August 30, 2005

11th - blogging from work...

note - this will be a "lite" version blog (no pictures) as i am not using ducky (my home computer). deal with it.

alright, so its 315pm. i'm at work and what am i doing? that's right. i'm blogging. you may ask, why am i blogging? because i am bored out of my skull and my manager is away so there nobody to provide direct supervision.

to be honest, even if there was someone watching me, i'd still be blogging.

i should make a note to thank smuffy who has been giving me rides to work because i've become too lazy to take the bus. its two bussed and double fare. thats 5 bucks and an hour of my time. so, thank you smuffy. most of the time, when she gives me a ride, the standard bribe is included. (standard bribe = tim hortons food on the way there). so, thank you asma.

that is not to say i'm not thanking the other people who give me rides all the time. this includes: peter pan, haider, mansoor, had (who's not in detroit and doesn't give me rides anywhere), nad, papi, etc. scratch the etc. that's it. i apologize if i left someone out. ah, yes, vinita.

i'm eating harvest cheddar sun chips which are by the way, disgusting. how do people stomach this crap. i assume this is how the human body reacts when it eats human meat for the first time. it can't get much worse than this.

news - my van is going bye bye. at first, i was happy because me dad told me it's going out for repairs but now i find out that it's not, he's replacing it with the exact same van. only green. ew. green is such a nasty colour. the blue was bad enough, but it grows on you. blue is the kind of colour you get when you can't decide on a colour but green just show you have terrible taste. i rather be seen as someone who is indecisive, not someone who clearly wreaks of bad taste. goodbye van. i never got to take you apart.

shiv is probably happy about that. hmph.

anyway, i should get back to work. it's getting crowded. it's tuesday for god's sake. what the hell is so important to buy that you couldn't wait til i wasn't here? stupid bastards.


- always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much. (i forgive the m&m people for making the blue ones. you lost a customer and i still hope you burn in hell, but i forgive you. however, i wish nothing but bad things upon you stephen king. i hope you burn in hell for what you've done. i do not forgive you)


Anonymous said...

Wow. another pointless blog! well done zaffar! man u and ur bitching about the green van...get over it dude. there are worse colours out there. like red for example. and what the hell is ur issue with blue m&ms? you're weird.

Anonymous said...

What on earth is wrong with Stephen King? I'm very disappointed in you. Very!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this message is for the person who left the first comment and didn't identify themself - Red is NOT a bad is definitely worse... but of course, if u enjoy the colour of rancid fungus, then I guess green is DEFINITELY your colour! Secondly, he's attached to his crummy van, the way you seem to be attached to your aggravating habit of leaving ur bitchy, pms-y, stalker-like comments on all his blogs, SO, to each his own!
That's that!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, clealrly IM the one pms-ing. And i don't really think my comments are stalker-like considering i dont stalk my friends last time i checked. Also, i dont give a crap about green or red, i just made that comment to annoy zaffar. way to pick up on that.