the most unattractive guy from 30 rock, and 4 guys (fully covered) in nerdy superhero costumes, and with their faces covered? and then you post like 8 pics of attractive women? what gives?

Oh maybe it's a lacking of attractive men on those shows. OH WAIT it's not. You could've put up Jim from the office, McDreamy and/or McSteamy from Grey's,Tom Welling from Smallville? Oh and you're complaining about Grey's - a show who's target audience IS women, and woman-like creatures such as yourself, having some attractive guys on it? Aw you poor thing, I know it's hard when you flip to every channel and each one has 8 beautiful women on it, and then grey's only has a few =( I know, you men have it tough. K I'm done now =)

sixth lie said...

Grey's has ONE! Not a few. ONE! According to Mr. Horse, NONE!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.... sorry I'm still laughing at your HIMYM thing. Oooh, absolutely legendary dude. While some of your taste is vile and digusting, I will agree with: The Office, Ugly Betty and HIMYM which are all complete awesomeness. And beets are can be quite tasty, you should try them.

Anonymous said...

I still cant believe u watch smallville!! *FOR SHAME*

FYI: girls like The Big Bang Theory too...jerk! I love the show! I think i started watching the show before u too!!

Ure a loser for STILLL watching Grey's. Why dont u go and watch some more OC while ure at it too, u emo cry-baby!!!! half a season in... im not really digging it. Mohinder is DEEEE-LICIOUS though!!!

Ari Gold rocks my world ('nuff said)

(did i just use the term "nuff said" ...ekh..kill me!)

Anonymous said...

1st Things 1st....WATCH HEROES!!! get the whole season though, and watch it in 3-4 days, or however u fit it in, i usually take 2 days. Much more fun that way, i hate to wait weeks between episodes!!!!!!!

what???? Smallvilles ending???? theyre not dragging it out till season 10????? thats sad!! Yes, i watch it. Why doesnt Tom welling get his teeth fixed??? i swear, hasnt he ever heard of lingual orthodontics??? like, braces behind his teeth would work wonders!!! and not mess up his job or whatever...his teeth lost him one fan already!!! me!!! lol ok, im obsessing, comes with the job, move on!! haha

four flashes???? u gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!!\

the rest can wait. i just wanted to tell u to watch heroes and obsess over tom wellings horrible lower teeth!!!

Anonymous said...

just read my comment!!! Im officially insane!!!

SophiaQ said...

Do you know what scares me? That you watch more television than I do. Hahaha. At this point, I'm watching Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Gossip Girl, Privileged, Supernatural, Scrubs....and late Night with Conan O Brien, The Colbert Report and the Daily Show with John Stewart, if they count as "TV shows." Haha.

That's not including the shows I watch on DVD and the numerous, mind-numbing Indian shows that I can't bring myself to stop watching. Hahaha.

But I'm glad to see that someone has one-upped me. =o)

But the question is, WHY do you still watch Smallville? I think I gave up on that show 2 seasons ago. Haha.

Anonymous said...

I totally second the lack of actual eye candy in this blog! Now i ought to sue you, you got my hopes up and everything... Sad indeed.
That's a lot of shows you watch! Out of that lineup I've only managed to stick to Scrubs, Heroes and HIMYM. Those are awesome.
And i felt this deserved it's own line, indent and all:

WHY oh WHY are you still watching Smallville?