January 3, 2006

42nd - why do cacti have livers?

picture [right] - these are the two from the story below that involves children.

i'm babysitting! [well, i was earlier on tonight]

alright, for those of you who almost had a stroke, i wasn't by myself [i was with mome, who technically did all the real babysitting stuff like changing, feeding, etc]. dear god, i pity the parents who would leave their child alone with me. i would probably be inclined to call child services. the children in question were sumi and anisa. both of which are adorable. it was fun. kids are nutty and have bad taste in movies. pocahontas. what a pile of crap that was but sumi seems to like it. but she likes star wars so pocahontas is forgivable. plus, she's three so i can't really hold anything against her. well, i can but i would just seem childish and petty.

note to blogs i frequent - after i'm done this. i'll be making my rounds. i know i haven't in a long time. christmas season gets a little crazy. by the way, i got NOTHING! i usually get something, but this time, NOTHING! also, i'm very disappointed at the lack of participation in the 5 weird habits thing.

sad news - plans of going to philly next weekend might not work out and that blows chunks. my plans for the following weekend are still in tact though, so hopefully all will go well there. still trying to figure out philly though. note - going to philly to help sister move.

ok, so the fun is over and it's time for everyone to get back to work. it's been a fun break. it wasn't really a break since i was working for most of it, except for the last weekend. but it's over and now back to real work.

picture [right] - had and hubby, nome. they look so happy. i have no idea what this is about. had or nome, let us know.

last weekend was fun! sister and her hubby and bilu and manny came to visit. well, sister was already here. they came to pick her up and stayed the weekend.

new years even seemed like it was going to be a bust. i even yawned at "2!!", which can really throw off your excitement afterwards. but then after that, we decided to go tobogganing. manny, bilu, amaad and rani had never been do that was even more fun. it was lots of fun. had, nome, manny, bilu and me all got injured. here's how

had - no idea, but has scratch marks on her arm.

nome - hit the ditch at the bottom and bounced a little. hurt back

bilu - was with nome on sled when that happened

me - hit the ditch and the sled stopped dead in it's tracks and i continued on without it. i wish i had a picture of that. it hurt in a stop i wasn't aware could really feel anything.

there are no tobogganing pics because while i was setting up my camera, someone hit it right in the lens with a snowball. i should be way more upset. that thing is like my child.

before that, we had a whole bunch of wings which were excellent. by the way, vegetarians - you have no idea what you're missing. we introduced a bunch of people to wings. even my dad likes them even though he gave me a wee bit of shit a few years back when he found out i used to go to a bar. then i explained to him that it's a family resturaunt that happens to have a bar and he was ok with it. i still got shit from other parties for no good reason and i still really can't figure out why.

on new years day, we went to this vietnamese restaurant that i had gone to earlier in the week with karen and lilan which i enjoyed. it's a nice little restaurant [unlike cuisine of india which is a dank pile of shit just like the food it serves]. as it turns out, i'm the only one who enjoyed my meal. everyone else ordered miscellaneous things and didn't enjoy it much and spent most of the dinner complaining about it. the mango salads were all around liked, however.

picture [left] - playing nhl 2005. look at nome concentrating. he's been hell bent on beating me since the shutout that happned last visit.

sports news - i think i've lost my touch in nhl 2005 - free 4 all mode. my shut out from the previous visit has been downgraded to barely scraping wins and sometimes not getting the win at all. congratulations to nome for finally beating me. his life is now complete.

update - i'm officially done at FS. i've given in my resignation [which was written up by mome] and peter pan seemed a wee upset about accepting it. "you don't do much, but you're fun to have around" i think that was a compliment. that annoying seasonal jackass has been fired for fraud [long, uninteresting story].

last night, we were supposed to go see king kong, which i still haven't seem. i'm seriously going to cry if i don't see that in theatres. but then that plan got sidetracked because we decided we were feeling lazy and would rather sit at home and play a board game or something. more specifically taboo. so we went to the mall to buy taboo which was completely unavailable. so we went home and me, mome and reem ended up playing mario kart for a while. not sure how long. reem started off being the newbie and worked her way up to winning a few. she's a good girl gamer. which is not in any way saying she's a real gamer but good - by girl standards. sorry, i'm being mean. she's good. chicks who are gamers are excellent. she plays real games too, not pansy bubble bobble stuff, which i'm sure she plays but she plays normal games too. the only other girl gamers i can think of are shiv and aysha. props to them too. shiv can't play driving games though.

msg for reem - my 24 still beats your 3. that's right, i said it.

while at the mall, we went to the bookstore. i bought me some notebooks which i desperately needed. if i'm serious about this writing thing, i should get on that. i had a wicked idea for a book when i was in the shower the other day so i'm gonna be working on that as much as i can.

currently, i'm reading going postal and it's very entertain and last night i started portrait of a killer. that book about jack the ripper which is very good. it going up and down a bit but i'm enjoying it. he hated women, the same as me.

today i did two car related things. one i got some stuff fixed at mr. lube [asmar, if you're giggling, i get to smack you] and thank you to mome for coming with. it would have been bloody boring without. surprisingly, after we left, the rattling noise my car makes was gone and i was happier. it came back later so i was a wee pissed. i'm taking the car to my mechanic on the weekend. enough is enough.

later, i was at FS with mome for some last minute abuse of my employee discount. i ended buying myself a cd deck for my car. it was cheap. it was a hundred bucks for the deck and install and tax. can't beat that. so, i now have a cd player in the car. thank god. the radio can really suck at times.

ok, i've noticed i've been more talking about events that about topics. i personally think my rants about topics are more entertaining. so after this blog, i'm going to focus more on talking about stuff rather than about my day. the random ranting and raving shall return!

by the way, those cushiony toilet seats are a pain in the ass. well, not literally, they're quite comfortable on the ass, but figurative pain in the ass, YES! one. they take forever to get rid of the heat from someone else's cheeks. two, you really have to make sure they're up before you start peeing because otherwise mid-stream they start making their move back and unless you're quick enough to catch it while in mid-stream, you have a whole new problem.


p.s. what's worse. cold toilet seat [goose bumpy butt, having to settle in before going about the doodies] or warm toilet seat [knowing someone else's cheeks were on this throne of yours not too long ago]?

picture [below] - this is what i look like after a few days of barely sleeping. manny still looks happy.


Anonymous said...

K that picture of u sleep-deprived...sorry to break it to u but thats how u look all the time. p.s - if u get a book published before me I will have u killed.

Anonymous said...

I CAN TOO PLAY Driving Games, u ass face! I'm sooo much better than u at Burnout. Bahahah! Tht's right, i went there. I don't remember u being able to beat me EVEN once at that. Sucker!
I don't like SOME driving games. And i dont like the sports ones...not enough violence or smashing of things...unless it's NHL. But I'm not too fond of tht either. U get punished for being very violent in that game. So boo!

Ok..and since when do u hate women u idiot?!!? Aren't BOTH ur best friends (besides mome...tht's right mome...i'm acknowledging it!! :P ) girls? Aren't MOST of ur friends girls? Idiot!

PS: Awww...pic of sumi n neesa...SO CUTE! They're such cute little munchkins!

Mr. Horse said...

Eww...warm toilet seats are not nice.


Anonymous said...

*shakes head* Shiv's right...she did whomp your butt @ burnout... I know cuz it's what you two were doing when you and I actually had work to get done...lol (sounds like every other time we attempt to actually get anything done..)

and HAW... shiv's right both your best friends are women...although, i do act like a dude around you so it's a semi-forgiveable statement.. irregardless...HAW! to that indeed.

vote for cold toilet seat, I can't believe you'd even consider the other option =S


sixth lie said...

burnout isn't a driving game. it's a smashing game. which is technically what you would be doing if ever put behind the wheel of a real car. road raging midget.

Anonymous said...

ewwwwww......... one word for you poing--> hover

sixth lie said...

at home?

Anonymous said...

WHAT? EXXCUUUSE ME! But I'm SURE i'd be a better driver than u, ZAFF!! AND I have road rage...buddy...ure a NUT on the road. U have WAYY too much rage. And even though Burnout is a smashing game..u need to know how to NOT drive ur car into pillars and the sides. So tell me...if ure so awesome at driving games, why is it that u can BARELY drive the car straight in that game. Most of the time u lose BECAUSE u crash into stationary objects in the game. SUCKS to be u, dude!



Anonymous said...

i rather take the cold seat!!! and u really need sleep oh wait tht's the normal you :P

-guess who?