August 23, 2005

6th - even the best people make mistakes...

picture - here my special ed picture. it's not so much the helmet, but the look on my face that makes it so. anyway, this is a few months ago. long beautiful hair. i'm getting off track. this leads to a blonde moment i had a few days ago. taken with webcam (which is now an infa-red cam)

we're sitting around discussing city life vs small town life vs suburban hell vs ethiopia vs etc. one of wyld's friends was visiting and he's from a small town and he was talking about clay shooting. "it's practice for duck hunt" - and i, genius that i am, without skipping a single beat, "why would you use a real gun to practice for a video game?" then there was an awkward silence. shut up, you all thought about the classic NES game at first too. don't lie. get down with your special-ed self. so, yes, that was kinda embarrassing. here, i'll throw in a picture of thomas on a subway for the first time.

picture - here is wyld trying to kill thomas. thomas wouldn't sit down (he did eventually) see the look on her face? that's the last thing you see before you die? it's also her camp-counselor cool. but yes, thomas is on a subway for the first time. he seem excited about the whole thing, wouldn't you say?

i have a problem! well, i always do, but this time it's big. it was already big, it just got worse this morning. i don't wanan discuss it. just letting you people know. my usual sunny disposition may not be around all the time. more on me not talking about it later.

2 minutes later - it just got worse. my plan to weasel out of it just fell through. this is perfect. ohshitohshitohshit...runningrunningrunning. that's it. i'm running away! no, i'm not. that smacks of effort. what i need is a plan. no, that involves doing stuff. i need to come up with a strategy or mission statement or vision.

ok - i definitely have more important things to be focused on right now. so i'm going to go do that...hopefully.


- self decapitation is an extremely difficult, not to say dangerous thing to try.


Anonymous said...

he was a strange boy indeed (Thomas)
you are a monkey
my brain hurts
i hate work
shoot me now
- Vinita

Anonymous said...

Boo urns...I look like an angry desi mum "danting" her kid (in this case,tomtom) in this picture! WHY must u make me look like a maniac all the time? But Thomas does look excited to be on the subway ... ahh...he's such a strange kid! Still, nothing he does or says can beat your "duck hunt" comment (AKA ur "super blonde, my-life-revolves-around everything-tech, city-boy" moment)....bahahahah!