July 10, 2009

167th - DUCKS!!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay mad when your phone auto corrects, "FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK!" to "DUCK DUCK DUCKING DUCK!" . . . It's very difficult!!

Also, this is for Shiv. She doesn't have Flickr access so she can't see it. It will amuse her. She is stressed out. Good luck on Wednesday!

It's so easy to focus on things like cleaning and tidying up when you have actual work that needs to be done. I spent the whole day cleaning my room. I put in new bulbs. They're very bright. In related news, I've gone blind and have a headache. Stupid bulbs.

In unrelated news, Iqbal sucks. He knows why. In even more unrelated news, I am not Emergency Response, nor am I 680 News. In an emergency, it's best to call them first. However, I am flattered that you think of me when shit goes wrong.



ssmq said...

dr.evil goggles!!!!!

...so proud! :)

and that's why you should resort to ducking old ghetto phones that aren't smart enough to have spell check. there's one good thing to them at least.

Sarah Q. said...

1. I really like that picture
2. what did iqbal do? i actually wanna know now lol
3. Im repainting my room and stuff... u may help me. lol
4. I will blog when i have enough things piled up to do and when im slacking. soon time. lol.

-J said...

Yeaa.... I hate that ducking thing. I also hate how my yelling of "WHAT THE HELL!!" always becomes "he'll". Damn auto correct. Other times though I do like it.

In other comments, you look like a freaking idiot with your goggles. I am going to have to take them away from you....

Shiplass said...

LMAO! You have the iphone? Cause my silly, overrated iphone auto corrects fuck to duck and hell to he'll and shit to shut. Sometimes it just pisses me off even more because I send the message and then realize it corrected it and I just look like a babbling idiot...

shiv said...

I didnt see the posts until now! I'm reading all the posts i've missed in the past month or so!
Thank u for posting the pic! Very cool!

Also... those goggles!!! WHY??

And lastly... I MISS YOU!!! :-(