December 28, 2007

105th - God said, "Randomize-eth!"

I have to go to this Disney themed party today and I'm kinda looking forward to it, but I'm pretty sure that my mild, MILD OCD may have gotten the better of me when it came to my outfit. I decided to wear my new shoes with it, even though it matches nothing I'm wearing. I'm okay with it. Pictures of me meeting complete strangers, next blog.

Preggy is here! A whole month of Greek food. Someone kill me now.

The people at Futureshop, Anita excluded are idiots. How the hell do you not tell people that French is the default option and you only have 10 seconds upon booting up to decide if you want French or not. Otherwise, they can fix it for me for 100 bucks or I can fix it myself with discs I can buy from them for 40 bucks. ASSHOLES! Also, I hate you French people.

Lately, a few of my friends have been causing me a great deal of angst. Lots of angst. I'm not the angsty type. I tried being an adult about it and tried to just let it go. I mean, after all, I annoy the living shit out my friends and family [and strangers] on a daily basis. It turned out Christmas day was my snapping point and like a sign from above, when I logged on to MSN, all three of them were online. So, I went for it. I'm not speaking to any of them until further notice. They've all been informed. I think it was the right decision. I bet you two of them will be pissed that I blogged about it.

Shiv got a new watch. It's very pretty. Ask her to see it - She'll show you.

Alia passed away on the nineteenth. It was sad, but I think everyone was kinda relieved because near the end she was in a lot of pain. There is a memorial for her on the 3rd of January by the Corner House people. The Hearst Driver: Insane.

Eid came the following day. A little tame but still good. Daf;s mum kept making fun of me because at one point i was wearing jeans with brown clothes and she though I was thinking of becoming of those overly religious guys. Apparently, that's teh standard fashion for those guys.

I'm pretty much starving. I had a Mushroom Swiss sandwich at Dairy Queen yesterday. Shiv, stop drooling and that's pretty much all I've eaten in a past couple of days. That and Jello. I make some kick ass Jello. Ask anyone.

I'll be blogging again on Sunday. So, I'm off.


November 29, 2007

104th - Homecomming

I came home a few days ago. This is one of the first conversations I had with my mum.

*roughly translated*
Mum - Do you want dinner?
Me - Hell yes. I haven't warm food in forever.
Mum - Good. I made your favorite.
Me - Awesome. what the hell is my favorite food? [the italics is me thinking] *looks in the pots* Mom, which one of your children do you think I am?
Mum - What? You love kachalo. [Kachalo are yams, i guess]
Me - Nadia loves kachalo. I haven't eaten kachalo since I was like seven.
Mum - You don't like kachalo?
Me - Not so much. But thanks.

While I was in Winnipeg.
*roughly translated*
Mum - So, I bought you new bed sheets, comforter, pillow cases, etc.
Me - Very cool.
Mum - They're blue. You'll like them.
Me - No, that's Hadia. I hate blue.
Mum - You don't like blue? What colour do you like?
Me - Red. You know, like that one wall in my room.
Mum - That's a girl colour.
Me - It is not!
Mum - Weird.

She listened though. I now have dark red bed sheets which is awesome. And my pillow cases and comforter are a mix of red and orange and hot pink and and black. Which is also awesome. When you put those two together. Mixed reactions. I'm happy with it though. Still, better than blue.

picture [above] - this is my red wall, my dark red bed sheets and my red/hot pink/orange/black/grey/white pillow cases and comforter. oh, and my blue wall. this is a lot brighter than it actually is.


November 26, 2007

103rd - Frozen Cabbage

People, we need to do something. Mainly harrass Cabbage's parents to turn on the heat. If you didn't notice, Cabbage is sitting in her room.


102nd - The Emergencies

I'm home! Hurray! And as it turns out, injured, sick and apparently, really stupid.

One. My back hurts. This is nothing new. Old car accident injury acting up again. Hurray! I get to have some 17-year-old electrocute me with little sticky paddles!

Two. I've got a fever and what-have-you this time of year. The only person I knew was sick was Asmar and I wasn't really seated near her at any point. The HELL, man?

Three. Saturday night. I was eating a piece of mango flavored licorice and I happened to sneeze. This resulting in turning a piece of licorice traveling down my throat into a projectile headed the opposite way and lodging itself up my nose. A lot higher than these things normally lodge themselves. I waited for the snot to get it and as I was waiting, it started to really hurt. Really, REALLY HURT! Then the snot got it and it slid a little to a more bearable position.

The night continued. Around 530am or 6am, I awoke to find myself in desperate amounts of pain again. I said, "screw it" along with some other expletives and drove myself to the emergency, located not very far from my house. After an embarrassing conversation with the Triage nurse, and another embarrassing one with the doctor, a flash light was shone up my nose, followed by some saline solution, i would assume, which did nothing and then a long curved tweezer which painfully removed the orange blood and snot covered piece of licorice.

It turns out, the murderous licorice projectile managed to lodge itself a lot higher than it normally wold have because it was soft at the moment of swallowing and while clogging up my sinus, hardened. The lesson learned, licorice is EVIL!


November 12, 2007

101st - Cellography

I decided to empty out of my cell phone. Some stuff in there just had to go. This is some of the more inexplicable stuff that I've stumbled upon and decided to snap a photo of. Some of them are interesting, some not so much. Enjoy...

I have no idea why I have this but I figured it was a good place to start. This tends to be my wallpaper from time to time.
I have no idea who or where this code belongs. if this is someone's code for something, let me know so I can delete this out of my phone. I'm positive the second I delete this, I'll need it or at the least remember where it's from.
These are stairs. this is normallymy cellphone background.

Are unauthorized people really allowed anywhere? I should open a club and have all these unauthorized losers flock to me. I'd name it...wait for it... wait for it...unauthorized.
Minus a delivery service, I can't really think of what that would entail. Feel free to enlighten us.
Yup, that's the pope surrounded by four naked asian chicks. This was in that same building as that black mattress guy.
I believe this is at Haider's house and I have no idea why Momes was so cold, but it's cute nonetheless.
I'm positive I didn't take this picture. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even here for this even, but here is saima asleep at a resturaunt. How is this on my cell?
I don't know why, I always giggle when I see this. It's already been explained to me, so don't bother.
This is absolutely disgusting. I was at this building in this dude's apartment and that's his mattress. If you look closely at the bottom corner, you can see the real colours [a pink floral design] and it's now black with ciggarette ash and grime. the whole apartment is all nasty and grimy. however, on the other side of this sick thing is an LCD TV and a sattelite system. Priorities.
Saw this at UMT. thought it was funny. That little stick figure is Shivali.
I have no plausible explanation for why I took a picture of myself in a dank bathroom. None.
This is one of the first things you see when you arrive in Winnipeg and it pretty much sets the tone for the remainder of your stay.
This was on a classroom door. The little blue tape says, "Muscles".

I'm ws curious about why they needed to mention it was the 11th Floor. Either they thought someone would mistake it for the second floor or the people on the 11th are kinda not all there.
This is the kid I saw at Best Buy in Edmonton. I was talking to Amaan at the time and told him I'd call him back so I could take this picture. He's like 12! 13 tops.
the cloning fridge at a place I was at one time but can't say where. there were rows and rows of these. I wanted to open one but they were all locked.
Why would you keep that surname? It's the new age.
i actually saw this and instantly thought about asmar. I don't know why, this is just her kind of thing. No, I don't think the sun shines out of her butt.

So, there you have it. The images from my cell phone.


October 25, 2007

100th - parting words from sixth

sixth lie says:
ok - zaffar better go now
sixth lie says:
must get ready for work
sixth lie says:
be good
sixth lie says:
we miss you
sixth lie says:
have fun this weekend
sixth lie says:
doing your thang
sixth lie says:
remember, dont get pregnant
sixth lie says:
or let anyone touch you
sixth lie says:
unles syou want to
sixth lie says:
then dont anyway
sixth lie says:
but if you really really want to
sixth lie says:
still dont
sixth lie says:
but if it's liek jesus or something and you're into that sorta thing
sixth lie says:
then i guess - no
sixth lie says:
but if it's batman, it's cool
sixth lie says:
but not adama west
sixth lie says:
of george clooney
sixth lie says:
or that dude from batman 3
sixth lie says:
sixth lie says:
or the first 2
sixth lie says:
or the new one
sixth lie says:
if its batman the comic book one, then yes
sixth lie says:
or the one from teh animated series
sixth lie says:
i shoudl stop now
sixth lie says:
oh, and no MOSES
sixth lie says:
there will be hell is moses gets any
sixth lie says:
maybe master chief
sixth lie says:
but you'd have to make sure it's him
sixth lie says:
none of the mario brothers - you know how plumbers are
sixth lie says:
and no pakistanis
sixth lie says:
also, no married people
sixth lie says:
or people who hvae nlue highlights
sixth lie says:
or yellow ones
sixth lie says:
those people are teh worst
sixth lie says:
pink high lights is okay
sixth lie says:
ogres are a no
sixth lie says:
old people, no
sixth lie says:
unless its someone super charming and cultures and gay, like ian mcallen
sixth lie says:
or dumblerdore
sixth lie says:
holy shit - dumbledore is a homo
sixth lie says:
it makes sense, especially about grindlewald
sixth lie says:
i always wondered abotu that
sixth lie says:
no hookin gup with any bollywood actors - they're all filthy
sixth lie says:
especially salman khan, whose not in jail for some reason
sixth lie says:
alright, peace out

99th - The Muslim way - wake up. pray. kill non-believers. pray. meal time. pray. plan to kill non-believers. pray. prepare your weapons. pray. sleep.

So, I was reading the news and came across Mulla Whatever-the-Hell called for Jihad, holy war on the Pakistani Authorities. Fu*king Mullas always set me off. Anyway, I wrote a letter to the BBC in hopes of accomplishing nothing but still. If nobody contests it, it becomes factual. Here it is...

"do you guys do any sort of research before you say something completely idiotic. look it up.

jihad does NOT MEAN 'holy war' - it refers to a muslim's daily struggle to be good/muslim. not, 'go forth and kill non-believers' as many major media outlets have made it out to be.

considering how muslims are a major news item nowadays, for the sake of not sounding like complete morons, get the oxford dictionary of islam or islam for dummies and look up some of the stuff you guys have posted as fact. what religion actually says to go forth and kill non-believers? name one.

people hiding behind religion to commit whatever acts they're intending are doing just that, hiding behind religion. not following it's edicts and i'm pretty sure, you can look this up, you're a news source [it's called research], people calling themselves muslims aren't the first to do it.

side note - i realize you're probably that whoever is reading this is probably not the right person or this will just go ignored but someone has to say it."

That's all.


October 18, 2007

98th - the i'm-a-complete-crap-flinging-monkey contest is over

To the free people's of Sixth O'Clock

Has anyone else noticed that people around my age have this really stupid habit of posting pictures of their speedometers at really stupid speeds?

The sad part is you never hear about any of these idiots dying. So I decided to once and for all put an end to this content. I win. Stop trying.

If that's not enough to get you to pack it in, there's more.

I think it's pretty clear, I win. So stop. You just look like a jackass when you post pictures of speedometer going 180 [especially when that's the top speed of the car] so stop. Also, I'm sure your parents don't appreciate you doing that to their car.

Now that we can put that unpleasantness behind us. Today is the start of Sarah and Iqbal Jaan G's wedding. WHOOO WEDDINGS! Last night, we got yelled at by Amina, then Sarah, then Amina, the Mansoor bum rushed me, then Amina yelled at the both of us and then Sarah yelled at me for telling a story about my cross dressing friend while she was nazi teaching. So all in all, we're pretty excited. I still don't have any of the clothes and stuff ready. So, we're pretty on par with all previous weddings. You think we'd be more on the ball with this sorta thing.

SOCK PARTY is upcoming.



October 11, 2007

97th - sleepings babies

I had a vague moral debate about this. SORTA.

Turn up your speakers. Trust me, it's worth it.

First off, we have baby Jibba the Hutt taking a nap after a long stretch of playing while being sick. Take a listen. I know it's adorable but focus on the snoring part please.

Now we have baby Mansoor sleeping after a long day and night or playing. I'm not sure if he was sick.

That is all for this blog.

It's okay to miss me. Everyone does. Try not to miss me too much though. Screw that. Miss me like you'd miss oxygen.


September 24, 2007

96th - A Jibba Moment

Yesterday was my first day off since I've been in Edmonton so naturally the first thing I did was get the hell away from Edmonton. I went to Calgary to see Jibba the Hutt. Side note - his parents were there too. Here are some pictures.

[picture above and below] - I thought Abbas would gt a kick out of this. This is at the Saddle Dome.

[picture below] - Rehan and I in deep conversation about GPS systems being bitchy.

[picture below] - House being Housey

[picture below] - Jibby drinking Milk

[picture below] - Jubby sleeping with milk.

[picture below] - What the hell?
[picture below] - Inside the Rodeo thingy. Smells like Cow Poo. Once again, CITY KID. No likey cow poop on my black suede shoes!
[picture below] - We're not sure and we don't even want to know.
[picture below] - That's the Calgary Tower. It's like the CN tower but you know, shorter than a mall.
[picture below] - House deleted a bunch of these.
[picture below] - House and House's Mom.
[pictures below] - All sorts of adorable-ness.

[picture below] - Someone call him please and find out and then let us know.

I'd like to end off by saying, Jib is a PUNK! He's all quite the entire time I'm there until the last 20 minutes . Then he gets all chatty. I'll remember this come October.


September 22, 2007

95th - Keeping it light...

These are my new shoes. Well, actually, I'm still waiting on them. They had to be ordered from another store that I was feeling too lazy to drive to. I like them. The red is more of a shiny ruby red.

Also, I wanted to mention. Haider had an awesome idea yesterday. When I get back, which should be by this Friday, so six more days. we should have a seri-gathering. I'll be sending out an email about that later today most likely.


September 14, 2007

94th - stop calling me a whore - it makes me cry at night

I needed something to weigh down my stand because it kept blowing over. I asked one of the guys who works at the plant and he casually hands me this metal thingy. I also, nonchalantly grab it from him only to chase it to the ground with my hands under it, almost breaking my beautiful fingers because did didn't deem it necessary to mention that the damn thing weighed like thirty-six pounds. He thought it was pretty funny. I called him a jerk. He laughed some more. I hate you, Stephen.

Here's the real reason for blogging. I had this argument with a friend of mine a couple of days back about flirting. As we all know, I am a flirty person. However, I maintain I am not trying to doink everyone I flirt with. My friend on the other hand thinks that all flirting is sexual and that makes me a giant whore-boy.

So the topic of this blog is flirting. Seriously, comment on this one please. Nomin, this includes you. You generally have something interesting to say in this matter.

Oh, my God. Also, read the last comment on my last blog. I'm afraid to go to that guys blog. He might serial kill/eat me through the monitor.



September 6, 2007

93rd - Rocky was a Wuss

I decided not to add photos on this one since it's long enough. But the next blog I post in a couple of days [It's already underway] will have photos from this trip. It'll actually just be about photos from this this trip.

I've lost count of how many attempts there have been to start this blog. Well, here is it.

Before I begin, picture this. A grown man carrying a thousand dollar Prada purse to carry a tiny, effeminate, perpetually shivering, dog. Now picture this man wearing a baby blue see through shirt. I don't think it's possible for someone to wreak of more douche-baggery1 than this - or as our latest phrase, coined by Haider, ass-munchery2.

It's a lovely Tuesday morning when I started this and it's now a Thursday evening that I'm finally posting this. The sun [Tuesday Morning] is being blotted out3, not by arrows but by perfectly ordinary clouds. I'm getting off topic. A few things to mention.

One. Commitments & Decisions - I need to start blogging more. For one thing, it amuses people. Second, I find it vaguely relaxing to rant and rave about useless stuff. It's pointless to say since only a couple of people will get this. There's a few other things I need to decide to commit to or not commit to.

Two. Sleeping gets in the Way - We took twin Mazda 6s. Momin's looked fat and mine looked a little gay. At least mine wasn't silver, though. We win. We left about an hour and a half after we originally planned, a good start for us. Got there around 630am, slept a few of hours and headed to New York.

Here is something fun. We all crashed at Hadia and Nomi's place and they only have one bathroom which between the two of them works just fine. However when there are sixteen of us rushing around trying to get ready. Good Times.

We did absolute NOTHING but walk around in New York all day which I contend was more fun than us actually doing something. The ferry ride past the Statue of liberty was very cool even though I'm not big on boats. We ate dinner at this jankie little Italian restaurant. It wasn't very good. I was starving though, as were a few others so we didn't complain until after we had finished eating. We saw ground zero, which was so exciting, that I hung back while everyone checked it out and got me a gyro. Eventually, I sauntered over and took a look. Meh.

People in New York have something against sitting, I've noticed. Why are there so few benches?!?! Do you people not get tired? Where do your homeless sleep? Haider also brought up an interesting point. People in New York are pretty ugly. I mean honestly, I've seen movies. I had expectations. We got home around 5ish in the AMs.

The next day was a lot more chill and a lot of us would agree, more fun than New York. Also, better looking people. We went to Philadelphia. We had Cheesesteaks at Pat's. They were good. Haider contends that Crown Pizza in Scarborough makes them better. We'll be testing the theory this weekend. We should probably call them now if we want them ready by this weekend. Then we went to do the rocky thing at the Art Museum and it needs to be said. It wasn't that tough, or remotely. I think we did end up on the news though somewhere between reporting the weather the update on the war, there was mention of a bunch of Canadians making asses of themselves.

There was this chick there who was basically running up and down the stairs. Now, she wasn't a wuss. Rocky, still kinda wussy. After that, Momin [dubbed Nomin when he's with Nomi] felt up Rocky's statue and then jumped around in a water fountain. I'm actually not joking. I like Philadelphia. In our car, on the way back, we decided to share ghost stories which were mildly scary and mainly just amusing. This is important for later on.

We got home and were ordered to fall asleep right away because we're leaving bright and early. Me, Asmar, Haider, Sophia and Amber ended up sitting in the hallway till about 5am talking about pretty much nothing and every now and then saying, "so, how are things?". I think me and Haider ended up sleeping in the hallway until day break [around 7am] where we were both thinking about moving to that one spot on the air mattress and I got up like 3 seconds before him.

Important travel Tip - Carry a Nerf ball and a Nerf football. Play catch at every stop. It helps keep you energized and awake. I'm positive thats why none of us were getting horribly tired while driving.

Ok - I missed a whole bunch of stuff. Feel free to add anything else in. Moving on.

Three. Turning 19, only to have the Drinking age change to 21 - Shiv's wee cousin, Adidi birthdayed on this past Saturday. I think this may have been the first one away from the Family. Adidi just started Uni in PA. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADIDI!

Four. iqBirthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY IQBAL JAAN JEE! That was day before yesterday.

Five. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I really hate Nomi sometimes. We're having dinner and my mum is doing her mom thing and complaining about how it's expensive and stuff and after a few minutes she's like, "We should Nomi here when they come. He'd like this place" Honestly, Nomi. It's on. Always remember who got a shut-out on you, momin and abbas.

Six. Asmar is off to Teacher's College in Windsor and Sacha is off to Waterloo4 for University. There's so few of us left. Luckily, Sacha isn't very far away and I'm fairly certain we'll see her more now than we used to. You'll miss us. Good Luck.

Seven. Hurt, the necessary feeling5 - I've been going through one of those weird phases again these past few weeks, which is probably why I haven't been blogging and stuff. Some people have noticed it and inquired and I've been shrugging it off with my normal showing of bull shit. But something really is bothering me. Obviously, I'm not going to share it here, but admitting that something is bothering me is a pretty big step for me. I think it's just this whole moving along thing. It's not enough. Ninja Monkeys! - look at that, right on cue. I bounced back.

Here's a fun list a friend made for me. Well, here's part of it. Some of these aren't really valid, but amusing none the less. She wrote this, I'm just quoting and taking out a few things and adding my own comments.

What’s Wrong With Sixth6

1) I have ADHD - oh, big surprise. takes a really expert to figure this one.

2) I am an insomniac - Meh

3) I might be manic-depressive - I don't get this one. It's just kinda rude.

4) I am an adrenaline junkie - I am not. Slow and steady is my tempo.

5) I sometimes forget to eat for a day or two - I get busy.

6) I am mildly addicted to Red Bull - I AM NOT! What is up with you people. You can't place my actual issues so you all run to Red Bull. Yes, a soft drink is the culprit.

7) I’m into S&M - mildly and who isn't?

8) I once dressed up as Jesus for Halloween in high school - This never happened.

9) When I get bored, I like to pretend I have OCD to annoy people in public places. - Nothing annoys bus drivers more. Stupid Grey HOund still owes me 200 bucks.

10) I can’t sit still for a minute - I'm fidgety.

11) I’m constantly gaining and losing weight, and doctors can’t figure out why. - I'm a stable 125 right now.

12) I’m obsessed with comic books - It's a healthy hobby. NOT an obsession.

13) I like the song “This Is Why I’m Hot” - Who doesn't

15) I have a Yoda that I cuddle with and talk to that nobody else is allowed to touch - NO TOUCHIE! And we don't cuddle. We huddle together to share body heat. It's a survival thing. It's totally manly

16) I get boners from looking at motorcycles - ONE TIME!

19) I’m a cat person - I like dogs too. And whats wrong with being a cat person. Unless you have liek thirty five.

20) I can’t fall asleep unless I can hear the humming of my computer - I find it soothing.

21) I’m a sociopath - I'm okay with it. It makes things more fun.

23) I refer to myself as sixth lie - The problem here is?

24) I speak about myself using plural nouns such as “we” and frequently refer to me and my “selves” - So?

28) I talk to myself in public sometimes, carrying on lengthy conversations - Who doesn't? Amina, back me up here.

29) Despite what my friends say I’m not paranoid – people ARE out to get me - They are! And you know who they are. I have names.

30) I lock my keys in my car more times than I don’t lock them in there - Ok. One valid issue.

31) I’m straight (apparently), yet I own more pairs of shoes and designer clothes than my girlfriends - I'm friends with Sameera, so I do not.

32) I will not ring doorbells when I arrive at someone’s house - They're gross.

33) I cannot use a new bar of soap - Again, gross.

37) I learned to tie my shoelaces in grade 8 - So, what? Let is go, already.

...more to come.

Eight. Penniless - I went on our little Pennsylvania trip with about 350 dollars US in my pocket. You'll all be very proud to know, I came back with almost seventy-five percent of it. Don't be all proud yet. In the past couple of weeks. There was a Midnight Madness Sale at Silver Snail and I got a whole bunch of comic stuff including the Stardust storybook which is uber-cool. Back Story. I've wanted a DS for a while now but two things were stopping me. First, it comes in colours I don't really care for [black, white, blue, pink] and second, its 160 bucks and by the time you get some basic stuff, it gets to the amount where it feels like a waste of money. That all changed last week when Nintendo released a Crimson Red version with a carrying case and a game. Still, hundred-sixty bucks. Saw it at Shoppers. Burnt my optimum points and got 150 bucks off. Who's awesome! Then I got some Toys R Us gift cards from my brother and got Tetris and the New Super Mario Brothers. All is awesome now. I'm quite proud of that purchase. You should be too. I also got a 2GB MP3 player which is shaped like a little stone. I want an iPod but I just can't justify the price of it. *glee*

Nine. Demonology - Guys, keep an eye out for this. Nadia may be possessed. We were driving home and we took a picture of Nadia while she was asleep and she was Elphaba shade of Green. I've been checking in at night to see if she's floating or anything. So far so good. If she starts speaking other languages or you know, proper English, let me know. I've made arrangements for priests and stuff. Kinda pissed off a pasture-guy when I called and asked how much he charges for exorcisms. Fun story on that later.

Ten. I know this is a pain in the ass but I'm cleaning out slash organizing my room and I'm missing like sixty to seventy books/comics/stuff. So, if you have any of my stuff with out, please return it and you can re-borrow it once all my stuff is organized and accounted for. Off the top of my head: Momin, Sarah, Yalnee, Fiona, Sameera. Thanks

Eleven. I need new clothes. Lots of them. More specifically, I've decided my socks need an upgrade. No more boring white sweat socks. If you see something cool and different, feel free to pick it up for me.

I should stop now.

1 - and dog urine, I would assume
2 - it's a fun phrase. feel free to use it. here are a few examples. "What is this ass-munchery" or "This ass-munchery has gone on long enough!"
3 - are you not finding that people are using "blot out the sun" and variations of way to much this year?
4 - Waterloo may in fact be the most boring place on the planet. More boring than sitting in
5 - Comon, that was pretty deep. Not as deep as Arubia's comment way back when, but it's a highlight for this blog.
6 - Someone actually did write that list. It wasn't me.

August 6, 2007

92nd - Does this blog make me look fat?

18-year-old*1 - Name, Quit acting like an asshole.
Sixth - Excuse me?
18-year-old - Quit acting like an asshole, Name. Want me to say it slower?

The blog previous this one was posted on June 14th, 2007, some 55 days ago. We're sorry.

Here's the quick update - It's been up and down. Ups were really great. Downs were really really sucky. It's been for the most part pretty mundy*2. This will basically be an update blog with mini rants along the way. I know update blogs suck and are head-to-brick-wall boring but I'll try to keep things interesting, but most of all, brief. I'll add pictures when I get the chance later tonight. Right now, I don't feel like it. There's a lot of them.

Saima's Married! The wedding was lots of fun. I got sick, which is always a sign of a good wedding. There was a five mile hike involved. None of us were too pleased about it. It should be noted. I was wearing a white dress shirt and a tie during said hike. *3 On the way back, I was too sick to drive and peacefully asleep in the back seat, there was a slight misunderstanding regarding Canada being North or East of Tennessee. We took a more scenic route home. The scenic route we chose took us through, North Carolina, West Virginia and Ohio. Also through a small county called Jonesville, which is a dry county*4. That only extended out trek home by about eight or nine hours. Congratulations to Saima and Rashid.

So, I found out over the past few weeks that my blog makes me seem like a really big asshole. I found this out from Reema who was very surprised to find out that I wasn't completely horrible.
Reema - You're not as mean as I thought you would be.
Sixth - Meaning?
Reema - I read your blog. You seemed like a mean person.
Sixth - Really?
Reema - Yea

HOLY SHIT! Sarah is getting married in less than two months. For some reason, I feel a little nervous about this. I don't know why. Our family has a very strong belief that the last minute is as long as those last forty-two seconds in movies, right before something is timed to blow up and the hero is now putting his plan to disarm the bomb into action. Everything that needs to get done will get done during that time. I'm going to need clothes.

I miss Shiv. This isn't really big news or surprising news but I felt I should mention it. I miss Sushi. Arthur is probably worried sick about us, wondering where the hell we went. I even miss having my ass handed to me in Burnout*5. I am very uncomfortable with how important some people can become.

I got a new camera [Canon SD750]. It's got the exact same specs as the one I originally wanted [Canon SD1000], except it has a bigger screen and no viewfinder, it's just just prettier and double the price. But I got a super good deal on it and it's not something you buy everyday, unless you're Sarah [is that still a sore spot?] so it's okay. Mome said so. I'm not sure it was the best timing though. I've already been asked a bunch of times so I'm making it official. No, you can't have my old camera. I love my old Sony V1. I like it better than this one. I still plan on using my old camera. It's got way better manual options.

Reem's Birthday was on the third of August. There were Wings involved and the Bourne Ultimatum, which was INSANE. My present rocked! thanks to Mome for helping packing that up. I didn't mention a lot of birthdays. I'm sorry. I can't think of any right now.

Movies. I still haven't seen The Simpsons Movie. WTF, mate? Or Shrek the Third, but who cares about that. Transformers was awesome, minus that god damned Mountain Dew robot. I hate you so much Pepsi. You had ruin the two hour Chevy commercial, didn't you? Order of the Phoenix was good. Not great. It was very cool in the IMAX. Last twenty minutes are 3D. I need to finish watching Disturbia. Pirates 3 was disappointing. Such a good start and so many promising side stories for what? A WHIRLPOOL!

NO SPOILER ALERT - Potter Seven, Deathly Hallows was AWESOME! I was so impressed at how she managed to make everything count from all the books and conclude so neatly with almost everything wrapped up. Now for, Ron and Hermione - The College Years.

I was in Edmonton last week for a work thing. It's so clean, and for some reason reminds me of Full House. In a good way. I also went and saw my old house*6 and Jasper Park. I hadn't flown in a while. I had expectations. It's not as cool as I remember it. It's like taking the bus. I didn't get a chance to check out West Edmonton Mall or anything though. Going back to Edmonton tomorrow, then to Winnipeg on Wednesday. Should be back on Friday. Next week, not exactly sure.

Hope this was entertaining. I'll add in pictures later.


*1 The 18-Year-Old in this exchange is generally regarded as the sweet good girl type in the worst of times and yes, I have decided this blog needs foot notes.
*2 Mundy means Mundane. And yes, I have decided this blog needs foot notes.
*3 Advice from Experience. Pumas are pretty and all, they don't grip anything if the intended surface to be gripped grip is even thinking about something wetter than the Sahara or Jonesville.
*4 Now it makes sense huh?
*5 And ONLY Burnout. Possibly Smash Brothers but that game doesn't count on the count of its serious suckage.
*6 FYI, I'm originally from Edmonton.

June 14, 2007

91st - ending on a happy note

Tink says:
hay zaff... u have mccafe?
sixth lie says:
i don't buy coffee from mcdonalds, no why? is it good?
Tink says:
i said... do u have mcafee lol dork was a funny moment, that's all.

Lately, my summer has been sucking something serious. This is for a few reasons. One. All my friends are gone and the ones here are generally unavailable due to new relationships still being in their gross stage or very old moldy relationships in their oh-god-i-wasted-my-good-years-with-you stage and the single ones seem to be trying extra hard to find someone. Whichever way you decide to go, none of it is very comfortable. It's all very hormonal. So, I'm lonely - not in the romantic sense, just in the general sense. I have learnt that most girls my age are relatively insane and not the fun kind. When I find the one that's the right mix of neurosis, insanity, princessery, boyishness, intelligence, maturity/immaturity, flirtiness, girliness, a bunch of other 'iness'es, pyromania, ego, temperament, and looks - I'll get right on that. Yes, looks are important. Whomever says they aren't are lying or have been blind from birth and don't know any better.

So, there was some unpleasantness between me and a good friend of mine. I believe I mentioned this in a previous blog as well. This was weeks ago, mind you. I'm noticing that I'm still not entirely over it. I'm still a wee stand-offish about the whole thing. It's fun how very pallid comment on something managed to upset me to such a point when I'm normally so easy going. Any thoughts?

Remember that episode of Third Rock from the Sun where the bald dude whose name slips my mind gets addicted to the internet? So it's been a week now that I don't have internet at home. - DICK!! - that's his name. I knew that I knew it. How could I forget. I loved that show. Anyway, I feel so socially disconnected, it's sad. Caroline has been keeping me amused online for the past few days. She's good online people. That previous sentence might be the lamest compliment I have ever paid someone.

The BIG Tennessee trip is now exactly one week and a few hours away and the plans still aren't set. Realistically, they're not gonna be set till Thursday afternoon about five minutes before we leave. I'm really looking forward to it. Even though I'm not sure if I'm going to make it on time anymore because I might not be leaving on Thursday as planned because someone named my brother can't give me a straight answer. But hopefully, all will go as planned or not planned but work out alright anyway.

I rate this blog a 4 out of 10.


June 12, 2007

90th - Hell Damn Fart!

Just a quick note before we get started - Guys who piss all over the toilet seat. Just a reminder, you can aim the thing. If you still manage to piss all over everything including yourself, you clearly are undeserving of a penis and should pee sitting down like a bitch.

I had this whole blog worked out and now I can't remember any of it. I just got home. Asmar graduated today! YAY ASMAR! We went to this Dimitri's - a dessert place for those who don't know - and they have the worst service ever. It doesn't help that you know the guy who is your server because then you feel vaguely guilty about leaving a shitty tip and stuff but whatever, shit service.

We had a whole fun discussion about golfing on Fathers Day and whether fathers should be able to go in the morning and gold for a few hours with their buddies - without the kids. Every guy, except Bilu pretty much agreed what a father, on fathers day should be able to do as he pleases. I also would like to add the point, it is not ignoring the kids all day. Tee off at 8am means home by 1pm, latest. Rest of the day for kids stuff. Opinions?

So I bought a whole bunch of shit today because I was bored and then had to very promptly return it because it was just a stupid thing to do. Where the hell are Momin and Shivali when I do these things? Yes, I'm blaming them entirely. They know I have zero ability to exercise any form of self control in front of shiny things. Especially when they're red.

This blog has been pretty pointless. I'm sorry. I really can't remember all the cool stuff I wanted to blog about.


June 3, 2007

89th - the pits

yes, it's written. note - you can click on the pages to make it bigger and therefore more legible.

One tree died in the writing of this blog. Possibly a raccoon - I'm not sure what the hell that bump was.