June 1, 2009

162nd - Relaxing Weekend. Pfftthh!

It's always a good indicator of while direction a blog will go if it starts by mentioning the weather. It's June and it's still cold. I wouldn't bitch up a storm about it but it's not the fun kind of cold. It's cold all day and at night when I want to to be cool, I'm hot and uncomfortable.

Sarah may be on to something when she said this has been turning into a birthday blog. However, the end of May is upon us the over-zealous birthing time of the year has come to an end. That being said.


photo [above] - This is Asmar is typical Asmar fashion, stuffing her face full of everything, a disgusting Triple-Triple and a Red Bull.

This was actually a pretty fun and busy weekend. I do think my parents are a bit miffed with me considering I haven't been home for most of it, unless I was sleeping or that 30 minute detour home I took to use the bathroom.

Friday was busy. Left work late, went and hung out with Asmar, ran some errands.

Saturday morning. Errands, then Wonderland [which was fun], then hanging out, then the fetal position.

Sunday was Asmar's Park Day for her birthday. We played Five Hundred, soccer, football, baseball, Taboo and managed to play dodge-ball. Then we went and gorged our faces with food at Jack Astors. It was tiring, but loads of fun. Then I came home. Fetaled up, put on Two Guys & a Girl and watched way too many episodes before falling asleep. That was my weekend.

Yes, I cam across as a giant cheap-ass but I think people should be fairly proud of me. Saturday, I did a whole bunch of stuff and excluding the cost of gas, I spent two dollars and fifty cents. This included going to Wonderland for which I do not have a season pass. Neat huh?

The headaches haven't subsided much. The fetal position seems to help. Mostly because I then don't have to look at anything. It helps a little.

Best quotes of the weekend:
1. "His head is so hard, it gives me concussions" - Monica discussing her hardness of Emanuele's head.
2. "Come along, Afterthought." - Saira to Scooter, after her mom pays her a compliment and then to Scooter, "You look nice too."



Unknown said...

i dream of a lazy weekend.
you havent commented on my blog, sup with that.
also, i have point out that the best bday parties are when we chill at a park/house. much much better than anything involving driving far away and paying lotsa $$ (although those CAN be fun too, just not as much fun)

Sarah Q. said...

hey man. doing SOMETHING is fun. I hate sitting around doing absoultly nothing. I mean seriously ppl... dont complain about being busy...cuz if your not busy ... your really wasting your life. tsk tsk tsk. Life wasters!

p.s. The park was waaayyy too cold.

asmi said...

sarah, park was cold because you are lazy and weren't running around like everyone else! you life waster.


thanks zaffy..:)