August 11, 2008

118th - $3.98

I got bored and counted. I have thirty-seven dollars and forty-five cents in my car ash tray, half of which is not toonies and loonies. I do believe this calls for a Tim Hortons run.

A lot of people know this about me, but I'm going to mention my habit of giving cashiers arbitrary amounts of change with bills to make the whole process more confusing. This works especially well when you hang them the bills first and then hand them the coins right after they've punched in the amount of the bills. Then they try to figure it out themselves. If you're daring, while they're working that out, say, "Oh, sorry. I messed that up." and hand them a nickel with two additional pennies. Sevens confuse people.

Feeling much better now that a Tim Hortons run has been made and as I sit here snacking on my delicious Vanilla Parfait, I'm thinking to myself that Mome and Shivs can suck it. Shiv because there is no Tim Hortons where she comes from and Momin because he makes fun of me about liking Vanilla Parfaits. They're delicious. Deal with it. Oh, I also got a plain bagel, half toasted with herd and garlic cream cheese.

Lately, I've been getting the feeling everyone is a little down about something. Currently, I am feeling pukey and the left side of my abdomen hurts. Also, strange Taste of Danforth food causes diarrhea. Put all these together and you have the recipe for a not-all-that-happy camper. Others are perhaps going through more meaningful bouts of depression or are just gassy. It really makes people all sad and pissy. But yeah, I've been noticing it. Everyone is a little down about something or another. Except for Momin who was over joyed at the explosion yesterday morning at Keele & Wilson.

On a brighter note, tonight is a Batman Begins night! Mostly since my sister, Hadia - Who you may remember from such events as: The birth of Bigby, The Levis Incident and How to be Unreasonably late to your own Birthday party in your own house while at Home - hasn't seen it. Which is in turn thwarting my attempts to go see Dark Knight for the fifth time since it has been decreed my next viewing will be with her. By the by, if you guys haven't already, go check out Gotham Knight. Think Animatrix but for Batman. It's not great, especially compared to Batman Begins and Dark Knight but it'll fill that craving for more Batman. Plus the animations are at the very least respectable.

Side note, a dollar goes to whomever figured out the what $3.98 in the title is about.

Is it wrong to setup a friend for something you're pretty sure they're going to pissed off about when they find out but it promises to be THIS much fun. I mean, sure, this much fun is a given in any situation but the potential of THIS much fun is very attractive. I'm kind of fence sitting on this one, even though I'm fairly sure I'm going to go ahead and do it anyway. I hate these stupid moral obstacles that come up, especially since we all know I deal in temptation and I can't fight my own creeds. Damnit, MAN!!

This came up in conversation the other day. This might come out a little jumbled since I'm barely sure of what the hell I'm trying to say here. If I'm up to something I know to be stupid, but I want some company along the road, is there some sort of moral issue in convincing others to join me since I am doing it with them and not just sending them off to face the stupidity themselves? Do they have the right to be pissed at me if stupidity I had foreseen ensues and someone gets their boot eaten by a shark? Do I have some sort of responsibility towards these people even though I never assumed a leading position, just a suggesting one? - You know, after fifteen tries at making that clear, that's the best I could do. Hope it makes sense.

ADD IN!! I was just speaking to Momes and I figured it out. That whole two paragraphs of garble is boiled down to: Am I responsible for the stupid things people do because I may have possibly suggested them?

Be good.


p.s. I'm pretty sure that second-last paragraph made no sense to anybody. It was more for me than anything else. Peace, bitches.


Sarah Q. said...

um.... yah... i got nothing. Thanks for the update though. Blog on my friend. Blog on. lol.

Anonymous said...

short answer yes. long answer ask me in person. the word verification for this comment is sooo close to fraud: "faurd".

Anonymous said...

i would just like to make a point regarding your recent obsession with vanilla parfait - remember that day i introduced u to it? and u were like 'ew healthy food.' and then when u first tried it u were like 'ew its gross'. and now u love it and it's delicious? ur a freak.