November 17, 2009

179th - Ripping off Horse

Horse, or Harley~Quinn does this on Flickr and I thought it was a cool idea.

I decided to start off easy. I also decided I didn't want to get up. So here, guess the five.There were all taken while sitting in the same spot in the library.

Thas all. Peace out.



-J said...

1. Your iphone in an orange iskin w/ the corner of your laptop in the back.
2. Your mouse wheel
3. Your dirty ipod in a case (black silicone)
4. Your thumb in a thumbhole (better be a sweater and not arm warmers you tart)
5. Your laptop headphone jack and your Philips headphones.

I want a prize...

sixth lie said...

1. yes
2. i would have also accepted mouse
3. no case. not dirty, scratched
4. yes. not a tart
5. yes

-J said...

Hurrah, where's my prize?