February 2, 2009

146th - Cart of DOOM!

This blog is not actually about the Superbowl last night. Although, I did watch it. Even though the team I was routing for lost, it was still pretty damned awesome. As an interesting side note, this brings the number of total football games I've seen this year up to three and a lifetime total of seven or eight. Which would make football my favorite sport. Unless you count cricket, which I've seen a lot more of but mostly in the past. Red Bull and Halal [Muslim equivalent of Kosher] chicken wings were served. They were good. They reminded me of Arubia, which is strange because I do have other Halal friends. There was also a whole smorgasbord board of other foods. I don't recall eating any of it. Anyway, this blog isn't about the Superbowl. It's about the shopping kart from Hell and a few other minor things.

Me and Momes went to the grocery store, No Frills yesterday to get some stuff for the game. We got a cart and began our modern man foraging for foodstuffs or eatables, if you prefer. After about one minute of being inside the store, we discovered what the loud grinding the noise was. It was our cart. It was a menacing sort of sound that would scare away small children and get awkward gazes from the other foragers because some of them honestly believed I was making that noise and not that bright yellow cart that veered off in random directions of just stopped, causing me to walk into it.

photo [below] - read paragraph below.
So, ze birthday is coming up. I'm turning old. I'm not yet decided on the celebration plans but I think I'm leaning towards not doing anything. I'll be keeping the tradition of not inviting Mr. Horse alive once again though. Sorry. I dunno, we'll see. This next note is more for my siblings. For my birthday, this year, like the past three years. Monies towards my new camera. Which by the looks of it is actually going to be a 1953 Zeiss Ikon Contessa 35mm Rangefinder. It's gorgeous. I want it. It's also not all that expensive. Pay attention siblings. Monies towards Camera. A card would be nice too. Nothing too sappy.

photo [above] - read paragraph above.

Seriously, I'm missing a TON of books and some of them are kidna dear to me. I WANT THEM BACK. I miss them. Vinita, Yalnee, Sameera, other people. Is Yalnee dead? Does anyone know? Asmar? Did she leave a box labeled with my name? I haven't seen or heard from this girl in ages.

Lastly, I was talking to Nad about this a few days ago. As tech changes, my ability to expertly operate older tech drops. Does it really matter if the usage of a VCR or a tape deck is a little confusing to me? I don't think so. Okay, my anger towards non-touch screen phones is a little out of the blue, but I'm way to used to just touching what I want as opposed to click over to it.



Unknown said...

ya... please stop digging your fingers into my blackberry's screen. it is not a touch screen!!

you forgot to mention the mission i went on to find your cheetos

Mr. Horse said...

"I'll be keeping the tradition of not inviting Mr. Horse alive once again though."

-- Grr! >:(

sixth lie said...

haha. sorry, couldn't help it.