February 23, 2009

150th - Musical Me

Before I start, I do not have any gas issues and this blog has nothing to do with my butt in any way, shape or form. Although my bum does have great shape and form. Alright, no more bums talk.

I failed music in grade eight. I managed a twenty-eight percent. That was only because I could read music fairly well. I don't think I can any more. I'm sure it's not too hard to pick up again. I even got called for an after class talk with the teacher in which she explained my predicament [failing] and offered me after school help. I declined and explained politely, that it's really something I could not care less about. I have no musical aspirations.

On that note, Mome and Ghaz got me a harmonica!! I'm fairly excited about this considering in the past I have shown absolutely no interest or talents in music as exampled by the mini-story you just read not thirty seconds ago. I spent about forty minutes in traffic messing about with it. Nothing like being all alone in your car, tooting away, passers by looking at you like you've lost more than just you marbles.

Also, continuing on the musical path, I decided, since I am in need of some new hobbies, I'm going to start fidding with Shiv's guitar that has been stashed away at my house for two years. Maybe I've developed some musical incline since grade eight. That was almost ten years ago.

And now we segue elegantly into . . . Firefly is a great show. Why did it get canceled? What the hell? Bring it back. I'm almost done watching all of it. Okay, there are some minor plot holes in some a few episodes but still. Bring it back. Also, for anyone who is a fan of How I met your Mother: Crazy Eyes is in the show. She's a "Companion". That means exactly what you think it does.

Also, much to my dismay, Street Fighter IV seems to be sold out everywhere I go. It makes us sad.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

harmonica's are awesome. my sister gave me one way back and i still have it. i havent used it in ages but they are very fun

street fighter is sold out?! how is that even possible

wv: rediski