March 30, 2007

78th - miscellaneous sh!t about me

photo [below] - from my birthday. sadly, this is the only decent picture of me. the rest of them are terrible. homemade cake was delicious.

I decided to share with you guys some useless information about me and my thoughts. Some of it is interesting. Most of it is useless. Enjoy...

These are in no order.

- When I get bored, I like to pretend I have OCD to annoy people in public places.

- My grade 10, 11, and 12 comm tech teacher used to pick me up from home every morning because he got sick of me showing up late or a lot of the times not at all to his morning class.

- I have bigger and nicer boobs than Keira Knightly. She's still hotter than I am though, sometimes.

- I maintain people who buy SUVs unnecessarily are assholes. Furthermore, people who buy Porsches are pricks.

- Escalades and Navigators are more "soccer mom" than "gangster".

- I have trouble pronouncing certain words. Words like Tylenol and Linoleum. There's lots more.

- Even though "Whatevs" is a stupid word, it's still fun to say.

- My one friend to rule all other friends is Shivs.

- Despite efforts from parental units and sister units, I learned to tie my shoe laces in grade eight.

- I was never really afraid of the dark when I was little. However, I was afraid of Ninjas in the dark. They're sneaky bastards.

That's all for now.



Anonymous said...

First to comment - joy. There's no mention of me in this blog (not that it was expected). But now I'm disappointed.

Unknown said...

wow, I thought it was bad when I learned how to tie my shoes at age 9.. embarrassing moment I do not wish to relive. I blame my parents for buying me only cheap velcro shoes until that time.

SophiaQ said...

I vaguely remember you being picked up by your teacher in high school - at least it was an older person, so I guess it was your teacher! Haha.

And people who buy fancy cars are show-offs. There's no need for that. Haha.

Anonymous said...

thanks :)

i want cake...or good apple pie!

Mr. Horse said...

K, that pic from your bday is just weird. It looks like Asma is performing some weird experiment on you. It looks like she's got you in this white, tiled room to monitor your thoughts while you digest a cake. Check it out, you've got a wire attached to your head and everything.

sixth lie said...

we all missed the bit about me actually not being seated in a chair at the moment i was crossing my legs.

Anonymous said...'s comment - so funny and so true.

Anonymous said...

oops im retarded - that last comment was mine.clearly.

Unknown said...

i cant see the piqture! on two diff computers too