July 23, 2009

169th - Proposal

If friends or family or co-worker or stranger tells you that The Proposal is a great/good/funny/watchable/tolerable movie and that you should watch it, punch them in the kidneys. Then while they're on the floor in pain, steal fifteen dollars from then [cost of movie ticket plus slushie], watch a different movie. Kick them in the groin for good measure.

HOLY CRAP that was movie was bad. I have never gotten so antsy during a movie. There was only one funny scene in the movie and on retrospect, that scene was only funny because the rest of the movie was so unfunny. Also, to the girls on the other side of the theatre who kept laughing heartily at the movie, you'd better had been high or I will find you.

I'm starting a new project. I think it will be fun. More on that never.

My sister won't take me to the mall to buy a notebook because I won't tell her why I need it. Sisters are weird.



Unknown said...

apparently The Proposal copied some bollywood movie. which solidifies the fact that it would suck

Sarah Q. said...

the proposal was a cute movie dude. plus its a copy of an indian movie. psh! what do u know.

Mr. Horse said...

Which Indian movie did it copy?

-J said...

Wow, thanks for that warning. I had a whole slew of people actually tell me the movie was good, and not a chick flick that I would hate. (Cuz we all know I hate and cant stand chick flicks). And I had a guy tell me this too, a brown guy!!! Wtf?!?!

-J said...

hehehe, the word verification on this is funny.... "sessesma"

Caboose said...

Yeah everyone told me the same thing, that this was 'different' from other chick flicks and 'much better than they thought it would be.' All lies.

MOMIN said...

This is the review I wrote for my 140Reviewer Twitter account, I believe it says it all.

THE PROPOSAL: If the writers proposal was to make a movie that is not funny, at all, at any point, then they succeeded spectacularly. BRAVO!