August 29, 2005

10th - tell me whats wrong with the picture...

picture - read title.

that's right! you guessed it! the pizza is missing the cheese. how wierd is that? which pizza guy randomly forgot to put cheese on the pizza. anyway, this is not my pizza. this is adidi's pizza.

yes, i know i haven't blogged in a while. i'm sorry. i've been busy.

guess what? on saturday i made a buck commision. do you realize how stupid that sounds? a buck. one solitary dollar in 6 friggin hours. thank god for subsidy pay.
anyway, this blog is basically pointless. it more or less had the point of letting you folks know i'm alive and relatively well.

picture - more freaky-naughty cousin lovin. it's not really cousin lovin, but i'm not going to search for a picture now. it's an amusing picture.

eat me.

so, one of my friends has no idea what bill and ted's excellent adventure is about? i can only shake my head is disdain.

i'm not exactly sure what disdain means but it seems appropriate. correct me if i'm wrong in my usage. wait, don't correct me.

i saw that movie today at walmart (don't ask why i was there) - but i saw bill and ted's excellent adventure there for seven bucks and i really wanted to buy it. i didn't beacause i'm getting ong bak on tuesday and that's all the monies i'm willing to spend on movies right now.

news - i bought movies today from pacific mall. love that place. nowhere else can you get three dvd movies for 20 bucks. you can't beat that. plus, i got seven. which is excellent.


- small earthquake in chili - not many dead.


Anonymous said...

I bought a movie from Pacific Mall, and do you know what it did? It refused to play the ending! It skipped and jittered through the whole two hour movie, and it wouldn't even play the last 10 minutes on the computer. I still don't know how the stony ended.

I plan to be reimbursed for my anguish in blood.


Mr. Horse said...

I steer clear of Pacific Mall. I'm so scared that once I start buying movies for that cheap that I won't be able to stop.

I've had pizza with no cheese before. Not good. I prefer cheese with no pizza.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the movies!
i didtn get butter chickens:(
i'm bored at work i think img ona watch madagascar!

- Vinita

Anonymous said...

First of all, I still don't get that quote. I dont think its clever at ALL. Secondly, in my defense, i had a really sheltered childhood! I'm sorry if i missed out on a few classic movies ok? But i'll get right on watching 'bill and ted's excellent adventure' ASAP. sounds riveting...

Anonymous said...

That cheese-less pizza is STILL in the fridge! We need to find some cheese!

- Shiv

Anonymous said...

1. you have a stain on your shirt
2. 3 for $20, I can beat that. Yes, in Canada too.