March 26, 2007

77th - The Armenias

Today's photos are from Caboose's birthday, way back when. This dates back to a little before that blog about the Hillbilly Heaven aka Dance Cave. This photo montage is called "What the hell is wrong with the Armenias"

photo [above] - This is from right to left. Armenia-I-don't-Know, Armenia-Who-Should-Be-More-Careful-Caboose and Glasses. I don't get what the hell they're doing. Do you? Armenias, feel free to fill in any questions that may arise.

photo [right] - This is Caboose at Cafe Mirage. Dessert was damned good. The waiter's are assholes though. They're always trying to rush you. Anyway, this was Day 2 of Caboose's Birthday Festivities. The others are from Day1.

Oh, I also wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes on my birthday last Thursday. The festivities have been postponed to the end of April for various reasons. One of them being, I didn't much feel like celebrating. Plus some other stuff. Since it's going to be way past my birthday, we're dubbing it the "Thank You for Existing Party" Details for that will be emailed out soon. Be free.

Sad Moment - I dropped my Guylians that Mome/Reem/Samar gave me. I was getting stuff out the back seat of my car and the jsut fell and they all fell on the ground. I wanted to cry. They also gave me this wicked cool Vertigo Visions book. Which is awesome!! THANKS! Chocolate you will be mourned and later, if there's time and I haven't already replaced you, avenged.

photo [right] - Right to Left. Caboose, Glasses, Twig. There was bound to be one normal picture. The Armenias give their kids funny names. To be fair, Caboose's dad loved trains. Glasses has got some pretty damn cool glasses and Twig. Well, you get it.

300 WAS FAAKING AWESOME!! Who didn't like that movie? I can't wait to go see it in IMAX. I've been running around yelling random shit! It's fun. Also, kudos to shiv who figured out the weird oracle scene was actually shot under water. Which is a really damn cool idea. If you don't know what I'm talking about, we'll be viewing 300 again sometime soon. IMAX!

So, this morning.
Zaffar - Hell! Damn! Fart! It seems I have locked my keys in the car.
Sixth - You're such an idiot.
Zaffar - Not to worry! I have a spare.
Sixth - Where might that be.
Zaffar - In my wallet...which is in the glove box...fu*k.
Sixth - I take it back, you're brilliant. Nobody would ever think to look in there.
Zaffar - I wasn't hiding it! I have another spare.
Sixth - Is that in the car too?
Zaffar - No, you asshole. It's in my bag.
Sixth - uh-huh.
Zaffar - Which is in my trunk! Fu*ker!
Sixth - I'm not gonna say anything.
Zaffar - Good. I'm calling CAA.
Sixth - Whats the number?
Zaffar - It's on the card, smart ass.
Sixth - And that would be where?
Zaffar - I hate you...
Sixth - No, you dont.
Zaffar - You're right. I hate the CAA.

photo [right] - Dark Alley Figure Skating. This event generally precedes the Getting Raped in a Dark Alley event. Judges?. 7.9!

I like Alice Fazoolie's - However it's spelled. I always thought it was kind of a jankie place, but it's not. It's quite nice and the food was pretty damned good.

Ok - peace out.



Anonymous said...

Fazooli's had GOOD drinks! MMMMMmmm....
I wanna come home...i need dessert!!!

PS: u may wanna spell check ur blog before u post it...

Sarah Q. said...

So I obviously will not be around during your birthday thingamawhatever so good job for planning that out so well. Good job.

And being desi ... dosnt that resturaunt name make you giggle even a little bit? come on! I cant go there just because i cant get over the name. lol

Mr. Horse said...

Your blogs are so random and all over the place.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, are you trying to tell us that you hate armenians?

Anonymous said...

Yes he is. He's a racist bastard. As if you're one to talk about weird pictures mr.-i-have-50-cousin-licking-pictures, not to mention one of humping a van and god knows what else.

SophiaQ said...

Zaffar....that was confusing. Hahaha.

Amber & Saima didn't like 300. I thought it was good. The sex scenes were seriously out of place and unnecessary - oh and the dialogs needed some serious work, but other than that....pretty good.

sixth lie said...

There are TWO pictures of me dry humping that van.

In the immortal words of Ghandi, "I'm sorry but I like my humping Dry."

sixth lie said...

Also, I don't hate the Armenias. That's like hating sheep. You can't hate sheep. They're harmless.

Anonymous said...

and woolly.

Unknown said...

this site would be good for you then: