December 16, 2008

136th - Shewee

Go to the Shewee site for two minutes. I'll wait. Now we're all caught up.

Just wait. It's too soon to say, "What the fu*k?" just yet. It's being advertised by super feminists as a self-empowerment tool. Penis-envy much? Also, they mention whipping it out in line at the post office and relieving yourself because you know, men do that all the time. We just whip out our junk anytime we feel even a little anxious and just let loose. Really?

Now, I can agree this could be very handy to use in say, a public bathroom where you don't want to sit down on a STD infested, previously shat on seat. Yes, there is makes sense. However, do not for one second think that will eliminate the need to hover. Unless you don't mind getting wee on your shoes. The ability to aim is meaningless without pressure to get the pee there.

Here's another little observation, once you've used it. Especially say, in line at the post office. You are now in the possession of a plastic object that has been urinated through. In a bathroom, you can at least wash it off and put it somewhere out of the way like your tiny clutch. At the post office, not so much.

Boyfriends/Husbands/Bitches - I understand that your pockets are essentially an extension of her purse. My best friend is a girl, trust me, I understand. However, DO NOT under any circumstances be a carrier for the Shewee.

It's practical in a stupid, not-very-well-thought-out sort of way but how is this a female empowerment tool? It's a wannabe penis. At the most, its a urination-funnel tool. Wait - wouldn't a paper funnel work just as well? And you know, flushable. I'd hate to be the one who has to explain what that is to customs in a crowded airport.

Now you can say it.



Sarah Q. said...

wow that is disgusting. thats not convenient at all if you guys think it is. who the hell... in their right mind first off buy that thing. second... carry that thing. third... use that thing and fourth... put it back in ur "bag" or wherever you wanna keep it...after it has been used. its not convienience ppl. its disgusting! Oh thats so gross. *puke*

Anonymous said...

i didnt chk out that site coz i can pretty much guess what it is from reading ur blog. PRETTY GROSSS!!!!

Anyway...i DO NOT use ur pockets as my purse!!! U have ur OWN damn chapstick, lip stains and grooming products that u carry all the time!