February 26, 2009

151st - Shiv's Birthday Blog


photo [above] - I don't have many photos of Shiv on my laptop. This seemed to be the most recent one. I think its from six months ago. Plus, she got rid of Facebook so I couldn't pick up anything from there.

As stated above, It's Shiv's birthday today. I warned her last year, unless she was back home, she wasn't getting shit for her birthday this year. That threat didn't pan out all that well.

I was going to do a brief blurb about Shiv but then I stumbled across this image today and it pretty much eliminated the needs for words.

Happy Birthday, Shivy! Come back home. We miss you and the older ones are starting to smell.


p.s. Now, go read the previous post.

February 23, 2009

150th - Musical Me

Before I start, I do not have any gas issues and this blog has nothing to do with my butt in any way, shape or form. Although my bum does have great shape and form. Alright, no more bums talk.

I failed music in grade eight. I managed a twenty-eight percent. That was only because I could read music fairly well. I don't think I can any more. I'm sure it's not too hard to pick up again. I even got called for an after class talk with the teacher in which she explained my predicament [failing] and offered me after school help. I declined and explained politely, that it's really something I could not care less about. I have no musical aspirations.

On that note, Mome and Ghaz got me a harmonica!! I'm fairly excited about this considering in the past I have shown absolutely no interest or talents in music as exampled by the mini-story you just read not thirty seconds ago. I spent about forty minutes in traffic messing about with it. Nothing like being all alone in your car, tooting away, passers by looking at you like you've lost more than just you marbles.

Also, continuing on the musical path, I decided, since I am in need of some new hobbies, I'm going to start fidding with Shiv's guitar that has been stashed away at my house for two years. Maybe I've developed some musical incline since grade eight. That was almost ten years ago.

And now we segue elegantly into . . . Firefly is a great show. Why did it get canceled? What the hell? Bring it back. I'm almost done watching all of it. Okay, there are some minor plot holes in some a few episodes but still. Bring it back. Also, for anyone who is a fan of How I met your Mother: Crazy Eyes is in the show. She's a "Companion". That means exactly what you think it does.

Also, much to my dismay, Street Fighter IV seems to be sold out everywhere I go. It makes us sad.


February 19, 2009

149th - 880

My mom has the idea that everyone who enters the house is an untrained puppy. This is why there are always news papers spread out around the front part of the house if there's snow or rain or slight damp or clouds or suspiciously sweaty person walks by. The point of sharing this little tidbit was as follows. I came home a few days ago. Tripping on the puppy-proofing, I notice this.

photo [below] - Shiv has been busy. Look at all those SOLD stamps.
Yes, it was all glowing and impressive looking. It was a sign. It made me sad. I miss Shiv. So I called her the next morning. That creepy Vincent Price sounding operator woman gladly took all my calls and informed me, the person I'm trying to contact is unavailable. I hate that woman. She always get in the way of things.

This is kind of interesting. I have a bunch of friends who have absolutely nothing in common. I mean nothing. With perhaps the exception that they share a species and a gender. Two shining examples are Judy and Caboose. Until now, not counting the species and gender bit, they had one thing in common: they both are relatively blind without glasses. Judy being the slightly blinder one. There was a point I was arriving at, however, I am watching Firefly alongside and I've forgotten it. I think it was something I've discovered that they have in common. Oh well. Here are some photos from earlier this week.

photo [below] - This is how Canon's colour accent mode is supposed to work.
photo [below] - It does not work this way for me. I look like I have a terrible disease. Note that it still works fine on her.
photo [below] -It also makes me look like one of the injured guys from the Afro Samurai game. This is how you wold feel on the seventh day. I need a haircut. Badly.photo [below] - This is out food. Mousse and waffles. My tea was damned good.

Firefly is a really entertaining show. Sucks it didn't last very long. Engine Room Mechanic Girl is oddly cute. Yes, that comment was thrown in there to buffer between the two days of hanging out. Anyhow, later on, we went for wings because Ghaz is in town and he likes them wings.

photo [below] - Guess which one of them was ready for this picture and which one was overly excited about his wings.
photo [below] - I really need a haircut.
photo [below] - It turns out I don't trust Rosie, whereas she prefers not to acknowledge that I exist.

So, we learned somethign new while gorging ourselves on too many wings. Did you know Chinese people calls us cha, which means forks. I guess it's better than what we call them, which is Chaptas which means "flat". Australians call us Curries which I think is much worse.

Oh, I've remembered. Judy and Caboose have a camera in common. The Canon SD880. Caboose owns it and Judy was interested. The one with the wide angle lens. It must be said, I don't like it much. The zoom is so damn finikey, it can drive you up the wall. You toggle the zoom and nothing happens so you end up holding it, then it it zooms into mars before you can stop it. Otherwise, it's decent. It's not all bad. Image quality is good, its small, options are decent minus that there is very very limited manual. Yes, I am just saying good things about the camera so I don't seem entirely negative. I don't hate that camera. It's a good camera but that zoom in enough for me to prefer to not own one.

And now since I am posting photos randomly, here are some photos Caboose took while messing around with her camera. Why is everyone on a photo frenzy lately? Explanations?

photo [below] - It's a chocolate heart. I don't think I can hold it that long to snap a pic. I'd just eat it.
photo [below] - Here is a flower. I am told it's from East Side Mario's. I can't do flower photography. Flowers are so boring. There there's the bees.
That's enough, I think. Oh, also, bloggers: YOU ALL SUCK. Especially caboose. Well, mostly Caboose. But the rest of you too. Horse does not suck. Iq is sucking less as of yesterday. Peace out, bhat pohs!


February 10, 2009

148th - Hairy gifts sleep better.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been considering getting a hair cut. Not so much because I want to but more to do with the time it takes to keep my hair untidy. Jesus Hell, it takes more effort than I care to admit to keep it from being all smooth and shiny. A look I am not particularly fond of. Plus keeping it all messy annoys the bejezus [the auto-correct suggests "blue jeans" for this word] out of my mother.

My dad got his hair cut a couple of days ago. So did my brother. So, now we arrive at the question. Should I get a haircut this weekend or should I wait it out a bit so I don't seem like I'm bandwagon-ing? I posted a picture of my hair, as it is.

picture [above] - posted solely because Iq keeps telling me that I don't post enough photos.

Also, my favorite quote has started cropping up. "You're not getting a birthday present because you're too hard to shop for." As every here, for people who wish to get me things but are stuck. Here is a list of things I like.

Top of the list:
Money for my new (and old) Cameras. [Demanding money is clearly more of a family thing. Also, Shiv. Shush]

The Bro Code
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Swamp Thing Volumes 2 and onward
Super Human Resources

I like ties and shoes and shirts.

35mm Infra Red Film
Street Fighter 4 for my 360

There you have it. A list of things I want.

Lastly, I'm researching. So tell me, what is your bedtime routine. If it's going to change our relationship in any way, then don't tell me, but otherwise, I'd like to know. I need to change my sleeping habits and I think changing my getting read for sleep process may be some help.

And yes, I am still sleeping on my floor. Although, my moms has added another comforter to my room's arsenal and I've never been more comfortable.


February 4, 2009

147th - Octopuses

I'd like to officially announce my recognition and support for our future overlords: The Octopuses.

I don't normally blog a bunch of videos that aren't mine. This is more Tink's thing but I felt compelled. You'll understand why in a minute.

Today, I got bored and ended up on YouTube looking at videos of Octopuses doing various things. I'm going to post five of them. I'm fairly sure you'll agree with me by the end. Once they figure out how to move on land, we're boned.

We'll start of simple.

That creep you out a little? Now onto the mind-f*ck.

They see in black and white. I'm guessing they understand colour and texture through their skin. Now, the finale.

It ate a shark!! Also, they're big. Really big. Here's a link, to illustrate how big.

Never stepping into the ocean. Ever.

So, to summarize. Octopuses can't be stopped, can camouflage colours and texture, are fast, are huge, can eat sharks and are making their way on to land.

Sleep well.


February 2, 2009

146th - Cart of DOOM!

This blog is not actually about the Superbowl last night. Although, I did watch it. Even though the team I was routing for lost, it was still pretty damned awesome. As an interesting side note, this brings the number of total football games I've seen this year up to three and a lifetime total of seven or eight. Which would make football my favorite sport. Unless you count cricket, which I've seen a lot more of but mostly in the past. Red Bull and Halal [Muslim equivalent of Kosher] chicken wings were served. They were good. They reminded me of Arubia, which is strange because I do have other Halal friends. There was also a whole smorgasbord board of other foods. I don't recall eating any of it. Anyway, this blog isn't about the Superbowl. It's about the shopping kart from Hell and a few other minor things.

Me and Momes went to the grocery store, No Frills yesterday to get some stuff for the game. We got a cart and began our modern man foraging for foodstuffs or eatables, if you prefer. After about one minute of being inside the store, we discovered what the loud grinding the noise was. It was our cart. It was a menacing sort of sound that would scare away small children and get awkward gazes from the other foragers because some of them honestly believed I was making that noise and not that bright yellow cart that veered off in random directions of just stopped, causing me to walk into it.

photo [below] - read paragraph below.
So, ze birthday is coming up. I'm turning old. I'm not yet decided on the celebration plans but I think I'm leaning towards not doing anything. I'll be keeping the tradition of not inviting Mr. Horse alive once again though. Sorry. I dunno, we'll see. This next note is more for my siblings. For my birthday, this year, like the past three years. Monies towards my new camera. Which by the looks of it is actually going to be a 1953 Zeiss Ikon Contessa 35mm Rangefinder. It's gorgeous. I want it. It's also not all that expensive. Pay attention siblings. Monies towards Camera. A card would be nice too. Nothing too sappy.

photo [above] - read paragraph above.

Seriously, I'm missing a TON of books and some of them are kidna dear to me. I WANT THEM BACK. I miss them. Vinita, Yalnee, Sameera, other people. Is Yalnee dead? Does anyone know? Asmar? Did she leave a box labeled with my name? I haven't seen or heard from this girl in ages.

Lastly, I was talking to Nad about this a few days ago. As tech changes, my ability to expertly operate older tech drops. Does it really matter if the usage of a VCR or a tape deck is a little confusing to me? I don't think so. Okay, my anger towards non-touch screen phones is a little out of the blue, but I'm way to used to just touching what I want as opposed to click over to it.
