February 10, 2009

148th - Hairy gifts sleep better.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been considering getting a hair cut. Not so much because I want to but more to do with the time it takes to keep my hair untidy. Jesus Hell, it takes more effort than I care to admit to keep it from being all smooth and shiny. A look I am not particularly fond of. Plus keeping it all messy annoys the bejezus [the auto-correct suggests "blue jeans" for this word] out of my mother.

My dad got his hair cut a couple of days ago. So did my brother. So, now we arrive at the question. Should I get a haircut this weekend or should I wait it out a bit so I don't seem like I'm bandwagon-ing? I posted a picture of my hair, as it is.

picture [above] - posted solely because Iq keeps telling me that I don't post enough photos.

Also, my favorite quote has started cropping up. "You're not getting a birthday present because you're too hard to shop for." As every here, for people who wish to get me things but are stuck. Here is a list of things I like.

Top of the list:
Money for my new (and old) Cameras. [Demanding money is clearly more of a family thing. Also, Shiv. Shush]

The Bro Code
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Swamp Thing Volumes 2 and onward
Super Human Resources

I like ties and shoes and shirts.

35mm Infra Red Film
Street Fighter 4 for my 360

There you have it. A list of things I want.

Lastly, I'm researching. So tell me, what is your bedtime routine. If it's going to change our relationship in any way, then don't tell me, but otherwise, I'd like to know. I need to change my sleeping habits and I think changing my getting read for sleep process may be some help.

And yes, I am still sleeping on my floor. Although, my moms has added another comforter to my room's arsenal and I've never been more comfortable.



Anonymous said...

The hair stays.

Ooh, extra comforter. I sleep with 4 blankets (yes, I'm that cold), it's very comfy as well.

the word verification for this comment is: refilea

Reema said...

I have a freind that doesn't use blankets. She uses layers of sheets instead. 10 or so of them...
Also you look small. I know I've said this before, but everytime I look at you, you scream small. Therefore, I repeat, you look small.

Unknown said...

another comforter on top or for you to sleep on top of? i prefer sleepin on semi comfy carpet... sounds uncomfortable but its the best. sleepin on a bed after that actually messes up your back.

thanks for putting up a pic

word verifiqation: musiress

sixth lie said...

Reema, I'm just curious but what kind of gigantic bulky menacing sort of mass did you expect when you first heard of me?

also, its a top down photo. you're supposed to look small.

sixth lie said...

also, thanks everyone for not putting down the bedtime routine. i appreciate it. way to help a guy out. assholes.

Anonymous said...

How did i miss this blog?
Ure getting faster at blogging. Awesome.

So it's that time of the year again when u start demanding gifts, eh?
My birthday is in 3 days! what do i get, fatman?? :-P

From you...i would like...
A visit to Abu Dhabi!! (I'm sad without you around! VISIT ME NOW!!!)
And maybe a creme caramel :-)

why are you still gunning for the camera? or is that just a ruse to aggregate funds for your drug habit??