August 24, 2005

7th - i would rather be blogging...

picture - let us begin with some cuteness. this is my grand niece, the previous grand niece post's older sister. this picture is awesome. i don't know who took it though. not me.

i'm tired - my feet hurt - i'm annoyed - and it's not looking any better today.

yesterday, i went to work. for those who don't know, i work for futureshop. it's one of those bestbuy, circuit city type places. anyway, i started at 1, forgot my shoes at home (was wearing sneakers) and had to wait for someone to bring me shoes before they would let me work. needless to say, i napped in the staffroom.

around 2, i started working. it was a slow day. i made 36 dollars. thank god for subsidy pay. anyway, these two guys came in looking for camera. they didn't make a cute couple. and they were one of those, "i bought my tv here and got a thousand dollars off, so i should get some huge discount because i'm loud and irritating and i exist." i don't like doing the discount thing, so i don't. i'm not going to get fired to save some guy 50 bucks. anyway, i had to call and get his card authorized because he didn't have it with them and there was some stupid little complication with his card where he was charged once but there were multiple authorizations for the same amount. took him to customer service where he harrassed and fought with one of my managers over nothing. an authorization without an invoice number is not a charge and it drops off the account in less than 48 hours. anyway, he wanted us to either give me two more cameras, etx without receipts or give him 1400 dollars cash. this started at around 730ish and went on for till a little past 10. that's an hour after the store closes. so, my manager finally comes to a resolution of sorts with this guy and then my department manager came and within 20 seconds, ruined it by telling the dude we're doing him a favour by doing this. when he got annoyed, she told him he had no proof that these charges exist so he's here arguing for no reason. (she was right, there was no actual proof of these charges - so if he left, the other autdorizations would have been dropped because there is no invoice number with them and all would have been well.) anyway - this lead to another 20 minutes of stupid discussion where me and my other manager had to kinda phase her out of the discussion.

anyway, so stupid. by the time i left it was about 1020ish. i was not happy. and all this time, my friend was waiting for me.

and then it got better. so much better that i wanted to stab myself in the foot. but we won't discuss that. i got home around 1ish.

picture - hieeee found this. it's of some dude in gaza. at first glance it looks a hell lot like me. me with long hair, not me now. as you look closer, it looks like some sun burnt white guy, but still, the cursory glace is creepy. apparently, bizarro world does exist and it iz gaza. however, people who look like me shit disturbers regardless of which part of the planet we're from. he's about to get beat up.

anyway, today is going to be fun. i'm finishing up this ridiculous training module for work and then i'm headed over to my family's store to help out. if anyone wants marble and granite stuff, let me know. then i'm going to come home and shoot myself because that'll be my entertainment for the night.

quick note - sarah just sent me this. read this article. it's short. that's so stupid. read it, and come back.

ok, now that you're disturbed, someone explain this because i sure as hell don't get it.

picture - i was in priya's with my friend. fyi - priyas is a little brown grocery store and i see this. naturally i pull out my camera and take a picture.

anyway, i should be heading off to do more important stuff. i'm headed to the store. i'm taking books and stuff with me because i have no idea what to expect.

you've had your fill of the cute, the weird, the eerie and of my bitching about something. what more could you ask for? no, i don't have any money to give you. go away.

alrighty, we're off. be good.


- children are the most desirable opponents at scrabble as they are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.


Anonymous said...

yasser arafat is spinning in his grave, you infidel!


Anonymous said...

Ummm that guy looks a LOT like u. I'm kinda freaked out rite now. don't u now just feel a little more unoriginal than u already are?

Sarah Q. said...

You're the chicken poopie!

Anonymous said...

I think you're a little chubbier than Gaza-boy! So rest assured, your individuality is safe because of ur chub! YAYYY! Hurrayyy for chubbles!! =D

