June 20, 2009

164th - B/W Film

So, this came up today. It made me feel like a dumbass. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thought this though.

When I was around 11ish, I had an epiphany of sorts. It was this: The past [olden times] was not black and white. Film was. So, life was in colour, just captured in black and white. I didn't mention it to anyone but I was reminded of it while watching Pineapple Express tonight.

Don't give me that look. I'm sure others thought that too. Liars.



Unknown said...

ummm ok.

its weird how much progress theres been in video quality. i'm not sayin theres been progress in actual movies or storylines or even dialogue. but the video quality has improved -- a lot. i remember buying the first batman movie on dvd waaay after it came out because it was on sale. i popped it in the dvd player and was like 'oh crap was this the crappy colour i watched it in originally??'

so ya... thats my comment. i think i shoulda wrote less

-J said...

wow dude...

Reema said...

Reema knows exactly what you mean.
She realised one fine day that 40 years ago the colours were not duller and the world did not have a brown quality to it.
She is glad that others are seeing this too. And scoffs that those that come in the way of their actualisation.

shivy said...


we discussed this - I still stand by what I said! :-P