March 9, 2009

152nd - Birthdays & Bubble Tea

I had thought it would be a cool idea to rip of Mr. Horse and do a "Birthday Blog" for people's birthday. The first one, the one for Shiv's birthday was executed well enough. Then March came and it all went to Hell [Damn, Fart]. So far, I've missed three. So, here's apologies.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAF! [I felt like a right pillock last night when I realzied I totally forgot to call her. It was a long day.]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW! [Before someone of you decide to correct my counting stills, It's today, so it's not late]

I haven't done one of these in a while. Pointless photo postings. Enjoy. These are from when we went to Mega Destiny.

They won't admit it, but they're laughing at a fart joke.
Ghaz figured out who made the fart.
He calls her out on it. She denies it.
Me and Judy make a tactful move to the other end of the table.
These two photos are taken with two different cameras.
I has more tapioca!
I like this photo. I don't think Judy does.
Right up my nose, you'll find tapioca.
Still feeling some guilt about the fart.
Online Personals photo.
Never mind. This one.
People-who-wear-scarves-indoors Buddies!
He's confessing he likes her faux-mole.
This looks the beginning of an awkwardly tender moment or a rage-induced murder.
I was right.Caboose looks like she's going to barf at the cuteness.
My nostrils aren't really that big.
Maybe they are. What the hell? Since when?
Taliban Tryouts.
Bad photography.
Online Personals photo.
This plant looks delicious.
She farted.
I smelt it.
See my unhappiness.
Still unhappy about it.
BAD Cabbage!

It then took a turn for the inappropriate.
Even more so.

Random Hot-girl. We weren't actually taking photos of her. It was just a bonus.
We think she noticed.
Her boyfriend was disappointing.People decided to get creative.
It didn't result in the most flattering photos.
It looks like I had poo all over my and accidently got some in my eye.
These are the phones cool people have.
That lesser phone.
Apparently rules over all of us.

I actually came up with something very important to post about, but I'll wait till tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

All the really good shots were taken by me, naturally.

Ugly ones by Zaffar, the only one who actually farted.

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sixth lie said...

LIES! Lies to slander our good name! We do not pass gas like some common cow! J, thy tongue is villainous.

Your face is villainous too! Kelly Rippa!

Unknown said...

wow... photo overload. well done
you didnt take a pic of the hot waitresses though

Mr. Horse said...

I only do Bday posts for lack of anything else to post. You'll notice a lot of birthday and quiz posts.

You put too many pictures. I didn't even make it through all of them.

Ghaz - we don't know each other very well, actually, we've only met once or twice, but I have to tell you, guys in scarves and a t-shirt - not so hot. :P

Anonymous said...

hehe you have a slumdog pic

sixth lie said...

I haven't seen that movie but I understood that. EW, Scooter. Gross.

I am the "suppest"!! Bwahaha. Stupid word verification.