August 21, 2005

3rd - it's not pink! it's a lightish red...

picture - this is my cousin trying to lick my other cousin. i know we're brown and the cousin loving is all good (i know i'm a jerk) but this is still pretty wrong. anyway, this was taken with my ericsson t616. lovely.

yes, i know this is my second entry of the day, but i could't help it. a good idea is a good idea. i've decided to share some pictures with you guys. so every day i'll post an amusing picture with a brief description. it'll probably be something embarrassing or funny or clever or a picture i've taken that i like. whatever, you get the point. pictures.

just a quick note here - some of the site is pink, i'm well aware. the background however is not pink. this more purple or plum. think willie wonka... but thanks for pointing that out. i would have never noticed.

also, me and peter pan were debating starting a weekly photo assignment/contest type thing. of course, this wont be open to random strangers. that means you, creepy stalker, no-one-gives-a-crap-about-sixth's-opinion guy, but none the less, it it should be fun. if you only learn to let go. we could be friends. realistically, probably not. if i knew who you were, i would invest a portion of my free time to make you miserable but this is the internet and miracles do happen. take the success of smallville for example. more details on that later.

i wonder if people will be uspet about stuff like this. don't worry, there is embarrassing stuff of me as well which i'll be posting tomorrow probably. it's only fair.

also, sky angel (before you ask, that's not her actually name. just like how my parents didn't name me sixth. but you'll notice i'm not using any real names) - i am not always negative. i'm just observant. and quoting the smartest television doctor i know, "people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling"

Anyway, this is me and sky angel. she asked to be mentioned on my blog so the masses (in this case, all four of you but i'm hoping posting her pictures up will bring in some needed traffic) could see how great she is. i have absolutely no idea when this picture was taken. i know its not from anytime recent (like 2-3 years at least), but i've oddly reverted back to looking like that (i cut my hair). anyway, this is sky angel. she's an artist, thinks i'm very negative about everything, has a boy named alex, etc. anyway, she needs attention. actually, she demands it. this might be a minor hint towards her boyfriend. so here ya go, hint hint.

anyway, i think i'm done for the night. more tomorrow.


- until now we scraped along the ground like rats, but from now on, we soar. like eagles. yeah. LIKE EAGLES... ON... POGO STICKS.


Anonymous said...

interesting website zaf.... keep it up.... and someone was right it looks more like pink.... the colors... hahahaha..... hope to see more of ur work

Anonymous said...

dude, you haven't aged at all
that is beyond creapy.
- Vinita

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend gives me enough attention, zafar. You're like an electron, so negatively charged..........!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're all wrong. it's plum.