September 22, 2007

95th - Keeping it light...

These are my new shoes. Well, actually, I'm still waiting on them. They had to be ordered from another store that I was feeling too lazy to drive to. I like them. The red is more of a shiny ruby red.

Also, I wanted to mention. Haider had an awesome idea yesterday. When I get back, which should be by this Friday, so six more days. we should have a seri-gathering. I'll be sending out an email about that later today most likely.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the shoes- yes very pretty.
why is there any sort of linkage to my sad remains of a blog?? its not going to happen- i'm done with it. too lazy, and i waste too much time anyways these days wth... jeez... i wish i knew. right.

remove link!
