January 24, 2006

45th - the three G's: gingerale, glucose and gravol are all GROSS

when i was little, i was afraid of ninjas. now that i think about it, i don't know why. ninjas aren't scary. plus, a pirate can totally kick a ninja's ass. i was stupid when i was little.

i can't sleep. so here i am blogging. I realized, i haven't done any recommendations, songs or books. so tonight, i'm going to do a bit of catching up. we'll start off with books. i figure one book a week is good. so i'm going to recommend four books tonight to catch up. i'll do quick reads. if you've read any of the books, feel free to leave your opinions about them.

creep - i. muderman
not the greatest book ever writen, but an interesting idea for one. it's a really quick twenty minute read. i remember reading this book out loud to a bunch of people.

the stupidest angel - christopher moore
really fun christmas book. it's a very quick read. this kid sees this woman kill santa [someone in a santa suit] and wishes santa wasn't dead. enter the bloody stupid angel to grant his wish. there's domestic violence, a fruit bat, zombies and ton's more. it's not remotely scary. nadia is reading it right now. very funny book.

the alchemist - paulo coelho
absolutely beautiful book. it's a really simple story about a poor shepard who loves a girl. he goes out looking for a treasure so he would be worthy enough to ask her father to marry the girl. along the way, stuff happens. that wasn't a great description but whatever. read the book. not optional. shiv gave me this book. it's part of my top five.

good omens - terry prachett & neil gaimen
also one of my all time favourite books. it's about this angel and demon who've been enemies since the beginning of time, but they see more of each other than their own, they're basically best friends. both have a liking for the universe as it is. so when it's about to end, they do whatever they can do not let that happen. really really entertaining book by two really really good authors. prachett is more the light-hearted one and gaimen is more the darker one. it's not everyone's thing but most people who i've gotten to read this, love it.

ok, those are my book recommendations. now to my song recommendations. like anyone cares about these. today's category is "love songs", the darker kind. i know, i definitely could have come up with a more original theme but it's almost 4am. eat me.

06 - air - playground love
05 - the cult - painted on my heart
04 - garbage - number one crush
03 - kidney thieves - s+m
02 - oasis - wonderwall
01 - nine inch nails - closer

ok, i could have made that list entirely out of NIN songs [we're in the together now, the fragile, la mer, perfect drug], but i didn't.

as the title of this blog suggests. i'm sick. have been feeling so for the past few days. it all started on sunday morning. i was coming out of my bathroom when i suddenly got really nauseous. i decided it's a good idea to get back into bed. i took about 2 steps because a bed seemed like a distant hope and finding the floor would do nicely at this point. i found it, about a foot above where it was actually located and hit the floor, chest first with a thud. it hurt, but i didn't care. i had found the floor. that was the worst of it. i'm much better now but i'm still getting boughts of nausea and random stomach pains.

mother made me drink some glucose water because i looked a little pale and some gravol to combat the nausea. shiv gave me a six-pack of ginger ale, which i thought was sweet. also disgusting, but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless. all three things are nasty.

we've got this thing from the motherland which is basically like metamucil but without the orangey flavour. it's called "spae-ghul" which if you literally translate in pushto [one of the languages we speak] means dog-shit. im not sure if this is a joke or this is based on what it tastes like. for the past few weeks, my dad has been trying to get me to drink this stuff every time i get a stomach issue. i can't. it's soo nasty and slimy and then there's the name. it's just not right.

ok, this is totally rude but i was talking to shiv today and we were somehow talking about dog shows and then somehow about koreans [yes, you can see where this is going] which lead to the question. do korean people watch dog shows wondering if these people are fu*king with them, by parading around dinner? also, do you think rich korean guys would pay top dollar to eat one of those show dogs? ok, i know that was jackassy and rude and racist and all that other good shit but it was just a joke. ok, it's not funny. here - i've probably eaten cat before.

so, i had a random dream about one of my friend's friends. not a sex-dream but close. long story short, the whole thing was brought to an abrupt end by her having very dry chappy lips. that's gross. lip balm/chap stick/lip gloss/etc isn't expensive or hard to use. use it.

ok - i'm tired. i'm going to go now. good night.

be good.


p.s. what’s your favourite sin and why? out of the seven deadly sins, not random, "i like to watch animals get it on" type stuff. keep that shit to yourself...


Anonymous said...

Hey...in ur list of best books...you totally forgot to "Perfume" by Suskind! Now you KNOW that's an amazing book!

And in your list of dark love songs...how did you ever forget "Painted on my heart" and even "Nothing else matters". But yes..NIN's Closer, Perfect Drug and Fragile...all very good love songs. *siggh..trent reznor!*

Anyway, I hope you're feeling better..the nausea and stuff. If u don't get better in a few days...go to the doctor! It's free y'know...good healthcare and all... and right now, really don't know how long that's going to last!!

Lastly, the question on my favourite sin!?? You need to define what sin really is. I don't consider most things sin (maybe a vice...but not a sin)! Only things that could potentially hurt people very much, that could be a sin. What's your favourite sin? (PS: DON'T say chocolate... chocolate ISN'T sinful!)

sixth lie said...

we're looking at more the seven deadly sins. not "i like to pick my nose and leave it on spoons" type stuff. i will post mine later.

also, i said a book a week. i was just catching up. i'll get to perfume later.

Anonymous said...

okkk, first things first nutto!!! its IS-PAI-GHOL not spai ghaul!!!!!!!!!! second, i agree, it sucks majorly!!!!!!!! but u gotta bite the bullet.... or just stick to pepto-bismol... it works for u guys!!!!!!!!!! lol. Hope ure feeling better. im gonna stop before i start on all the Todkas!!!!!!!!!!!! (home remedies!!!!)lol

Third... how do u write so much and say so little?????? Muhahahahaha!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out that a) i totally take credit for that air-playground love song. i TOLD u u'd love it. and b) my mom loved the alchemist too. ahaha u have something in common with my mom! my favourite sin ...i dunno. i love them all. probably a tie between gluttony..lust..and sloth. The others are good too tho. p.s - stop dreaming about my friends you perv

Anonymous said...

Recap of the sins:
1. Lust (fornication)
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth
5. Wrath (anger/hate)
6. Envy/Jealousy
7. Pride/vanity

Hmm.. now if we're making this based on the movie, the twist envy/wrath provide at the end were probably my favourite.. (although it was really sad)... sheer grotesque and disgust would be gluttony *shudders*, that's just a sad way to go :( ( and something I can entirely see you doing to someone zuff)

you're missing many good books!
possibly because i have a bunch of them in g-town. :) lol

call me soon geek

Mr. Horse said...

You're a dope! A Ninja could totally kick a pirate's ass! What kinda weird world are you living in where a Pirate would beat a Ninja? Do you even know what a Ninja can do??? You're so wrong!

My favourite sin is sloth.

Good luck with the recommendations. It takes a lot of effort and organization to get them done for an entire year. Then again, one per week is probably easier than one per day.


Shiplass said...

Yes. Pirates are better than ninjas.
*laughs* Thanks for the last comment. It made me look at 'kissing random people' in a very different, and much more amusing light. :D

Anonymous said...

I agree with Harley Quinn on the Ninjas kicking Pirates' asses! I'm sorry, man...a pirate can kick a ninja's ass...at a rum-drinking competition! They're pirates...not trained to fight. Yes. they fight..and look cool. But ninjas are TRAINED to fight. Plus they have those cool, sleek outfits! Not every pirate looks as cool and yummy as Johnny Depp.

Ok, you totally added "Painted on my heart" AFTER i left that comment! Cheater!

And back to the sins thing...i REALLY don't think some of those things are sins.
Lust=a whole bunch of hormones gone crazy (I think that's like a teenage boy)... it's natural..whatever! But as Vin put it ... "fornication"...that's natural too. So I don't see why it's a sin!
And a lot of the ones on that list are just human emotions. Doesnt everyone have a little bit of all those emotions in them?!...they come out from time to time.

Shiplass said...

I HAVE NO RESPECT OFR CONFUSING PEOPLE!!! *sobs a little* I've had people tell me I'm confusing, but I am nothing compaired to certain others I could name *cough*Alex*cough* I shall terrorize him as often as I please.