February 19, 2009

149th - 880

My mom has the idea that everyone who enters the house is an untrained puppy. This is why there are always news papers spread out around the front part of the house if there's snow or rain or slight damp or clouds or suspiciously sweaty person walks by. The point of sharing this little tidbit was as follows. I came home a few days ago. Tripping on the puppy-proofing, I notice this.

photo [below] - Shiv has been busy. Look at all those SOLD stamps.
Yes, it was all glowing and impressive looking. It was a sign. It made me sad. I miss Shiv. So I called her the next morning. That creepy Vincent Price sounding operator woman gladly took all my calls and informed me, the person I'm trying to contact is unavailable. I hate that woman. She always get in the way of things.

This is kind of interesting. I have a bunch of friends who have absolutely nothing in common. I mean nothing. With perhaps the exception that they share a species and a gender. Two shining examples are Judy and Caboose. Until now, not counting the species and gender bit, they had one thing in common: they both are relatively blind without glasses. Judy being the slightly blinder one. There was a point I was arriving at, however, I am watching Firefly alongside and I've forgotten it. I think it was something I've discovered that they have in common. Oh well. Here are some photos from earlier this week.

photo [below] - This is how Canon's colour accent mode is supposed to work.
photo [below] - It does not work this way for me. I look like I have a terrible disease. Note that it still works fine on her.
photo [below] -It also makes me look like one of the injured guys from the Afro Samurai game. This is how you wold feel on the seventh day. I need a haircut. Badly.photo [below] - This is out food. Mousse and waffles. My tea was damned good.

Firefly is a really entertaining show. Sucks it didn't last very long. Engine Room Mechanic Girl is oddly cute. Yes, that comment was thrown in there to buffer between the two days of hanging out. Anyhow, later on, we went for wings because Ghaz is in town and he likes them wings.

photo [below] - Guess which one of them was ready for this picture and which one was overly excited about his wings.
photo [below] - I really need a haircut.
photo [below] - It turns out I don't trust Rosie, whereas she prefers not to acknowledge that I exist.

So, we learned somethign new while gorging ourselves on too many wings. Did you know Chinese people calls us cha, which means forks. I guess it's better than what we call them, which is Chaptas which means "flat". Australians call us Curries which I think is much worse.

Oh, I've remembered. Judy and Caboose have a camera in common. The Canon SD880. Caboose owns it and Judy was interested. The one with the wide angle lens. It must be said, I don't like it much. The zoom is so damn finikey, it can drive you up the wall. You toggle the zoom and nothing happens so you end up holding it, then it it zooms into mars before you can stop it. Otherwise, it's decent. It's not all bad. Image quality is good, its small, options are decent minus that there is very very limited manual. Yes, I am just saying good things about the camera so I don't seem entirely negative. I don't hate that camera. It's a good camera but that zoom in enough for me to prefer to not own one.

And now since I am posting photos randomly, here are some photos Caboose took while messing around with her camera. Why is everyone on a photo frenzy lately? Explanations?

photo [below] - It's a chocolate heart. I don't think I can hold it that long to snap a pic. I'd just eat it.
photo [below] - Here is a flower. I am told it's from East Side Mario's. I can't do flower photography. Flowers are so boring. There there's the bees.
That's enough, I think. Oh, also, bloggers: YOU ALL SUCK. Especially caboose. Well, mostly Caboose. But the rest of you too. Horse does not suck. Iq is sucking less as of yesterday. Peace out, bhat pohs!



Anonymous said...



You should call Shiv!
Better still, you should pick up when Shiv calls!

Miss u, dude!

Anonymous said...

My recent camera playing was b/c I had an 880 to play with and test. I don't want it anymore. No point, I can borrow the one I had any time I want. But I also discovered the annoying zoom thingy and was quite thrown off by it. You should've *heard* the zoom tho, holy loud for a tiny camera!

I wants the Leica. We wants it. *cries* Why must it be so expensive...

This comment brought to you by: dentstr

Unknown said...

glad i sucked less just in time (that sounds so wrong)

word verifiqation: hyban

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love how Iq has caught on to my word verification ending. I got a real word!

This comment brought to you by: laters

(Yes, laters! haha)

Sarah Q. said...

lol whos hand is that ??

sixth lie said...

That is the hand of Caboose. Or she hired a hand model.


Mr. Horse said...

Yay! Horse does not suck! :P