April 18, 2007

84th - Mini Rants - Part Two

If the following people could do me a huge favour and choke, that would be just great. If you choke and die, that would be super.

Pink - You're not here for our entertainment. We got it. We figured that out with your first album.

NAACP - Quit speaking for all the coloured people. Half the shit that offends you, none of us care about. You seem to focus way to much on black people. That's showing favoritism! You know who else spoke a lot for coloured people? Slavers.

George Bush - Wait, he already did this once. But he didn't die. Try again.

Fat/Ugly/Whiney/Overly Sensistive People - Fu*k off. Nobody cares about what you're crying about this time. Next time you decided to treat yourself for sticking to your diet for two weeks by eating four Big Macs, do us a favour and choke on one of them.

PETA - Be warned. If I am ever wearing a fur coat and you throw paint on me, my next coat will be a leather coat made of PETA members' skin.

Extremist Feminists - Well, extremist anything. But they're just so annoying. You all need to get together and have a group unbunching of your panties. Afterwards, I'll get you all some flowers and chocolates and all will be better again. Quit blaming us because you're ugly.

Ugly Girls who Guys just seem to Love - It's not because of your great personality. It's because you have low self esteem and that causes you to put out a lot. Stop thinking you're great. You're just a whore. As Turk once said, "We're all God's children in the dark."

People who wear Sunglasses to Clubs - Really? It's already dark enough. You just look like a douche bag.

Yes, I feel like getting my Hate on today. Sue me.



Anonymous said...

'kayyyy....since u mini-ranted... my turn! (and u know u cant beat me out at the art of ranting) --> for all of those who get a regular live show of my rants can testify to that!


ONE--> PINK: U're just jealous that that butchy girl can pull off guy clothes better than u can...and she could also prolly pull off those nancy-pants blazers u wear better too. Too bad that the tranny looks better than u...stop hating on her!

TWO-->"fat/ugly/whiney/overly sensitive ppl..OR SABRINAS"??? This one...for that title itself...ure getting smacked in person! If life hasnt been able to discipline u for being an ass..i will! ALSO...fat ppl? Really Mr. saggy chin...u wanna get into this??? *REMOVE THE NAME!!!*

THREE-->PETA: yes they're annoying... but YOU be warned...that if I catch u wearing a fur coat...there wont be any paint throwing... i'll just drown u in that bucket of paint! (going back to that point of stupid ppl choking/drowning)... DONT WEAR FUR!!!

And lastly...do send me the flowers, hun... i'll remember to unbunch my panties and throttle with it!!!

:-D Cheers!

Anonymous said...

*throttle YOU with them...the panties, ie!

had to make that clear! LOL

Mr. Horse said...

If you ever wore a real fur coat I'd kick your ass myself. And I'm really lazy, so you can imagine how mad that would make me.

Anonymous said...

shivs comment about pink - hilarious and so true.
and the bit about extremist feminists - just a bunch of women who need to "unbunch their panties" and they should "quit blaming us for being ugly"..really? feminists are just ugly women with their panties in a bunch. way to keep really outdated and dumb stereotypes alive and kicking!

sixth lie said...

you all seem pretty upset about the fur coat thing. it was an example.