October 11, 2007

97th - sleepings babies

I had a vague moral debate about this. SORTA.

Turn up your speakers. Trust me, it's worth it.

First off, we have baby Jibba the Hutt taking a nap after a long stretch of playing while being sick. Take a listen. I know it's adorable but focus on the snoring part please.

Now we have baby Mansoor sleeping after a long day and night or playing. I'm not sure if he was sick.

That is all for this blog.

It's okay to miss me. Everyone does. Try not to miss me too much though. Screw that. Miss me like you'd miss oxygen.



Anonymous said...

That's adorable and mildly disturbing. Isn't your cousin married? Is the wife hard of hearing or do they have their own rooms? Watch your back. I see revenge coming.

Mr. Horse said...

lol...I'm sure Mansoor will love the fact that you have this up here. Does he know yet? Can I tell him?!?! :D

Anonymous said...

ohhh man!!!!
invest in kevlar and bullet/bomb proof transportation!!!

and yes....jibby is a cutie!!!

SophiaQ said...

Now call me slow, but fill me in. WHERE are you? And WHAT are you doing there? Haha.