March 27, 2006

53rd - i have MONO!


picture [left] - mr and mrs yalnee's parents 25th - the happy couple. also, the show stopper. that sari [non-desis: the pink outfit]is gorgeous. you can't really see it in the picture but it is. also, it's got something like, i don't remember 1200 crystals sewn into it. it looked very pretty. well, everyone looked pretty but mrs. yalnee's mom wins, hands down. sidenote, check out the cake. how friggin cool is that. yalnee's aunt should make me a cake for my birthday. i demand it. im fully aware yalnee's aunt has no idea who the hell i am and that will make things all the more awkward when i show up at her house on friday demanding cake.

i dont really. well, i might. most likely not though. IT WAS ONLY ONE TIME!!

picture [right] - mr and mrs yalnee's parents 25th - me and bobbles. don't ask about the look on my face because i really don't know. i do that.

no, i don't have mono. i've just been feeling really fatigued lately. since thursday night to be exact. thursday night, i didn't really sleep. come friday night i was in bed by 1130. 1130?!?! that's unheard of. it gets better. on saturday night, after yalnee's thing, ze kids were over at my house and i was first out. fell asleep right on the couch. that's really never happened before. i mean, what the hell is going on with my body? shiv thinks my sleeping habits are catching up to me. which is a far better answer than me having mono. i can't have mono. i don't have mono. just in case, everyone who i've hugged in the past, i dunno, say four days, go get checked.

picture [right] - mr and mrs yalnee's parents 25th - asmar, amina, mariam [who was supposed to be getting engaged but then the whole thing turned out to be a surprise party for mr. and mrs. yalnee's parents. they seemed upset about this], girl whos name slipped my mind. we were intoduced though.

so, this weekend was yalnee's parents surprise 25th anniversary party! HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARYto them. It was also Rehan & House's [FYI, Ook's new nickname is House due to the fact that she ate most of her family and has the appropriate dimensions and i like the show. Yes, i'm even mean to pregnant people] surprise baby shower. Both went well. There are pictures up from both of em.

lets begin at friday - i met up to hang with caboose for a couple of hours. got my birthday present, which she was all, "you're not going to like it, but that's your problem. deal with it" [yea, she's a polite one] and it was a shifty, the kleptomaniac raccoon. figurine from happy tree friends. which is wicked. thanks caboose.

picture [left] - mr and mrs yalnee's parents 25th - yalnee [outfit number 01] and her siblings whose names have already slipped my mind. i think one of the em guarav. i could probably be wrong. i'm bad with names.

then, saturday morning got hectic. i woke up early. finished up the slideshow stuff for the anniversary. went to work for a bit. went shopping with mome. bought a wicked blazer and shirt from r&w co. bought yalnee's parents a present from chapters. bad mouthed matt bray [chapters manager/penis fungus/closet homo] to a bunch of his employees. went home. met up with bobbles who came from detroit. went to the hall to help setup. got ready, went back to hall. party. went to tims to meet up with mome and co. went home to continue the hanging. fell asleep before people even left. shame on me...

picture [right] - mr and mrs yalnee's parents 25th - yalnee's outfit change for her dance. i like the red better. but really, i'm a sucker for red.

sunday. WINGS! it's a tradition. everyone who comes into this country or this town or in the bare vicinity of this town, we take to all star wings. they have the best wings. so, we took bobbles for wings. the original plan was to be eating wings by 12 because we had a baby shower to attend at 2, but we're brown people and that means we congregating around 1-ish. brown people. nonetheless, wings were excellent. then me and my sister had an argument and then we didn't talk about it. then we went to the shower, which was fun. we played cricket in the park until haider roofed the ball and that was the end of that. i napped at some point [see picture] ooo - we played sacha's harry potter scene it. which is wicked because it's got a party mode. how bad ass is that? then sacha had to go home and ruin everything. we had to sit around and talk to each other. i hate sacha.

picture [left] - baby shower - i put this picture up just so we can all see how classy i am. i love bobbles.

tonight is a new prison break. i should make a note to watch it. its soo hard watching it on tv with commercials and everything.

ok - monday night. discussion with reem. this is the past monday night, not today. i call people ugly. reem and her sister thing this is rude and use the term "unfortunate" because they feel that somehow spares their feelings or something. the word "ugly" is used for people ugly on the inside. here's my thing. if some chick said to me, "you are the ugliest pile of shit thing i have ever had the misfortune of laying eyes upon. i will pleasure this goat [points at goat] before i even considering talking to you, let alone touch you" yes, i'll be a little hurt but i'll get over it. however, if some chick turns to me and says, "you're unfortunate looking" and look a bit sad about it, a little part of me will die and i'll probably cry. which would you rather be called: ugly or unfortunate?

picture [right] - baby shower - this is house [formerly known as ook] opening presents. im telling you, she ate her family. there is no other explanation for it. due in may.

i got bored and txt-msged most people on my phone asking, "here's a fun one. what line would your mum have to cross to get smacked by you? I'm talking about eating your babies or calling you, "mums little big boy" in front of construction workers. Going into your room no count" i got a bunch of replies back. here they are. don't worry, i wont mention who said them. that would be stupid.
- "calling you a slut" [this one came back way too fast]
- "say what?" [there was a lot of this]
- "what? i would never hit my mother!" [liar]
- "if she stole one of my many bfs id give her a fresh aback hand" [you have so many, you can share]
- "[my name]. us a loser thanks 4 the text it is good 2 hear from u" [awww]

picture [left] - baby shower - sach, me and my redbull. also, in the background saddaf, asmar, bobbles, abbas and i dont know, i think ghazala auntie.

i still hate lana. how does she land superman. he could be and be tapping lois lane booty. what the fuck is wrong with clark. clarks a fag. a sweeper of the chocolate chimney, if you will. this is bullshit. superman is a wad too [compared to batman, that is]. hook up with chloe. everyone loves chloe. GOD, I HATE LANA!

wednesday morning. 7am. i'm still trying to finish up this blog. the reason i haven't finished and posted this blog yet because i've basically been out of the hosue from 7am to around 1am everyday. by the time i get home, there isn't much i wanna sit around and do. so here is my last attempt at finishing this. if i don't finish it now, i'm quit and will never speak of this blog again.

this has been an interesting week. saturday night, after yalnee's thing, i got my very first ticket. not really a big deal - parking ticket. then last night, i was driving home form downtown and i was in that final stretch where i noticed my from right headlight was out. i [honestly] made a note to get it fixed in the morning and see this cop go by the opposite direction and i'm like, "shit! i'm going to get a ticket" and sure enough, there was a u-turn and they gave me a ticket. 110 bucks - damn quotas.

picture [ left] - baby shower - bobbles, umer, and nadia. omer is cute. looks afraid all the time, but thats because there is always a se of hands touching him. i'm pretty sure ALWAYS.

im done blogging! thank GOD, i'm done. this took friggin forever. blogging should not take this long. oh shittles, now i gotta spell check everything.

oh, news. i got my t-shirts. then my parents committed a felony and opened my mail. they didn't seem t pleased with them. they're semi-offensive but common, i'm an offensive sorta person and i was never really planning on wearing them in front of them. it's more reserved for when i'm out with friends. but fine, i'm going to be gifting them away, most likely.

ok - back to whatever it is i do

be good


picture [above] - baby shower - me. see, realy classy. i was exhaused.

p.s. i decided against spell.grammar checking this. i'm too tired. i'll correct throughout the week as shiv [most likely] will let me know all my mistakes.

p.s. blog recap
01. mr and mrs yalnee's 25th anniversary - shiny. lots of pretty people
02. smallville - faaking stupid and the killed ?!?!?
03. prison break holy shit. awesome. panties in a bunch
04. baby shower. loads of blue. loads of house [get it?]
05. work - going to kill me
06. life - hates me


Anonymous said...

Ok..just leaving a few comments...
(will edit ur grammar later)

The fourth girl in the picture is Sophia...she went to school with us, u dufus!! And Asma...u look soo awesome..i love the saree! Totally adorable on you! And yes zaff...the cake does look YUMMY! I'll go with u if u wanna demand that cake! Bwahahah!

Ok..more on the pictures...Yalnee..(if ure reading this!)...u look GORGEOUS! WOW! Ur saree is really awesome too. =D

Omer is SOO cute! and STOP calling Ukasha, "house"...ure mean, u mono-freak!!!

Ok..there really isnt anything else to say! Oh there is something... but i'll call and give u hell for that one! LOL!!


Shiplass said...

I did not lie, you bloody fun sucker! (some of the dresses in those pics are to die for, by the way). I seriously never did get below a B IN ENGLISH. Not in everything. Just english. You have mono? I didn't take time to read your blog, so I don't know. Just wanted to get revenge for you calling me a liar. Great revenge, eh? Ha.
Call me a friggin trust of these days of these days...I'm going to stop posting anything at all! And then where will you be? Well...probly better off. lol
P.S. I have 3 blogs. Sort of 4. But not really. Mostly 3.

Anonymous said...

you wish you could hate me. and i left the potter scene it at your place so that should have made up for it. the sari's looked so pretty!! and umer is beyond adorable. and ... and... right.

that is all.

Anonymous said...

you little piece of......IF YOU CALL CLARK ANYTHING BUT DAMN GOOD LOOKING AND TO DIE FOR, i will seriously have to hurt you. understand? sheeeesh

and yes..the girl is sophia. yalnee's brothers are sanjev and gocal. (i really don't even know if that's how you spell it). and yalnee's last name is shantharam..i don't think her last name is yalnee's parents. loser.

anywho...that's it. see ya!