July 29, 2008

117th - Yes, Momin, I'm a girl. The Shopping Bitch

Does anyone really give a flying ducky how long a clothing company has been in business. It does not improve the quality of your clothes, the style of your clothes is whatever every other store is selling and you look like a pretentious asshole for printing 1996 on all your t-shirts. None of us care that you've been in business six months or since sixteen-fucking-ten. Kudos, if you have been business since 1610, it still does not mean I'm more likely to buy your clothes over the dude who starts in 1996.

What the hell is wrong with the people at Hollister? Have some pride in your work. You don't have to make the store so damn dark that we can't see what we bought until it's been paid for and brought out of the store where people stand just a few feet away from the exit to see what they bought. Is it because you don't think I'm willing to walk right back in and return it once I realize the rip along the left side of my pants makes me look homeless as opposed to cool?

If I buy a pair of jeans for a hundred bucks and then buy the exact same cut of pants from the exact same store at the exact same time in a different colour wash, would it not be safe to assume that it's the same price or at least in the same price range? Then how the hell did guess charge me a hundred bucks for one pair of jeans and then 200 for the second pair in the exact colour. Usually clothing stores offer a discount for the second pair, not the other way around. When I went to return said pants, I was informed that the two hundred dollar monstrocities are "green" jeans, which roughly translated means made out of old jeans. Now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but: 1-EEWWW 2-Shouldn't they be cheaper? 3-Since when are cotton, wool and polyster bad for the environment? 4-EEEWWWW.

Now to man this up a little. Why is every employee at Best Buy a friggin idiot? If you claim to work in the cameras department why would you try to convince me that a Canon SLR camera is not as good as a Canon point and shoot camera? Idiots. This is why you shop at places that are on commision. At least they make a point to have actual product knowledge.


p.s. quick and easy. like your MOM!


Anonymous said...

The rest of your entry bored me. I sorta jumped to the last paragraph. OMG YES to that! But a lot of those commission place people are idiots too - yes I mean you, you Futureshop idiots!!

Anonymous said...

did u just rant about clothing stores on ur blog??

did u just MAKE me come here and read this??


I want those two minutes of my life back! gimme!!!

Mr. Horse said...

If you really wanted to demonstrate how like a girl you are you should've posted certain things you occassionally say, such as, "I feel pretty today." And yes, you have said that to me before, a few times actually.

sixth lie said...

I have never said, "I feel pretty today." I have admittedly said, "I look pretty today." and I have no problem with admitting that. By the by, I do look pretty today.

Get your eye sight and hearing checked grandma!

Mr. Horse said...

You did too say "I FEEL pretty today" and then you went on to say you had to get dressed and weren't sure if you should just dress casually or dress up to match your pretty feelings. So there!