August 25, 2005

9th - mmmm food ... blech

today was an interesting day - all who read my blog earlier this morning know how entertained i was.

quick note guys - all the pictures are clickable - they get bigger.

picture - this is the bottom level of the store. it's completely empty.

while i was at the store, i went exploring. there's a whole lower level. there is this room, which is the size of the store - completely empty. there's a drain in one corner. i hope everyone is thinking what i'm thinking. that's right, fight club or maybe an underground casion but those things get robbed a lot. is that not a super find though? it also must be noted that the ground is smooth, not polished, but smooth. break dancing anyone?

anyway, after work i had to go do random stuff. i also forgot my sunglasses at asma's house. i miss my dkny sunglasses. so, on my way to asma's house, i make a left turn off shepard onto mccowan and this chinese dude made a right turn after i started my left and cut right in front of me. i should point out at this point that i had advance green. but anyway, i'm about to hit him, and following peter pan's philosophy that we don't use our horn enough, i honked at him. little chinese guy gets pissed at me and starts yelling shit i can't hear and waving his fist. he was so upset, he waiting for me at the next red to tell me off. i didn't give him the chance though. i rolled my window down, gave him hell for being a blind jackass and left.

my point being. people do stupid things. we all do. i've done plenty. my family and friends can attest to that. but that doesn't mean when you do something stupid, you can't just admit it, apologize and move on. admiting you're wrong doesn't make you look bad.

and now, here's a list of things i've been wrong about.
- queen street west
- the chair incident
- duck hunt
- that time i figured we should all play quiditch (it just never clicked in)

yes, i'm sure there is plenty, plenty PLENTY more. there is no need to add. it's a sampler, just to show that everyone, even someone as perfect as me can make mistakes.

moving along...

picture - this is cuisine of india. a restaurant on highway 7 and somewhere between laidlaw and mccowan, on the north side. where the licks and harveys is. more about this as you read on.

later on, i went to grab food with me mate. we decided upon brown food. yes, i know, we get brown food at home, but whatever. we went to cuisine of india, since my attempt to find that other brown food place by q's house failed. we went in, its very dark and gloomy and smacks of effort of being brown. even the mirror in the men's bathroom was a window frame with a mirror behind it. not sure how that makes it desi, but it does. anyway. over-priced food (seriously, if you wanted some onions on the side or lemon and yogurt or whatever, its an extra dollar!), slow service (especially considering there were only six people including us dining there), no butter chicken (what were they planning on serving white people exactly? white people think we live of butter chicken. they're always so enthusiastic to try it.) and to top it all off, the food was CRAP! i normally don' t use uppercase letters, but in this case it was needed. 3 bucks for a roti/nan!! you would figure that would an endless supply till your meal is done or something, but it's one, cut in half!

basically. never go there. go to chohan's instead. i don't know how to spell chohan's.

alright, i have to get ready for work. hurray! someone eat me.

quick note - from now on, it's a guessing game who the quote at the end is from. kudos to whomever gets it right. and maybe once you get like 10 right, you get a prize.

be good.


- whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, heaven in its infinit mercy, sends them a fat missionary.


Anonymous said...

ooh! I know, I know! Oscar Wilde.

You were thgat close to my house and did not stop to say hello? You've hurt my feelings Z.

and it's infinit(e) <- that was the E you missed.

PS: Thanks for the comment on my journal, I'm glad to know someone loves me.

Anonymous said...

Zaffar, you're insane if u think someone's gonna be able to guess who said all these crackpot quotes of yours. Altho i see someone got this one...but still. Ooh i wanna be in the fight club! i always wanted to be in one. but then guys laugh at me. those sexist bastards.

Anonymous said...

Funny quote, u chubby bastard! [NOTE TO ALL READING THE COMMENTS: I was the unfortunate "mate" who went with Z on the expedition to find good brown food (outside our own homes, of course! What were we thinking?!?!) Cuisine of India was so crap, I cannot describe that tripe with any known words! I'm going to leave it at that!
PS: Zaff, u've been wrong about SOOO many more things! And on the Queen West was TWICE! =P

-shiv [wyld]

Anonymous said...

i wanted indian food for ages and YOUUU went without me*shakes fists*
the invite when you are nearly at the place does not count!!

it's still not as bad as the amt of money we paid for naan and yes even RICE like 5bucks for a tiny bowl of it, it was pathetic.

Anonymous said...

^^^ was Vinita