June 2, 2008

112th - Not to Blog

In what scientists are calling, "Pretty Gay", it's been discovered that blogging makes me sad. DISCLAIMER. We're about to talk about feelings. Yes, my blog is light hearted and entertaining and on a whole different level of awesome than lesser blogs. However, behind the scenes, there are a ton of blogs I write that I don't post because they tend to get more serious or personal or you know, about various bodily functions and fluids. This is why I sometimes don't blog for weeks at a time because all the stuff I deleted out of the post is now stuck in my head.

I've recently been accused of speaking with a tone of 'know-it-all'-ism. Apparently, I have a tone when I speak. Is there any truth to this? This saddens me. I'd like to think I give off a vague humble and shy sort of projection...what? No takers?

Two [Three now] days ago, I had a Total Perspective Moment. It was kind of strange and made me feel at the brink of anxiety attack and then i threw up [food poisoning, not anxiety] and then it was over and I felt awesome. It wasn't so much the world telling me I'm awesome it put things into, you guess it, total perspective. It was a good think. I feel motivated and my mind feels clearer than it has in months and I'm feeling happier than I have in a whiles now. I don't think that's the point of perspective moments.

This is a rather picture-less and uneventful blog - I know. I apologize. This was just to let you know, I'm alive and relatively well. More well than I have been in a while now. I shall be blogging properly later this week, possibly after watching the Evil Dead musical this Friday.

Bye, for now.



Anonymous said...

Your existence persists.

Sarah Q. said...

wow ur post is so much more upbeat than mine lol

Anonymous said...

That was even worse than Sarah bajo's "about nothing" blogging...Good job Zaffar bhai!!

Anonymous said...


refuse to acknowledge the existence of this one.

Anonymous said...

Just so it's known, turns out I'm not the only anonymous around here... But I do claim the position of #1!!!