April 11, 2006

55th - i got nothing

picture [above] - this is the only reason i blogged tonight. i've actually got nothing to say and a ton of shit i should be doing but i'm not. instead i am here trying to generate enough filler to fit two pictures. anyhow, this is angela. this is angela's face pressed together. she's fun. laugh now, it gets sad near the end.

ok, so this blog is basically about nothing. i mean, really about nothing. if you wanna stop reading, i'd understand. i'm literally writing this to let you know andy's gay and to post a picture i thought was hilarious. have you noticed that the commenting on my blog has dropped drastically. i blame quebec for this, specifically those separatist fu*kers. i say we invade them. yes, i know you can't invade your own country but what about pre-emptive strikes. the US did it. i wonder if georgie saw minority report and got the idea.

so, according to my backtracking, out of all the questions i bring up on my blog, people are most passionate about manboobs.

picture [right] - bad news. look at the picture to the right....sorry ladies, andy's now gay. gayer than normal gay, even gayer than flamer gay, he's sailor gay. i can only blame one thing for this. women. only women can drive a guy to such depths of gayness. not that there's anything wrong with being gay. i have nothing against the gay community. i like your shirts. back to the point, andy is now gay. we knew it had to happen eventually. first the yellow muscle shirt [also known as the nipple shirt], then the topless photos online, and now this.

andy is still in australia with no actual plans to come back. ever. as long as i get my didgeridoo, it's all good. yes, i'm materialist. we've been over this before. get over it.

see, i told you i got nothing to say. i've been doing nothing but working and reading comics. i read book one to six of "y the last man" which is awesome. and i read a bunch of neil gaimen stuff. and i read volume one and two or batman: hush. which was also excellent. i should really get back to some of my regular reading. still in the middle of wicked, and wizards first rule [god, that book will never end] and some other stuff that's totally slipped my mind.

ok, been 21 a few weeks now. here are a few things that suck about it. 01. can't blame things on hormones - 02. can't check out girls at the mall without thinking i'm gonna go to jail - 03. all the good legal things about turning 21 don't apply to me - it's now somehow inappropriate for me to be watching cartoons. - being 21 blows.

last thing - when i get called to fix someone's computer. keep in mind, i do this as a public service. if you want it done right away, pay someone, i might actually be busy. also, when i ask a question about the use of a computer, don't lie to me. i very much doubt 40-something-year-olds from the motherland listen to loyd banks and fat joe. me, "who else uses this laptop" person, "nobody. only me" me, "so, you're a loyd banks fan?" person, "come again?" just tell the truth and be understanding when i tell you i'm a little busy right now. i still haven't gotten around to momes's computer and i've got no good reason for that other than sheer lazyness.

alright, i'm taking off. i can't do this much filler.

night folks.


p.s. im really joking. i have no evidence denying or confirming andy's sexual orienation. i wonder if andy's going to be pissed. i doubt it. he knows we love him.


Anonymous said...

i miss u too, zafar.
and if any of you needs me to set the record STRAIGHT on this... well then that speaks for itself now doesn't it?

sixth lie said...

getting a little defensive there, aren't we?

Mr. Horse said...

You know, all because of that particular picture I was forced to do an online poll as to whether women really dig a man in uniform or not and as it turns out they do NOT. They especially do not like navy me. Sorry Andy. Now can we forget about Andy being a gay sailor and get back to the idea of him turning into a monkey again? I want a monkey!!!


Anonymous said...

ok. let's try that uniform question here. everyone give your 2 cents.

Mr. Horse said...

Fine, I stand by my original statement that only firemen are worth any oggling. Navy, not so much.


Shiplass said...

You should post more interesting things instead of saying everything about nothing. j/k.
Andy being gay would make me sad. Simply because, he is really hot. And it is not wrong for you to watch cartoons now that you are 21. But you will go to jail for checking out girls in the mall. And if this were to happen, I would laugh...and then maybe throw in a few dollars for your bail money.

sixth lie said...

you're how old, shell? like seventeen? you'd be perfect for andy.

Anonymous said...

thanks shell!
and don't be sad :), i just tend to derive an evil pleasure out of irking people into stupid behaviour and ridiculous assumptions. entertains me to no end. my boy sixth is victim half the time i'm sorry to say. just don't tell him i told you that through a comment on his blog... comments that he reads religiously... but don't tell him.

and we haven't met yet have we, shell? ;)

sixth lie said...

i doubt my stupid behavour or random assumptions have anything to do with you, andy. i just like making them. i assume terrible things about everyone. like sarah, who probably ate that poor mouse. [read her blog to understand that].

Shiplass said...

Yeah, you just like assuming things about people. I know. You offered to kill someone for me once...in your defense I think I mentioned it...but you took it seriously. And I could imagine you offering to pcik him off talking in this Broncs accent and standing there with a big mustache on your face, fondling a Glock.
Nope, haven't met you Andy. Probly cause I live in freakin Kansas. Do you actually blog, or just leave Sixth rude comments? LOL. If I had seen that picture without Sixth saying anything about it first, I would never have even wondered if you were gay. Must be a Candian thing...

Anonymous said...

lorrrd zaff...
leave adnan alone!
PS: I agree with harley quinn... the uniforms are DEFINITE NO!

Lendiel said...

Shell, you know sixthlie and I both offered to assasinate that stalker for you. But NO, you refused and we missed out on our big bonding time. Darn you! Now all we can do is fight over who posted first and and the sexual orientation of Andy. Not that we are fighting about that, but whatever.


sixth lie said...

all three of those things are odd. one. nobody fondles guns. you make it sound dirty. two. bronx accent? we're from toronto. toronto accent. which basically means we dont say the second "t" in toronto. three. a mustache? slight stubble maybe, but no mustache. mustaches are for old folk, or pornstars, or people who aren't me.

other than that, i got nothing.

Shiplass said...

I never actually said you had a mustache. Just that when you offered to kill someone for me, I could kind of picture you like that. Yes. People fondle guns. Get your mind out of the gutter Sixth! LMAO!

Shiplass said...

Andy, Sixth told me to invite you to prom. So you are invited. I already have a date...but...hey, I have no problem walking in with a guy on both arms. No problem at all...Saturday at 7:00 in Kansas. BE THERE. I'll be the one with the silver shoes.

sixth lie said...

men in uniform. i have to agree with harley. firemen only. possibly ninjas and pirates. do those count as uniforms?

Mr. Horse said...

Ninja's and pirates! Why didn't I think of that??? Sixth, I swear, sometimes, you're BRILLIANT!


Anonymous said...

Interesting reading I must say. First time on the blog. Can learn some interesting news, like ppl's sexual orientation and bowel movements, or weird moments captured on camera. Keep up the good work..


Shiplass said...

A cab??? YES!! I LOVE IT! I would have laughed my head off! I was lookin for a weird way to come to prom. Thank you Sixth. I will give you due credit if someone asks...lol. She made you go to prom with her?? Heh heh heh...yeah. One of my friends kinda set up my date too. I don't think he's very loud or has a good sense of humor. And I'm very loud and laugh and joke about everything. I do. Ask Lendiel. So either I'm in for a boring night, or he's going to go out of his friggin mind and make me catch a ride to after parties with someone else.
p.s. Heeeyy! ANDY! Are you coming to prom or what???

Anonymous said...

Shell, I'm there! May not be able to find a flight that leaves in time but maybe I can hitch a ride on a tornado into Kansas. I'm in OZ (aussie) right now and you're wearing the good witch of OZ shoes so this is just getting poetic.

Unknown said...

i blogged bitch, now comment away all of you

Shiplass said...

*sobs a little* You didn't make it. And left me with a silent date. Thanks a lot Andy. Oh well. My hair looked really stupid, as did my make so I'm ok with you not coming *pokes beautician in the eye* My eye makeup looked like I'd been punched. And I pitched a fit and she was like "Nooo! It looks great!" so I believed her for about 2.5 seconds, and then it was too late cause my ride was there. Never again...next time I'm doin' my own makeup.
Talk about updating sixth! Sheeez!

sixth lie said...

you all seemed so content with this one.

Shiplass said...

Update before I send someone to do it for you.
I look like a crazy person! *laughs so hard* I get that reaction fairly often. I met one of Miah's b.f.'s for the first time and she had told him that I was a theatre freak. He looked at me and was like "Oh yeah. I can see her being an actor. She's nuts." I will post shoe picture as soon as possible. Must obtain shoe picture first...

Anonymous said...

Shell, let me make it up to you. Lunch at a nice restaurant off the harbour followed by The Magic Flute at the Sydney Opera House and then cocktails/mocktails (whichever you prefer) from the best view in town? And of course we'll top off the night with lots of dancing. Wear the same shoes!

Mr. Horse said...

Andy! I thought I had already set an age limit for you! STAY AWAY FROM YOUNGENS! No one under 24 for you!!! Shell, you're not really 24 and still in high school are you? Please say No. :P Sorry to spoil your date, but I've put my foot down on this one and Andy is not allowed to fraternize with youngens! You better do what I say or else! Don't make me come down there, Andy!

sixth lie said...

you tell him harley!

Shiplass said...

I'm feelin the love, Harley. So much protection! Ahahaha!
*sobs* I'm only 17...sorry Andy. I would have brought the shoes...

Anonymous said...

i don't how harley decided on 24 as my limit. i'm just a youngen myself. i'm far too young at heart to be considered old by any stretch of the imagination. even harley won't contest that. will ya, harley? ok, i've just had waaay too many coffees in a row (for no bloody good reason) to just sit in one spot... i still think those shoes need to be worn in by a solid night of dancing. what's your favorite song, shell?

Anonymous said...

btw, shell, i got you a gift. but i gotta send it to you online somehow, email or msn or somethin. how shall i send this your way?

sixth lie said...

ANDY, BACK AWAY FROM THE UNDERAGE GIRL! you know, there are laws against this sort of thing.

and btw, andy - WHERE THE HELL IS MY GIFT? I believe i asked for a didgredoo.

Anonymous said...

Ok Andy...Now u're really creeping ME out!!

Anonymous said...

you all are rather easily spooked... take a look at my comment #3... and yes i did get shell a gift. i'll post it up for her somewhere if she wants. it is appropriate despite how scary you've tried to make it sound. sorry zaff, you've still gotta wait till i find a real, veritable aboriginee to make me one. i don't want to send you something second rate. and, shiv, you creeped? really? c'mon...

Anonymous said...

hey, shell, where are ya? i still hold that those shoes were meant for dancing. was your date really that silent? lol. if i'd been able to show up we'd have talked his ears off! it'd've been fun watching him run away screaming...

Mr. Horse said...


Leave these poor ppl alone and try to come down from your coffee high!


sixth lie said...

clearly, harley is very concerned about andy's pedophilia. good for her. Im glad someone is doing something about it. i always had him tagged “most likely closet homo” but pedophile is much worse. Why wouldn’t you just be gay andy? WHY?

Shiplass said...

I have been away. Sorry. *hugs to all* SIXTH! I'm going to start swearing if you don't update! You laugh at this, I know. But you have to understand, Shell only curses when she's really pissed off.
Andy. I want my present. It would make me happy. A sad replacement for your presence. And how old are you anyway? From they way they all are talking, you must be at least 30. I agree the shoes should be used. Favorite song? Ooo...hard to decide. What kind of song are we talkin here?
Yes. He was that silent. THAT SILENT. I have a feeling that you are right in saying that we would have scared him away. We would have danced...which was more than he and I did...he didn't dance and Shell being the gracious date accepted this and didn't dance either. Shell regrets this. Shell really wanted to dance. Shell needs to stop being nice to her dates.
p.s. Sixth, did you know there is a handicap sign by your "word verification" thing for comments?

sixth lie said...

i will post a new blog as soon as i get 30 minutes off to myself. this blog has remained here long enough to the point of getting creepy.

shell, i did know about the handicaped sign. i'm not sure why thats there, but its funny anyway.