July 29, 2008

117th - Yes, Momin, I'm a girl. The Shopping Bitch

Does anyone really give a flying ducky how long a clothing company has been in business. It does not improve the quality of your clothes, the style of your clothes is whatever every other store is selling and you look like a pretentious asshole for printing 1996 on all your t-shirts. None of us care that you've been in business six months or since sixteen-fucking-ten. Kudos, if you have been business since 1610, it still does not mean I'm more likely to buy your clothes over the dude who starts in 1996.

What the hell is wrong with the people at Hollister? Have some pride in your work. You don't have to make the store so damn dark that we can't see what we bought until it's been paid for and brought out of the store where people stand just a few feet away from the exit to see what they bought. Is it because you don't think I'm willing to walk right back in and return it once I realize the rip along the left side of my pants makes me look homeless as opposed to cool?

If I buy a pair of jeans for a hundred bucks and then buy the exact same cut of pants from the exact same store at the exact same time in a different colour wash, would it not be safe to assume that it's the same price or at least in the same price range? Then how the hell did guess charge me a hundred bucks for one pair of jeans and then 200 for the second pair in the exact colour. Usually clothing stores offer a discount for the second pair, not the other way around. When I went to return said pants, I was informed that the two hundred dollar monstrocities are "green" jeans, which roughly translated means made out of old jeans. Now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but: 1-EEWWW 2-Shouldn't they be cheaper? 3-Since when are cotton, wool and polyster bad for the environment? 4-EEEWWWW.

Now to man this up a little. Why is every employee at Best Buy a friggin idiot? If you claim to work in the cameras department why would you try to convince me that a Canon SLR camera is not as good as a Canon point and shoot camera? Idiots. This is why you shop at places that are on commision. At least they make a point to have actual product knowledge.


p.s. quick and easy. like your MOM!

July 15, 2008

116th - Big Boy Pants

I had my Blond Moment of the Day pretty early today. I was shaking my Star Bucks Frappacino [Shaking it well, I might add], when I realized my swing was a little wild and geographically too close to my face. Right after this realization, I hit myself in the face with the bottle. I think there's going to be a bruise.

Technically, I first sold out when I bought the iPhone a few months ago. Now I've officially sold out by buying an iPod. I wanted like a 40gb one but those don't exist anymore so instead now I have 80GBs in which to store my MASSIVE digital music collection [which is now somewhere near fifteen entire giga-bytes]. In conclusion, you win Steve Jobs. You're a bad person. I would like some explanation to one thing though. I like the new non-shiny and non-gross front side, which isn't as prone to finger prints but why is it that after six generations of iPods, Apple still doesn't realize that nobody likes the damn chrome on that back. My iPod is less than three days old [most of that time was spent in it's box and sitting on my table since I didn't get a chance to really play with it] and the back of it looks like I sandpapered it. Only people like Judy could keep this thing looking new. For those of you who don't know Judy, she is among those people who leave the protective stickers on their electronics years after they've been outdated.

A few days later - It's the following week to be exact that I'm now continueing this. You'll be glad to know, I got a very minor bruise which is now gone. *glee*

NOT A SPOILER - Holy cRAP! Dark Knight was INSANE! I think everyone I know has seen it by now except for Ani [who sucks], Judy [who has no sense of urgency] and Shiv [who lives in one of the richest areas of the world but still aren't important enough to get good movies on time] and Anoop [same reason as Shiv]. Me, Momes and Amaan went to go see the midnight show. We showed up at around 9pm and were like 50th in line. Amaan wanted to come at like 11. Once we got seated and were waiting, I hear this, "So, I can't beleive that Red Bull isn't red!". It's also not made of Bulls but that seemed of little concern to you, did it?!?! I was pretty sure my ears were going to start bleeding.

Now for serious talk. If you don't care about the inner workings of my life, feel free to skip this paragraph. One: I'm getting the distinct feeling that I'm being ex-ed out by certain people. I don't really care all that much because it makes any potential exodus I may make much easier but I'm failing to see a reasoning for it, which is what concerned me. Am I being ex-ed out on a set of false assumptions or have I done something to offend that I am unaware of. I've never been subject of such a bitch-move before. Two: I haven't been sleeping well these past few weeks. I can't come up with any reasoning for this. My sleep habits had been getting gradually better. I was also informed that my "Weird Factor" as it's elegantly called by Nomi, could be directly related to my sleep patterns. Now this brings up a whole new line of questioning. If my sleep patterns change, will my personality change. Will I like the new me I'll become without much choice or do I chose to continue as I am in hopes of retaining who I am. What to do? And so on and so forth. Three. As many of you know, I've had a theory these past few months that has been harping at me for some time. I have a feeling we're going to find out that I'm not just imagining it in the next few months. Now, moving along.

Sunday morning, I had the distinct impression that someone had killed me during my brief sleep. I woke up to find that I couldn't feel most of my body and then went on to discover that my head was turned 100ish degrees. I didn't know my head could do that. It hurt. It still hurts.

It occurred to me this weekend, I never threw my Socks Party or my Challenge Day or did the Qlympics thing or use my Wonderland Season Pass even once [I haven't even gotten the ID made. Maybe I should just sell it off, no?]. I'm depressed now. I'm going to go get an everything bagel with garlic cream cheese and a Vanilla parfait.

Be good.


p.s. If you have any of my books/comics/movies/clothes/etc, I'd like them back please.

July 7, 2008

115th - The sleeping

I returned from a week in Tennessee. It was loads of fun. There are a ton of pictures. However, my camera went in my bag and pretty much stayed there for most of the trip minus three occasions, all of which were while driving. I thought I'd share some of those with you.

photo [below] - this is about three hours into our drive to Tennessee. Asmar [sleeping] drove the first part of the 12ish hour drive.

photo [below] - Junaid hit this position as we were backing out of the driveway. He didn't change position for hours.
photo [below] - a little while later.
photo [below] - eventually, the other two got tired too.
photo [below] - Revenge is sweet.
For some reason there are no photos of me sleeping or Haider sleeping or Momin sleeping. There's no good reason for this. Momin's got a good reason because he was awake for all of it, but I know I was asleep in an awkward position in the front seat. My neck keeps reminding me. ust nobody thought to take any photos of it. Teehee.

Had a couple pretty messed up dreams - the contents are unimportant but one of them ended in me running back to my car saying, "Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit..."

In the past week, I've eaten so much junk, it's insane. I solemly swear that from this day on, for the next few weeks at least, not to eat at McDonalds. No part of my body is thrilled about that. But yea, so much junk. Ooo, also, there's a sub place named Charley's which was realy good. Pity, I only got to eat there once, but that was good eating - Hey, I just found more photos on my phone. Let's see if any are worth posting. . . there are some photos in there worth posting but now I'm feeling lazy. So, that'll happen some other time.
