January 31, 2006

46th - you're ugly and that fascinates me...


picture [right] - lets start with stupid. america's anti voting campaign. this would stop me from voting too. not because it's really likely, but there's a slight chance and that's more risk than i'm willing to take. and that ladies and gentlemen is how george bush got back in. it all makes sense now.

if you're wondering about that number on the top, it's a counter for how many times something happens. the first person to guess what i'm counting gets a prize. in advance, this has nothing to do with number three on the resolution list. you people are sick.

anyway, i was on the phone with customer service today for the seventh time trying to get them to refund my money and everytime i find out that i need some other piece of information or something. lots of back and forth. lots of me telling off a basically incompetent team of customer service reps. anyway, i called today - already good and pissed. spoke to one person who couldn't read information and process it at the same time. wasted about fifteen minutes and got transferred over to the web guys so i could email them some info. the web girl, heard my two sentence explanation and my shipment tracking number and said, "ok, i've issued you a refund - is there anything else?" that was it! how the hell did it take 2 months for me to meet the one genius at this company. i should have just asked to speak to the smartest employee there.

you know, having a grown up job can stink at times. it's a complete time killer. first off, long hours but that's not a big deal. it's when you have time off, you're thinking about work because it's such a significant portion of your day. everything else is just distractions from the job. uncool. so, i was at work tonight and you know those boiler rooms you see in horror flicks. well, i was in one of those [i was also in an air duct at some point - long story, another day] but way better lit and colourful and bleeding hot. really bloody loud and when the valves release pressure, it can scare the shit out of you. anyway, there was a squirrel in there. perfectly content, running around, doing it's squirelly thing, totally not afraid of me. this leads to one of two points. one. our squirrel friend has been around a long time and knows we mean it no harm. or two. the squirrel is totally deaf and probably retarded. i like option two better.

also, i learnt today a lot of the people i work with aren't keeners about deodorant. blech...

my top 6 this week is going to be "stuck up celebrities" i know - once again, not very original but i think one should appreciate the fact that these blogs are done very late at night, or early in the morning [it's all perspective] and there is very little function happening in the brain at this point in time.

06 - sharukh khan [ran over people who wouldn't get out the way]
05 - hilary duff [dated and cheated on aaron carter. animal activist. lip-syncs.]
04 - karina kapoor [she's ugly. doesn't realize it. thinks she owns bollywood because she's a kapoor]
03 - kanye west [think's he's god's gift to music. wears white jesus medalion though he believes he was black]
02 - paris hilton [no actual claim to fame. wore a "vote or die" shirt, didnt vote and didn't die. also, check this link]
01 - jennifer lopez [too caught up in being a high powered brat to notice she's not jenny from the block anymore but still insists upon it. uses really f*cking expensive face cream *1500 for a 6oz jar* as body cream, daily. body insured for one billion dollars.]

i might as well make my book selection now

perfume: the story of a murderer - patrick suskind
this book is friggin incredible. it's a smells book and it written beautifully and the story is semi-creepy which is awesome. basically, it's about a strange perfumer who is obsessed with smell [strange as in, he has a very keen sense of smell and no smell of his own] out to make the perfect perfume which leads him to doing bad things. the does an excellent job getting the scents and stenches of old paris. must read.

this has been bugging me for, oh about 31 days now. on my new 2006 planner, the one i use for work. on the top of every page, there is a number. a number counting down. can you guess what it's counting down to? the nexf f*cking year!!! who the hell cares about this at this point. people are now getting used to writing 2006 instead of writing 2005 and then cleverly turning the 5 into a 6 and the jackass who did the layout for this planner figured that reminding us well in advance of the 2006/07 switchover would be a good idea. if you're interested, there are three hundred and thirty-three days left till new years.

i saw underworld over the weekend and man, i was dissapointed. i just really didn't care for it and i think i've figured out why. it doesn't have any character development. it has a two-dimensional main character who doesn't evolve at all and the fight scenes are kinda crap too. i just didn't care for it. the special effects were much better than the first but that didn't save it. it really shouldn't have started thee minutes after the first movie. it's just a hot vampire fashion show. if they have two hours of hot vampires walking back and forth wearing different outfits that would work just as well, a lot better actually. no alienated audience members that way. and what the hell was up with the eyes. get a proper CG guy or intern to do it. don't leave it for your six year old nephew.

ok, i'm going to go now.

oh shit - i almost forgot. so, we all know this one person who hates blogs and thinks all bloggers are attention whores, etc. ok, i'm a bit of an attention whore but i'm trying to be good about it. anyway, check out who's blog i stumbled upon. that's right folks - judy. visit her blog, leave lots of comments about how blogs sucks and are a waste of time. tell her i sent you. i know it's rude and jackassy, but sometimes it's sweet to just irritate the shit out of people. it's sweeter still when someone else does it and you sit back and watch. you need an msn account to view. if you don't have one, that's sad.

picture [below] - look who's at it again.

be good, ciao.


p.s. mome's lack of commenting on my blog is bumming me out.

p.s. visit judy's blog. leave comments.

p.s. is it wrong to get others to annoy people for you?


Anonymous said...

the number on top is the number of times u called the company to get ur money back.

andddd Sharukh Khan should be the number 1 stuck up celebrity. Kareena and J Lo suck, i totally agree!!!!!!!!!

To answer ur question... its not wrong to get other ppl to annoy someone for u, depends on how annoyed u want them to get!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, jackass! I realise that that bitchy Underworld comment was made especially for me. FIRST OFF...DID U OR DID U NOT PAY ATTENTION WHILE WATCHIN THE MOVIE? I distinctly recall you saying that u didnt even care to see the movie, and really werent into it to begin with!

Secondly... it's NOT OSCAR WINNING material. It's a crazy fantasy action movie with crazy leather bound vampires and crazy lycans! It's basically like a gothy comic book in movie form. There is NOTHING wrong with that. There's always an audience for that.

LASTLY...abt it "alienating" the audience. I remember a lot of people thinking that Underworld 1 was beneath them and wasn't their kind of movie. So most people who go to watch underworld:evolution have actually seen 1. Besides... there was that lame recap in the beginning of the movie for all those rejects who thought they were too cool to watch the first movie.

[yes, i like the Underworld Series. I realise it's not some original, super cool movie which could come close to being nominated for an Oscar. But i still like it...so sue me! Everyone has a movie such as that that you just like even though it may not be "Amazing" by normal standards (yes, this goes out to all of u who like movies like "a walk to remember" and such...)]

So, zaff...basically...SHUT UP!!(YOUUU WANTED TO GO AND SEE THE MOVIE...and u knew what it was gonna be like...stupid!)

Mr. Horse said...

It wasn't Shah Rukh Khan that ran over the bums on the street, that was Salman Khan. Then again, SRK could've done the same thing too, what do I know? Anyways, I like Shah Rukh, he's nice (or at least he was 10 years ago), he shouldn't be on your list.

That bit about the co-workers and lack of deo made me chuckle. Poor you.

Who's Judy???


Anonymous said...

sharukh khan... nope that was salman khan... and he go away with it...

yes annoying people is a GOOD THING... because people show taste their own medicine once in a while :)

- guess who