April 18, 2006

56th - why you bringing up old stuff?

ok - im posting this to cleanse ourselves of the previous blog which got a wee ew. this is going to be quick since i don't have actual time to blog. i'm blogging from work and we all just need to put said previous blog behind us. so here's the update on what’s been going on in my life.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMINA, NADIA, SARAH! [in that order] i think that's all of them. i could be way off. i'm sorry.

amina's birthday party - went paint balling. i have pictures. i had fun. a lot of people had anxiety issues. will post pictures later if i get the chance.

sarah's birthday - went to yuk yuks [comedy club] and penelope’s [restraint] DNA [lounge] and havana [lounge] - yuk yuks was funny although a bit graphic for that early in the evening. i had a fu*king 16 dollar salad with two pieces of shrimp and 4 scallops. wtf? - DNA was filled with the 35 to 40 year old crowd clinging to their youth. we walked in and britney spears was on and we saw a dude with a handlebar moustache. - havana was ok.

i'm tired and i'm hungry. i basically am at the point where i get up early in the AMs and go to work. i work and then i come home early in AMs. repeat. I have no weekend this week either.

shiv is gone. we're all very sad about this. she went to abu dhabi and india for four months. who vacations for four months. her excuse is she's going to work in india and she wants to see her family. pfft. family. yes, i know i see my family on what used to be a constant basis. now i barely see the people i live in the same house with. except for dad. he tends to be up in the morning and since hadia's married and not here, nobody is up at night but me. this summer is going to suck. i basically have vinita and caboose to hang out with. yea, that's real rewarding. im joking. don't get pissy.

also, i've got my family to hang with and they're generally pretty fun. house is having the baby this month and i'm not allowed to tease get anymore. sarah is going to the motherland but not before she gives me the bookdocks comics. i should really go visit the motherland. havent in 13 years.

sameera got called for jury duty, again! bwahahaha. she's younger than us and this is her third time.

so two weeks ago, i got my pile of shit car, fixed. i had to get the exhaust system replaced and got my driver side door fixed. the whole thing cost me a wee shy of two hundred bucks. then last week, monday i come out of work at aronud 3am to find my driver side door and driver side passenger door windows smashed. fu*kers didn't steal anything, just smashed my windows. another 200 bucks. then my cell died. as if that wasn't bad enough, i had to drive the broke piece of shit home during which i cop pulled me over for speeding and then mentioned, "did you know your windows are broken. there's glass everywhere" thank you genius. if it weren't for your brilliant policing abilities to point out the obvious, i would have never known. i was sitting on my road map book for no reason. i was wondering why it was so drafty. i didn't get a ticket. and then just because god hates me, it rained.

i used dad's car until mine got fixed. which basically eats gas. the 500km i drove on his car cost me about 100 bucks in gas.

i don't like this, "it's just zaffar" BS when i make fun of you or make a racist comment - i mean all the mean things i say to you people! cry, damnit!!

raza's coming! well, he's here now. he's been here for a week and a bit. i've spent the grand total of maybe three hours with him. i feel like such a prick for that. but he's busy studying for his exam, which is tomorrow. good luck raza! and i'm busy working.

remember i was all happy about gaining weight. well, it's all gone again. for the love of all things fraggable. what do i have to do to gain some weight. i went from my very proud 140 [my highest ever!] back to 117. i don't know where i stand now.

I got black suede adidas. they're gorgeous. i also got white and red puma from pinky for my birthday. i love them. i've only wore them once, but i'm always at work and they would get ruined. thank you pinky!

horror movies - whats scarier than a child? EVERYTHING! what the hell is wrong with movie execs. children aren't scary. old people are scary. angry pregnant women are scary. tentacle things are scary. children, not so much. make a horror movie without the little seven year old in a dress, or the eight year old boy who just stares at things.

ok, i better get back to work. i'll blog more later. but there's my update.



Anonymous said...

so, i see you're feeling sorry for yourself cuz you only have me and vin to hang out with this summer? well don't do me any favours! jackass. can you PLEASE gain some weight for the love of GOD. eat something. be a couch potato for a few days. its really scary when my skinny girlfriends way more than you.

sixth lie said...

i would gain some weight but house keeps stealing all that i gain. she's very selfish that way.

Shiplass said...

Eat food. And eat lots of it. Thanks for updating, you're an angel! : )
p.s. You make me sick! I couldn't weigh 117 pounds even if I didn't eat for a month!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't invited to your birthday. I'm upset. And please, you can take all my extra weight, free of charge.

Glad to see you're still alive.

Mr. Horse said...

Man! You're so SKINNY!

Anonymous said...

would that be silent hill? cuz that was a strange movie that left me confused and annoyed at y i went to see it.

sixth lie said...

caboose - thats sad. im lighter than a twiggy chinese chick.

all - you chicks are very giving with your poundage. thats sweet...wierdos.

harley - you're skinier than i am!

ssmq - well yes, but it's more all horror/thriller/etc movies with little kids in it. the omen, the grudge, resident evil, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Yayyy...u blogged!

I'm updated on ur ranting! I miss being home! Too bad I can't pick up the phone and make u listen to my rants! Damn!

Ok...first off...STOP calling Okasha (sp?), "house"...THAT'S MEAN!!! Aren't you the one who gets all pissy abt "fat-nick names"...remember ur old nickname, "Mr. Multiple Chin"??

Hmmm...ok...i cant rant anymore. I'm tired...I ate too much (yayy for mum's food =D).

I miss u guys! :(! Tell Vin that I miss her butt-wiggle. I miss our sushi trips and excursions to the mall to look at shoes for u...and puppies for me!!

**remember to blog soon and keep me updated!

sixth lie said...

first off - I BUTT WIGGLE!! NOT VIN!! HOW CAN YOU - oh, dear god. that's fu*king gross - sorry, black jelly bean - BAH! I LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT - that was disguting.

i didn't find it offensive. I WAS NEVER FAT! you know who is fat? yes, i'm going there. your mother.

did you hear they're trying to clone a wooly mammoth? i thought it was nice of your mom to donate her dna. oh zing! ceasar style...

sixth lie said...

also, just for bringing up the "mr. multiple chins" thing, i'm going to the mall, buying a puppy and giving it to one of those annoying mindy type kids who smothes pets and when it runs away, i'm going to eat it. [once its cleaned and everything, of course]

Anonymous said...


...to actually think that I missed you...

ure an ass-face!


...and my mum is NOT fat! U bastard! u're the one that comes from the overweight family (from ur mum's side)...DONT even deny it! I recall u saying that u were afraid of your 6-year old nephews because they were GIANORMOUS and could've eaten u!!!!

TAKE THAT, u FAT bastard! Obviously the fat-DNA runs in YOUR family! AND... unfortunately for you..it looks like u got stuck with the stray UGLY-DNA as well!

Anonymous said...

..oh... one more thing...


Anonymous said...

hummmmmm u have been busy!!! enjoy the summer :)

- guess who

Shiplass said...

You just called Shiv's mother fat. How does this make you feel inside, Sixth? Does this make you feel better about yourself?
Shiv, why is Sixth still alive after an insult like that?
I MEAN *ahem* I'm the assassin here, aren't I?
Sixth, I have a few people I need to pick off, but after they are done, I'll be a little bored so send that list on over. You and Lendiel still up for body snatching and disposing of?

sixth lie said...

i didn't call her fat - i called her ancient and hairy . . . and fat but that's only because its the only way she can keep warm.

note - shiv's mom is actually really skinny.

Anonymous said...

DUDDE!!! Ur mom is ANCIENT!!!

Ure an idiot for not emailing me!I'm cutting off all contact till you decide to email me!