October 18, 2007

98th - the i'm-a-complete-crap-flinging-monkey contest is over

To the free people's of Sixth O'Clock

Has anyone else noticed that people around my age have this really stupid habit of posting pictures of their speedometers at really stupid speeds?

The sad part is you never hear about any of these idiots dying. So I decided to once and for all put an end to this content. I win. Stop trying.

If that's not enough to get you to pack it in, there's more.

I think it's pretty clear, I win. So stop. You just look like a jackass when you post pictures of speedometer going 180 [especially when that's the top speed of the car] so stop. Also, I'm sure your parents don't appreciate you doing that to their car.

Now that we can put that unpleasantness behind us. Today is the start of Sarah and Iqbal Jaan G's wedding. WHOOO WEDDINGS! Last night, we got yelled at by Amina, then Sarah, then Amina, the Mansoor bum rushed me, then Amina yelled at the both of us and then Sarah yelled at me for telling a story about my cross dressing friend while she was nazi teaching. So all in all, we're pretty excited. I still don't have any of the clothes and stuff ready. So, we're pretty on par with all previous weddings. You think we'd be more on the ball with this sorta thing.

SOCK PARTY is upcoming.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you BETTER not have gone that fast.
if u did... ohh...im gonna hurt u!