May 6, 2007

88th - Lazy Saturday

I thought I would share pictures from Saturday. It was supposed to be a very well planned "Thank You for existing" day, to be celebrated with my close friends and family, etc. It did turn out to be the most horribly planned event ever with the best execution.

We started out by meeting up at Silvercity to watch Spidey 3. Yes, I get to call him Spidey - we're quite close. It was good. Not awesome. But really good. Fight scenes were insane.

Then we headed over to the park for our BBQ thing. Here are the pictures. There are no pictures of Reema, Samar, Yalnee and Caroline. They came to Spidey but couldn't stick around for the BBQ bit.

picture [above] - Shiv & Sameera's basic picture pose. "Sexy face"

picture [above] - Bilal. The star of our little BBQ. Also, warmest dressed.

picture [above] - Thomas & Flow. Tom has at this point driven for six hours today. Flo's jacket is awesome.
picture [above] - Mome & Shivs. A HUGE special thanks for them for doing pretty much all the work.
picture [above] - Flo, Vin and Shiv. It wasn't my idea to take this picture.

picture [above] - That chicken was delicious.

picture [above] - Sarah and Iqs. Iqs is the uncle.

picture [above] - More Bilal. There are a lot of these.

picture [above] - Bilal and Sameera. Sameera is generally known to eat small children. She liked this one though.

picture [above] - Bilal likes chips. A lot.

picture [above] - Bilal survived this picture.

picture [above] - all that effort of trying to get one decent photo and not turned out. stop MOVING!! WHO THE HELL HIDES BEHIND PLATES!!

picture [above] - posing for ?

picture [above] - i admit it, he's cute.

picture [above] - The Armenias: Natalie and Caboose. They deleted a whole bunch of photos out of my camera.

picture [above] - over-exposed.

picture [above] - Caboose's pigtails. That's an awful name for a hair style.

picture [above] - Shivali and her date for the evening, Poker. As Mome would chime in right about now, "I don't even know her"

picture [above] - I love pictures of people eating.

picture [above] - Vins sweatshirt is awesome.

picture [above] - tom looking lonely. Never fear. I'm in this picture too.

picture [above] - Amaan wanted to rent him.

picture [above] - The Armenias look cold.

picture [above] - Honestly, I'm afraid of that poker.

picture [above] - Drama Queening. It wasn't that cold.

picture [above] - Shiv looking "gangster"

picture [above] - Mome blessing the chicken.

picture [above] - Flo's butt is wet. Tom's is asleep.

picture [above] - Still eating.
picture [above] - Shiv and her date go on a romantic walk.

picture [above] - Momin explains the finer points of grilling.

picture [above] - Have you ever noticed that Mome's hats always match his clothes?

picture [above] - Aruba saw Amaan doing something he wasn't supposed to and Amaan tries to look inconspicuous.

picture [above] - Sarah is also cold.

picture [above] - This is familiar.

picture [above] - HUGE glasses are back in fashion.

picture [above] - Okay, I admit. It was a little cold.

picture [above] - Momin is reading the instruction off the grill. Shiv is threatening to stab me. The other two are saying they'll deny anything happened.

picture [above] - We've moved to Tims. Flo looks relieved or constipated. Not sure which.
picture [above] - So I met Aruba for the first time and she hugged me upon meeting me and I felt like the Grinch when she did it. I don't know why.

picture [above] - This is right after me and him had a very engrossing discussion about why the Silver Surfer is whiny pansy.

picture [above] - Enough already. I'm tired and I'm out of comments to make on each photo. This is harder than you think.

picture [above] - Amaan is taking photos of himself. First sign of Narcissism.

picture [above] - Shiv pretends to have shame. She doesn't. PUNK, WHAT! Too far away to stab me now, aren't ya?

picture [above] - More of these two.

picture [above] - have to say it. Lunch Box.

picture [above] - GARBAGE!!

picture [above] - Amaan would make a great serial killer slash canibal.

picture [above] - Yours truly, Shivs, Aruba and Amaan. I'm standing on one leg right now.

picture [above] - We're about to leave my house. Aruba is late and lives far away and Shiv asks my sister to take pictures. We're so brown. Yes, even Caboose.

So at this point, I feel the need to mention creepy Asian man who checked out EVERYONE in the group and then seemed to decide I was his favorite. I'm flattered but still.

We were all so stupid tired by the end of the night but it was so much fun. Next year, this may be better organized. Maybe.



Mr. Horse said...

So first I don't even get invited to this shindig and then you msn me to tell me to look at your new blog post with pics from the event? Rubbing my nose in it much? :P I'm kidding! Don't feel bad.

You need to add in there - Please note there are no pictures of Sunita because she wasn't invited to this event, and then when she finally found out about it she didn't have a car and then when she got her car was just too lazy to venture outdoors.

Anonymous said...

You got your haircut! and it's a fo-hawk! i bet the $7.00 haircutting lady could have done that. i bet I could have done that. if only you had more trust in me!


Anonymous said...


im here...i miss u all now. Saturday was sooo much fun. T'was awesome. I look chubby in my pics... it's prolly to match ur chubbiness....i think i did that subconsciously so that u wouldnt feel left out! HAHA...fatty!!!

i miss u :(

asmi said...

wow, amaan is a real person. i was starting to think he was an imaginary friend of yours.

looks like you all had fun! sorry i couldn't be there..:S

Unknown said...

my neice and nephew want me to babysit them again bc they think everytime i do there will be a bbq at a park involved

Anonymous said...

chicken was great, child was adorable, the whole day was fun but MY GOD IT WAS COLD!! and you were being so mean about it too, even after I show you my bloodless white hands which were at the risk of gangrene, you didn't seem too concerned! thank god for tims. lets do this again - in JULY.