July 20, 2009

168th - Ovaries

Biggs is here!

I grew up in Markham, not five minutes away from Pacific Mall, which is as densely Asian populated as you can get without going to the Asias. I've also been hit [while in pedestrian mode], not once but twice by an Asian driver. Just saying, when I make comments about Asian drivers, I have a solid foundation on which to base it on. I'm not just being racist. That being said, this isn't about bad Asian drivers. This is about good drivers, who are Asian who I feel deserve an apology. I just wanted to say, if you ever see us brake for no reason when you approach a turn and we're going straight or wait a little longer when turning left on an amber light to make sure you're actually stopping or pause extra long at a stop sign to make sure you're waiting your turn and not just pausing and going, we're sorry. It's not your fault. It's "...the subtle racism of lowered expectations..." and we're sorry. In our defense, there are the rest of you guys.

Now, we're on week two of not driving. If I haven't mentioned before, I stopped driving for the month because insurance costs are a bitch. I also live out of the way of everybody so I'm pretty much a burden on anyone who wants to hang out with me. Mostly Mome and Scooter have been driving me about and most of my friends have been pretty decent about it. Some have been asses about it and have actually just left me. Those people have been marked off my Christmas card list. I hate public transportation.

Shiv is coming in ten days. We are excited.

So, yes. I have ovaries. I started playing this game on my iPhone called Sneezies. OH MY GAWD! SOO CUTE!! I wanna vomit! It's also a simple, visually appealing, fun, addictive game. BUT HOLY SHIT! SOO CUTE!! Seriously, ovaries. I have them.



Caboose said...

I'm so glad that you're FINALLY admitting you have girl parts. Kind of old news to the rest of us, but still - kudos.

Sarah Q. said...

so i notice you are trying to find the right look for your blog. Good stuff... lol but this background kinda makes it hard to read... well not read... but concentrate on the words. just sayin. you mite wanna rethink that one lol.

Sneezies is awesome!!! lol. (choo!)

Unknown said...

you forgot to hate on women drivers too