November 21, 2008

132nd - Possessed Fingers

I'm well aware I sound like a complete asshole when I say things like this, but sometimes I really can't help myself. Yesterday, someone (I'm electing to not mention who) sent me a link to this blog, Desi Fashion Police. I was bored so I went and rifled through. Now, I know I should know better than to even bother and I should have just left the silly, bobble-headed, vapid cu*t (It's a horrible word to use, I know and if you're reading this, I'm sorry, I just can't think of a better word to describe you. My grasp on the English language isn't quite as refined as yours.) alone, but I couldn't help myself. I may have started a small flame-war. I'm sure she's a harmless and nice enough Desi girl. They all are. I tried being complementary, humble and snide at the same time. So yeah, check out her blog. I suspect you'll get a lot of fashion tips. Or you know, at least help me continue my flame war. For some reason I've been posting anonymously, which makes me seem like a girl. I shouldn't probably change that on my next blog. I should be willing to eat what I dish out.

This is going to sound a bit racist. I'm not gonna say it wasn't meant to be racist because it is. I'm just electing to say it anyway. Desi girls. Really, we love you. We all do. Really. You're beautiful and graceful and exotic (exotic to white people, not us. You're just one of us to us.) and all that. But seriously, your Ice-Queen percentage is staggeringly high. How can you you all be so up on yourselves when all you do is tear each other down? It makes no sense. There is no math to support this level of superiority.

This was said in a completely non-sexual context, just around the wrong people. "You have to use Vaseline and go slow." Iqbal and Mome were around to hear me say this. I have no idea what I was talking about. Maybe my latest stint in prison.

Also, peopel who like seeing bad things happen to me. I suspect that Desi Fashionista chick is one of them. Yesterday, I took a call from a friend and I got up to leave the room as the re were people in my room and after a step realized my legs were both completely numb and fell on my face. The people in the room, my lovely and caring siblings did nothing but laugh at me. They didn't even pause the damn show they were watching! I'm fine, by the way.

So, my Nokia n95 that I was all existed about didn't work out. I kept poking at the screen only to realize it wasn't a touch screen and the lack of full keyboard drove me up the wall. Also, I had already sold my iPhone so I had to get a phone. I have the white iPhone now. I miss my old 1st Gen one. It was nicer but I had already sold it. Which brings me to this, I dislike people who make "offers" when you've already mentioned your lowest price and have declared no bargaining. Awful . How the hell do you offer someone almost half of what the asked for with a straight face. I think I'm going to go for he Nokia 5800 when it comes out. Any suggestions?

Seriously, go read that blog.



Anonymous said...

I got nothing from that chick's blog and it was a complete waste of my time. i can't believe you even spent so much time reading it, rifling through it, posting long ass comments, and then blogging about it. If you think about, it's really rather flattering to her that you took all that time and effort to do it. I am going to laugh my ass off if you end up one day somehow meeting and falling for this girl. You know it's possible.

Haha and hurrah on getting rid of the N95. But WHITE iphone Zaffar? I'm utterly and completely disgusted...

Anonymous said...

AND setting up a pole about it?! And I know you're gonna be ranting to your friends about this too. Honestly dude, find a new way to waste your time! I will beat you if you bring this topic up in conversation with me! Ugh! You disappoint me dude...

P.S. Oooh, the verification word for this comment is actually a word!! Though French: matin

Unknown said...

haha...who turned u down zaffar?????? lol!!!!! thats all i can gather from this blog!!!!!! hehe!!! dont u know that we are naturally superior?????? God made us that way!!!! muhhahahaha!!!

but my question is....what was that all about????? *confused* lol

Desi Fashionista said...

So I finally found my persistent flamer! While doing a search to see who has linked to my blog (me in my superiority like to keep up to date with all the little people who hopelessly admire and talk about me) I came across your blog and without even having to read your post I realized i found the flamer who forced me to type out coherent sentences from my half-doze at work. That's criminal in my book, but looks like you've already learned your lesson in prison! Next time, don't drop the soap. ;)

You know what I was disappointed about, I expected the whole post to be about me. Alas, that wasn't the case. :( That was a real blow to me, my ego may have just deflated a tiny bit thanks to you. *sigh*

Desi Fashionista said...

Oh yes, one more thing (you're not the only one who gets to double post!)....I've never been called a 'vapid cu*t' before so thanks for that wonderful description!

SophiaQ said...

Hahahaha, she found your blog! You have no idea how many levels of hilarious that is! a girl, I wasn't very intrigued by her blog - and I'm as "Bollywood girl" as they come. Meh. Like you said, I'm not a big fan of girls pulling each other down. It's in bad taste. But to each their own.

I am very sorry to hear that your Nokia phone didn't work out, but even more sorry that you actually went out and bought ANOTHER (overpriced, overrated, piece of junk) iPhone! Then again, I only use my phone for texting, so I guess you might actually have a use for the iPhone, haha. But WHITE? I have a white laptop and I think it's cool....but a white phone? Eeehhhhhh....I don't know about that one, Zaffar. Haha.

Anonymous said...


im just laughing abt J's comment abt u falling for this chick.
Of course, this observation is based on ur latest trend! :-P