November 18, 2008

131st - Don't Kill Obama!

I read somewhere that leading up to the election, the Secret Service had already investigated some five hundred threats against Obama. Also, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who sighed a breath of relief when we noticed the bullet-proof glass around the stage as he was giving his acceptance speech. Dad made an interesting comment. Despite the numerous death threats, Barack Obama is first president in a long time that people actually have faith and belief in. To the point that the people would protect him. I'm not saying they're going to form their own little militias and follow him about but more in the be willing to take a bullet for him way.

This brings me to this very important point. DON'T KILL BARACK OBAMA. ESPECIALLY IF you're a Muslim, or brown, or can be in any way mistaken for brown guy, or a mildly tanned white guy, or own a brown article of clothing, or have brownish friends. Seriously, we're the most hated people on the planet right now. Don't kill off the one person giving people hope. It won't end well for us. I'm not fu*king around, don't kill him.



Unknown said...

u know what, zaffar????? we, peace-lovng ppl, who have no idea how to actually FIRE a gun (though i have a pretty good aim with an air-gun and a target lizard!!! lol) actually werent planning on it!!!! haha

SophiaQ said...

Sadly, he is the president who has the most chance of his life being threatened. Bush sat on his high horse for 8 years and nothing happened, despite his being the worst president in the history of this country. But because of Obama's race, he is constantly going to be under that fear of attack. When he was here in Tennessee before the election, an assassination plot was uncovered. Disgusting.

God willing, he will be fine and will actually live up to the hope and faith that he's put in all of us.

sixth lie said...

Wow, dude. That was the second most serious/thoughtful thing anyone has ever said on my blog. The first still being Arubia. I don't remember what it was or what it was about, but it was deep.

haha. my word verification spells oolti.