August 22, 2005

4th - we big on cousin lickin...and rageahol...

picture - today we begin with something adorable. this is my grand-niece. i believe that is the technical term for it. in the mirror you can you see peter pan. none the less, she is adorable. there's about a hundred thousand pictures of her.

a note to harley - i was actually planning to do this since last night. the fact that your blog has pics of your niece on it is entirely coincidence.

now that we're all feeling fuzzy inside. lets move on. later in the blog, something artsy (can't think of a better word) and of course something embarrassing.

news - i slept last night somewhere in the 430 to 5am range. i know, hurray for me. but here's in the kicker. i slept in my bed! those who know me, get that. the other half, i don't normally sleep there. it's more a platform for me to store my laundry on. it also serves as a reminder to my famliy that i exist. i don't think it does the latter job very well.

since we were on the topic of my family, we have three nazis in the family. one is the dance nazi. she was exposed as a nazi weeks before my sister's and my nephew's wedding. no, not to each other. to different people. just in the same week. yes, we're loonies.

our newest nazi is our game nazi. he's little and adorable but a nazi none the less. never has such anal-retention from a 10-year-old. whether its rule's of conduct for video games or timers in board games. he's on it. and to top it off now, he's become a shit-talker (which is AWESOME). ever get smack talked to you from a 10-year-old. there's something other worldly about it.

there is a third, i just don't remember. more on that later.

picture - this is my best friend, wyld. took this picture in a park. i really like the way this picture turned out. i think it's the hat. i donnu. none the less. kudos to me on liking my own work. i'm sure the subject had something to do with the way it turned out, but not really.

wyld is a 20-year-old ipod owner (jinx has a shirt that says ipood with silhouette of a dude on the jonh. how great is that? that's a plug jinx, give me free stuff) who is all about saving the world. her interests include making me feel guilty for not finishing my ice cream, "think of the baby cow (calf, i know) who didn't get the milk that went in your ice cream!"... and ripping people's egos apart. she's hates children but is however smitten with some of them (sumi, a bunch of kids at camp, the piranha boy) and is the director of a summer camp program in which she deals with 40ish kids, five days a week. smart move there buddy. you really know how to pick em. remember those commercials "big things come in small packages" where you got these huge stuffed animals in these wee boxes. well, she's like that, only filled with rage instead of cottony goodness. tread carefully... i'm kidding. she's harmless. she would brake in the middle of a highway to save a crossing squirrel but probably throw a person out in front of the car so the laws of karma are appeased.

did anyone else notice on friday that most people have no idea what the non-working traffic light rule is? it honestly took me close to two and a half hours to pick up my dad because people think that no working traffic light means drive through. i mean, at least caution is an order.

and i leave you with more cousin lickin. we're big on that.


- the secret to my happiness is i have the heart of a twelve year old child. i keep it in a jar over here. would you like to see it?


Mr. Horse said...

Eww. Cousin licking and cousin's all just a bit too much for me to handle so early in the morning. You crazy Q's.


Sarah Q. said...

lol... thats one good use for our useless Q pictures. We got a lickin shrine many you plannin on using?!
Anyhow... I like it. Pink...but nice. Interesting too... you'll actually give me something to do at work other than working on my own blog. lol.
Lets see how long the you keep up the lickin. lol (oh that sounds so but im going to leave it anyway hehe)
C ya!!

Anonymous said...

cutest baby ever!!!
ahh, sumi is still my favourite, she's like a ball of mischief i love it!

anyway, hahahhahhahha to the description of wyld, i can't wait to see her take on that.

and i agree with ^^ now I have something to do at work :( besides you know, " work" .

- Vinita.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me seem like a crazy super-opinionated psycho...I love it! Bwahahahaha! -wyld